Big XII South Division: Defense?????


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Nov 20, 2008
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The Big 12 South Division was the strength of the Big 12 this year. Ironically, however, it may be the North Division that will have the conference wins after the bowl season (Nebraska, Kansas, & Missouri). The South Division had the top rankings with explosive offenses, but the defenses also gave up a lot of points during the regular season and continue to do so in the bowls (Holiday Bowl: Oregon State 42 Ok State 31 and the Cotton Bowl: Mississippi 47 Texas Tech 34). It could have been worse in the Cotton Bowl, if not for a second half fumble by the Rebels at the Tech three yard line as the player was going into the end zone.

It's unlikely the South Division will go 0-4 in the bowls, but it is in the realm of possiblity. Texas scores a lot points, but they also gave up 35 points to Oklahoma; 31 to Missouri; 24 to Oklahoma State; and 21 to Baylor. Not exactly dominating on the defensive side of the ball. Does Ohio State shut down the Longhorns? Maybe a better question, does Texas shut down Ohio State's offense?

Oklahoma is a scoring machine, but, again, they also gave up a lot points: 45 to Texas in a losing cause; 31 to Cincinnati; 35 to Kansas State; 28 to Nebraska; 28 to A&M; 21 to Texas Tech; and 41 to Oklahoma State. Obviously some of the games were out of hand when they gave up some of the points to the opposition. Nevertheless, I see the Sooners struggling against Florida. I don't believe they've faced a defense as strong as Florida's and the Gator offense should put up enough points to win the MNC. Will next Thursday's game be a reprise of the Southern Cal-Oklahoma national championship game a few years ago? It may be.

Go Gophers!!

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