Birth Place of the Air Raid Is Where?

LaVell Edwards (BYU) -> Hal Mumme (BYU/Kentucky) -> Mike Leach (Kentucky/Oklahoma/Texas Tech)

No, the air raid was born at Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii shortly before 8 AM HST on December 7, 1941.

I thought it was London, September 6, 1940?

That's when the Blitz was introduced to the English. The blitz was invented in September 1939. The Poles didn't have an offensive line that could stop the it and took the loss.

wiki it! The Bombing of Guernica, Spain, (April 26, 1937), an air raid on Spanish civilians, by the German Air Force during the Spanish Civil War

1911 - Italian pilot Lt Giulo Gavoti dropped grenades on Turkish troops below.

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