Bitter End and Hail Minnesota (or not)


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Stayed until the Bitter end.

Outcoached and outhustled today but the season is young. 10 games to go. 1-1.

Not ready to boot the HC yet...BUT...not having the team stay for the Brewster-installed tradition of Hail Minnesota is very questionable.

...If the team can withstand it for losses to the likes of Cal and the Bison as well as the Big 10 games...we should be able to do it for a loss to the Coyotes too. put the Band and cheerleaders in a very awkward THEIR credit they did it without the team. Hat's off to thee...

Maybe it's just me. Anyone else notice or even care?

Go Gophers! Beat the Trojans!

Hey Billd - stayed to the BITTER end as well. Thought we were gonna pull out a win. I noticed that too. However, with the defensive disaster on the field my head was spinning trying to accept what I just saw. Painful day.

I was there as well, and I was very disappointed in the team running into the locker room instead of singing.

Gophers are bunch of losers

Yes I agre they should have stayed on the field and sang along. They are a bunch choir boys who do not desire be allowed int the staduim anymore. Hale to thee Minnesota. Ra

Sorry Billd,

I didn't know you had started this thread when i made my own. Lot of angry traffic today.

I think a public apology is in order by our coaching staff. A genuine apology for such an embarrassment.

I can speak for a lot of the band members when I say we certainly felt slighted that they didn't stick around to sing. Brewster did, players didn't. I think Brewster has a lot to do with them sticking around after most games, but it looked like he got caught up talking to the USD Coach or something, cause he wandered over awhile after the players left to sing. I was disappointed because even after some of the most atrocious performances (55-0 comes to mind) they've had the respect and character to stand there and sing.

That being said, I can understand them not wanting to stay on that field one minute longer. I would've been equally as embarrassed as they were. I'm not saying it's right, I'm not saying they didn't completely disrespect their University by skipping out, but I can understand the mindset of wanting to GTFO.

I sat there for the whole game and then some. I ended up canceling my birthday dinner plans and going straight home afterward. That game took too much out of me.

Does anyone else share the view that it is silly for the team to be forced to sing a song after losing a game?

Does anyone else share the view that it is silly for the team to be forced to sing a song after losing a game?
I want to say yes, but watching Notre Dame sway and cry after being humiliated is one of the purest joys in life.

Does anyone else share the view that it is silly for the team to be forced to sing a song after losing a game?

It's a symbolic gesture. It says "thank you" to the students from the team.

All symbols are silly if you think about them too much. Just think about how random and strange a handshake really is. Or clapping for something you enjoy. Or booing something you don't enjoy. But that doesn't matter because it is a socially constructed and accepted medium for transferring some abstract message or emotion.

I stayed as always till the bitter end. I can't say the same thing for the guy who was yelling at the two guys in front of me to stop yelling at the defense. He bolted pretty early.

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