Boise State Fan Here


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Dec 5, 2010
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First, I'm a Boise native now living in Fort Myers. I respect the tradition of Gopher football, and I had the honor last year of dining with Judge Dickson last year, and we talked about the great 1961 team and about Boise State's Coach Petersen. I have nothing but respect for the University of Minnesota, and it has much to commend itself for its facilities, conference affiliation, academics, and quality of life.

Let me explain why you might not be hearing much of anything on the Boise boards (the most active is Over the years, we've heard done deals and private jet rumors that had Coach Pete at Tennessee, Mississippi, West Virginia, UCLA, etc. Coach Pete has always been a straight arrow with the Boise State community, and he has always said he would listen to any overture, but don't take that as a hopeful sign. He's just being respectful as a professional in his field.

Now, Coach Pete may in fact leave Boise State. But you have to know that he has deep ties to the community. He's also seen what has happened to Dirk Koetter and Dan Hawkins, after they left Boise State for greener pastures. He's also making decent bank at Boise State, and his coaching staff is among the best paid west of the Rockies (that's a big deal for him, by the way).
Also, Coach Pete is a west coast guy. He has had one coaching stint, for one year, as the WR coach at Pitt. His entire experience otherwise is in California, Oregon, and Idaho.

The other thing is that Coach Pete is a builder within the Boise community. It's much more than about football for him--again, I can see the allure to Minnesota, and this is why I know you are rationalizing why Pete might prefer Minnesota over Miami. What you don't get in your hopefulness is that Minnesota has to offer Pete enough (and here I am not talking about money) for him to break his ties to a city that he and his family love.

What BSU football is about is Stephen Kinsey. Google his name with "Boise State," and you'll read about what this season really was about for Boise State football. If you get that, then you start to get what Coach Pete is all about.

Good luck to your Golden Gophers.

Go Broncos!

Jojobro, thanks for stopping by and for your objective analysis and insight. I'm sure it gets old for you guys hearing that Petersen is leaving when any job opens up. It's clear he is doing one heck of a job both on and off the field and obviously we'd be jumping over the moon to get him, just as most programs across the country.

Love that you had the opportunity to get to know Judge Dickson. He's one of our great alumni and passionate supporters and evangelists for our program.

Here is Pat Forde's column on the Stephen Kinsey story that was referenced:

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for the post jojobro-

I think most of us Gopher fans needed to hear most of that.

By the way, has anyone seen these reports of a Boise State team meeting today posted anywhere? I know Doogie said ESPN reported it on television, but I haven't seen a credible media source put it in writing anywhere.

Well said and thanks for the thougths. You and others obviously think highly of him and I think most Gopher fans would be thrilled beyond belief to land Petersen. I don't know how U fans could expect anything more from our AD if this were to actually happen.

Thanks for stopping by. You guys must get as tired of having his name linked to every opening as we do about Tubby.

If a miracle happens and we do get him - we'll count ourselves very lucky as he sounds like a real standup man, coach, member of the community.

Team Meeting

The only team meeting I'm aware of today is for the annual football banquet which meets at noon MST. This may be the report you're hearing about.

My intention here is not to burst your bubble. You've been waiting a good while to hear about the hire, and I agree that Minnesota is a great location for the right coach, and Coach Pete somewhat fits the profile of being that right coach for you.

Thanks for the post jojobro-

I think most of us Gopher fans needed to hear most of that.

By the way, has anyone seen these reports of a Boise State team meeting today posted anywhere? I know Doogie said ESPN reported it on television, but I haven't seen a credible media source put it in writing anywhere.

I just re-tweeted what Marcus heard... did not hear anything myself... my co-worker, Chris Long, then talked to someone in Boise, and the word is... the meeting was pre-planned, has to do bowl destination plans and banquet stuff.

Thanks for the insight jojobro. The Gophers coaching search has devolved into throwing names up and seeing what sticks for more than 12 hours. There hasn't been anything but speculation on anyone and I think we are all starting to lose it.

The only team meeting I'm aware of today is for the annual football banquet which meets at noon MST. This may be the report you're hearing about.

My intention here is not to burst your bubble. You've been waiting a good while to hear about the hire, and I agree that Minnesota is a great location for the right coach, and Coach Pete somewhat fits the profile of being that right coach for you.

Pardon the conspiracy here, but they did say 30 hours, which puts the 'deadline' at 10pm tonight. banquet at noon MST, is 2pm here, any idea how long? hour or two? say 2pm MST would be done with it? ample time to get here, in fact there is a plane (non private but small) scheduled to leave Boise at 2:20 MST flying to minneapolis.

Thanks for the info and how you have presented yourself. Very classy and respectful.

As much as I like Peterson and the thought of him being in Gold, it would be awfully hard for him to pull up roots and move to MN over basically money and potential BCS prestige. In a sense, he truly is the type of coach the Gophers need, but he already has the life he likes somewhere else. Doubt the opportunity will be enough to sway him.

Jojobro, I really hope you aren't Maturi trying to soften the blow when you announce that we got somebody way less impressive.

Just Kidding!!! ;)

Thank you for your very professional update from the Boise perspective. Gopher fans have been frustrated for many years and even a small possibility of acquiring a qualiy coach like Petersen gets everyone excited. I have respected the job Petersen has done at Boise for several years and I wish him the best whereever he is coaching next season. In the unlikely event that the Gophers put together a package that interests Petersen there will be true excitement about Gopher football that hasn't been around for years.

Thanks for the message Jojo.

Boise State is a class act -- it's too bad you guys will get put into a lesser bowl this year. The Broncos definitely have top tier talent and coaching and deserve to be on a bigger showcase.

I wouldn't worry. I think its highly unlikely that he will be Minnesota's next coach.

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