bigtenchamps1899 gets quoted for post on GH by MinnPost


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Nov 11, 2008
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This link just came over my Google news feed:

In Sports, Goldy Gopher got himself into a bit of hot water before the start of last week's Penn State-Minnesota game, as shown on a YouTube video: PSU defensive end Jerome Hayes paused to pray before the game, and Goldy knelt down opposite him in mock prayer. While the GopherHole board didn't seem to think it was a big deal ("I think he was actually praying," one commenter says), the University has apologized, according to the Associated Press, saying, "the mascot didn't intent to offend anyone or trivialize religion." Semi-professional atheist P.Z. Myers takes issue with this on his blog, saying, "I call shenanigans. He was too trying to trivialize a religious ritual ... and we like him for it."

Go Gophers!!

This link just came over my Google news feed:

In Sports, Goldy Gopher got himself into a bit of hot water before the start of last week's Penn State-Minnesota game, as shown on a YouTube video: PSU defensive end Jerome Hayes paused to pray before the game, and Goldy knelt down opposite him in mock prayer. While the GopherHole board didn't seem to think it was a big deal ("I think he was actually praying," one commenter says), the University has apologized, according to the Associated Press, saying, "the mascot didn't intent to offend anyone or trivialize religion." Semi-professional atheist P.Z. Myers takes issue with this on his blog, saying, "I call shenanigans. He was too trying to trivialize a religious ritual ... and we like him for it."

Go Gophers!!

Sigh. The Myers quote sums up the point of this nonsense. Everyone has chosen to see this through their own lense and pretend to know what the person playing Goldy was thinking/intending. How the f does Myers or the idiot fan commenting on the incident in the YouTube video have any idea what was intended? They don't.

I realize that no one knows what Goldy was thinking but here is what I saw when I watched the video. Goldy is in the corner of the endzone and a player approaches him. GOLDY THEN TURNS AWAY AS THE PLAYER MAKES THE SIGN OF THE CROSS!!! When Goldy turns back, the player is kneeling with his hand over his eyes.

In my opinion, Goldy did not realize that this player was praying. The only religious gesture he made was making the sign of the cross, and Goldy clearly didn't see that. Maybe kneeling with your hand over your eyes is a traditional prayer method in some circles (and I am not knocking it by any means, to each his own) but personally I am more familiar with a prayer being associated with some form of clasp hands.

Maybe somebody else has mentioned this on some other posts (I haven't been following this too closely), but I don't see how the press doesn't mention that Goldy (who's vision is already obstructed by the mask) turned away when the player made the sign of the cross. All Goldy actually saw was a player kneeling with his hands over his eyes.

I believe that this was an innocent mistake, and I'm sure the person playing Goldy feels terrible. Also, I have no inside information on anything, this is just my two cents.

PZ Meyers is just being antagonistic. That's his schtick. I had him for a class in undergrad and he would take any chance he could to poke fun at religion/Christianity in particular/people's superstitions. Very intelligent guy, but also a word I'd rather not utter in public.

I realize that no one knows what Goldy was thinking but here is what I saw when I watched the video. Goldy is in the corner of the endzone and a player approaches him. GOLDY THEN TURNS AWAY AS THE PLAYER MAKES THE SIGN OF THE CROSS!!! When Goldy turns back, the player is kneeling with his hand over his eyes.

In my opinion, Goldy did not realize that this player was praying. The only religious gesture he made was making the sign of the cross, and Goldy clearly didn't see that. Maybe kneeling with your hand over your eyes is a traditional prayer method in some circles (and I am not knocking it by any means, to each his own) but personally I am more familiar with a prayer being associated with some form of clasp hands.

Maybe somebody else has mentioned this on some other posts (I haven't been following this too closely), but I don't see how the press doesn't mention that Goldy (who's vision is already obstructed by the mask) turned away when the player made the sign of the cross. All Goldy actually saw was a player kneeling with his hands over his eyes.

I believe that this was an innocent mistake, and I'm sure the person playing Goldy feels terrible. Also, I have no inside information on anything, this is just my two cents.

I am just as big of a Gopher apologist as anyone, FYI.
If you think that Goldy didn't know the player was praying you are just kidding yourself. It was pretty obvious what he was doing. I don't have a problem, personally, with what Goldy did but he(she?) should be more aware of how their actions will be viewed.
I think its probably a good learning lesson.

I am just as big of a Gopher apologist as anyone, FYI.
If you think that Goldy didn't know the player was praying you are just kidding yourself. It was pretty obvious what he was doing. I don't have a problem, personally, with what Goldy did but he(she?) should be more aware of how their actions will be viewed.
I think its probably a good learning lesson.

Perhaps you're right, and I appreciate your point of view. Like I said, that's just something I thought hadn't been pointed out. Personally, I would have a huge problem with Goldy if I believed he intentionally mocked another person's religion.

Personally, I would have a huge problem with Goldy if I believed he intentionally mocked another person's religion.

I would as well. I don't think that Goldy was mocking him. Mock is a little to strong of word, IMO. I just think his imitation wasn't in the best taste.

well, i do fancy myself a commentator, but i feel i have made many more pithy quotes than that. they should look at some of my weber stuff.

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