

Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Who does tubby blame this loss on? Can we blame a loss to a northwestern team that has regressed all season on injuries or the fact that our team was/is just not that good?

No fire and no leadership. That's why we're getting blown out down the stretch every game. I just don't think you can blame a lot of that on Tubby. A coach can only do so much, the players have to want it late in the game. Not saying Tubby doesn't deserve any blame, I just think it's more on the players right now.

The players are a reflection of the coach!!!!!!! Kentucky dumped him for a reason!!!!!!!!!! We should too

Who does tubby blame this loss on? Can we blame a loss to a northwestern team that has regressed all season on injuries or the fact that our team was/is just not that good?

I am sure Monson is to blame.

I am sure Monson is to blame.

once again the first to bring up monson. despite always ripping people for being first to bring up monson.

hypocrisy is thy name little one.

hilarious. laughable. interesting. nxet.

This team went from looking like one of the best looking Gopher BB teams to one of the worst Gopher teams of recent years. Yes, there were injuries and a transfer but to lose to a REALLY BAD NW you need to beat and have a 10 point lead-there is no excuse. You make maraculli or whatever his name is look like a Big Ten MVP. Gee do you think thompson and shurna weren't going to start launching threes? Does anyone really think this team can win another game this season? Frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The players are a reflection of the coach!!!!!!! Kentucky dumped him for a reason!!!!!!!!!! We should too


Poor decision making = poor coaching
Poor effort = poor coaching
poor execution = poor coaching
Not playing Chip more minutes = poor coaching

No fire and no leadership. That's why we're getting blown out down the stretch every game. I just don't think you can blame a lot of that on Tubby. A coach can only do so much, the players have to want it late in the game. Not saying Tubby doesn't deserve any blame, I just think it's more on the players right now.

Couldn't agree more. I would add it looks like most of this team is afraid to make mistakes which leads to making more mistakes. I don't know if its their lack of confidence in their ability or afraid of the wrath of Tubby.

once again the first to bring up monson. despite always ripping people for being first to bring up monson.

hypocrisy is thy name little one.

hilarious. laughable. interesting. nxet.

What is hilarious and laughable is the team that Tubby has right now. It is also pathetic and sad.

Year 4 nearly complete.

Where, oh where are the "expectations" crowd?

Pulling their Tubby t-shirts out of their mouths, that is where.

We can blame the loss on Tubby's recruiting. In my entire life, I have never seen a team that shoots as badly as this one. If you were to examine any top high school program or small college program in the Twin Cities area you would find more pure shooters than this gopher squad has. We have Blake, and Blake only, and he was not recruited by Tubby. Lawrence Westbrook last year could shoot and a few other recent players could, but none were recruited by Tubby. Tubby seems to think you can develop shooters post high school. YOU CAN'T!!!! You can develop a player defensively if he's athletic, but not shooting. Imagine the difference in this squad if we had 1 tremendous outside shooter--a Bobby Jackson or Voshon Leonard. It would transform them from a team that doesn't belong in the NIT to a legit NCAA team. The only thread of optimism I have for next year is that Andre Hollins supposedly is a natural outside shooter.

WE HAVE NO SHOOTERS! HOW MANY WIDE OPEN SHOTS DID WE BRICK! No guards... to win in college hoops you need guards that can dribble and shoot. So when the Hoff can't shoot we stay in games until the other team warms up, they deny our inside game and allow us to shoot bricks or force balls into double teams, etc... First time I wanted a season to end in a long time.

The only thread of optimism I have for next year is that Andre Hollins supposedly is a natural outside shooter.

Me too. Except that is exactly what I thought we were getting this year with Austin "Air Ball" Hollins as well... :confused:

Hoff cost them big time in the second half. A couple of turnovers and missed shot after missed shot.

Tubby has yet to recruit anybody (at least anybody that is currently on the roster) with any sense of urgency on the offensive end.
Chip is the only player who looks like he has a pulse with under 10 on the shot clock, and for some reason he can't get on the court. Devoe was the other guy who could, and he is long gone.

Tubby has yet to recruit anybody (at least anybody that is currently on the roster) with any sense of urgency on the offensive end.
Chip is the only player who looks like he has a pulse with under 10 on the shot clock, and for some reason he can't get on the court. Devoe was the other guy who could, and he is long gone.

Up to this time Tubby has recruited 4 guys that really wanted to score the ball. Bostick, Carter, Joseph and Armelin. Fans can draw their own conclusions from that list.

WE HAVE NO SHOOTERS! HOW MANY WIDE OPEN SHOTS DID WE BRICK! No guards... to win in college hoops you need guards that can dribble and shoot. So when the Hoff can't shoot we stay in games until the other team warms up, they deny our inside game and allow us to shoot bricks or force balls into double teams, etc... First time I wanted a season to end in a long time.

Not only do we not have shooters - it's dreadfully obvious to the opponent that no one but Hoffarber is even allowed to shoot the outside shot unless it is dire circumstances- late in the shot clock. So they pack it in which effectively damages our inside game. He won't play the one slasher so the end result is zero offensive firepower. Our best play is the put back dunk.

I thought Hollins was supposed to be a good shooter. Early in the year, it looked like he was. Currently, I have never seen a worse shooter. Ever. I can't believe one went in tonight. He is a wrose shooter than Rodney. How is that possible? Hollins has some potential, but his shooting performance is just an insanely massive disappointment. Please just hit the rim; maybe we'll get a rebound...

Up to this time Tubby has recruited 4 guys that really wanted to score the ball. Bostick, Carter, Joseph and Armelin. Fans can draw their own conclusions from that list.

Agreed. Wow.

What about Mbakwe? He didn't come here until we had a real coach (Tubby) to talk to him into being in Minnesota. Face it guys. No one good wanted to stay in the "great" state of Minnesota until Tubby got here. Sorry to have to bring him back up, but Royce White was a must have, who never would have come here if it weren't for Tubby. Quite frankly, Rodney (who is still an NBA prospect) probably wouldn't have come here either. All I ask is that you guys don't forget where we came from before you throw Tubby under the bus due to a season destroyed by a myriad of unforeseen issues.

Tubby needs to take the blame when they lose and give the credit to his players when they win. This team plays scared, tentative, confused, and seems to have no offensive direction. This is Tubby's team and we are basically the same team as when we beat UNC and WV minus nolan and walker. The freshman have had a full year to improve. The players seem to be expecting to lose and have no confidence (this happens when you get pulled from the game whenever you make a mistake). Be a man Tubby, lead by example and take the blame and hold yourself accountable. You complain about a lack of leadership from your players. The fish rots from the head down so look in the mirror.

GophersInIowa;377611[B said:
]No fire and no leadership[/B]. That's why we're getting blown out down the stretch every game. I just don't think you can blame a lot of that on Tubby. A coach can only do so much, the players have to want it late in the game. Not saying Tubby doesn't deserve any blame, I just think it's more on the players right now.

#1-no talent. The states highest paid empoyee has not delivered. To any Gopher Basketball fan this is embarasing.

What about Mbakwe? He didn't come here until we had a real coach (Tubby) to talk to him into being in Minnesota. Face it guys. No one good wanted to stay in the "great" state of Minnesota until Tubby got here. Sorry to have to bring him back up, but Royce White was a must have, who never would have come here if it weren't for Tubby. Quite frankly, Rodney (who is still an NBA prospect) probably wouldn't have come here either. All I ask is that you guys don't forget where we came from before you throw Tubby under the bus due to a season destroyed by a myriad of unforeseen issues.

You are absolutely right. That's why we needed Tubby and that's why we continue to need him. We just need him to get engaged and become the coach he once was. He's done a lousy job this year. That doesn't make him a bad coach- it happens. But next year he needs to come back with something fresh and a lot more fire in his belly. He needs to get to work on finishing next year's squad and to make sure we have the depth, shooters and components to win- even if there are injuries. Next year will tell a lot about him. If he thinks that his systems are still winning systems then he needs ot get the players to execute those systems properly or it's his fault.

You are absolutely right. That's why we needed Tubby and that's why we continue to need him. We just need him to get engaged and become the coach he once was. He's done a lousy job this year. That doesn't make him a bad coach- it happens. But next year he needs to come back with something fresh and a lot more fire in his belly. He needs to get to work on finishing next year's squad and to make sure we have the depth, shooters and components to win- even if there are injuries. Next year will tell a lot about him. If he thinks that his systems are still winning systems then he needs ot get the players to execute those systems properly or it's his fault.

easier said than done. he is 60 years old and what left does he have to prove? maybe he doesn't have the desire any longer or the energy to be engaged?

not saying that is true but from the sound of his post game comments he did not sound surprised by the outcome of the NW game nor did he seem to upset about it. just sounded like a guy that was resigned to the fact that this isn't a very good team.

What about Mbakwe? He didn't come here until we had a real coach (Tubby) to talk to him into being in Minnesota. Face it guys. No one good wanted to stay in the "great" state of Minnesota until Tubby got here. Sorry to have to bring him back up, but Royce White was a must have, who never would have come here if it weren't for Tubby. Quite frankly, Rodney (who is still an NBA prospect) probably wouldn't have come here either. All I ask is that you guys don't forget where we came from before you throw Tubby under the bus due to a season destroyed by a myriad of unforeseen issues.

I am in no way shape or form calling for Tubby's job. If you could give me a promise that we could get a top of the line coach, I wouldn't have a problem with Tubby moving on....the fact that the U of M hasn't been willing to pay in the past and the fact that Maturi comes across as a blundering idiot makes me hope Tubby stays until Tubby retires. I do think that this team will be better next year. I do think that is if this is as bad as a team is under Tubby, I could live with that (This team would have been in the top 60% of Clem haskins' teams (including the illegal ones)).

I am merely pointing out that Tubby has failed to recruit anyone who can score the basketball (or even looks like they want to) that is currently logging minutes. Chip can, but he is on the bench. Joseph could, he is gone. Carter could a little, he is at UIC. Royce White could (allegedly), he is in Ames. Bostick could, he was suspended and then on the bench. Nobody even wants to. I hope the other hollins can.

He also has constantly failed to address the point guard position.

He inherited Al. He recruited a combo in Devoe, recruited a guy who he didn't play and then left in Cobbs, recruited a guy who probably isn't good enough in Mav and now has signed Andre Hollins who is a SG who is trying to become a PG.

Devoe may have been a combo, but he was a PG and the PG of the future once the other Joseph decided not to come. Rolling with Devoe at PG the next 2 seasons wouldn't have been an issue.

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