Big thank you to Coach Kill, Coach Claeyes, and Kill/Clayes regime

Block M

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
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They got the program back to relevance and did so in the right way. Hard to know how much further the team would have gone had Coach Kill's health not regressed, but I was proud to call them my team for the past few years. They played hard and gave the big boys all they wanted more often then not. Wish both TC and JK only the best.

Hopefully program can take that next hard step....

Watching the OTL on Claeys now. I feel bad for him, he got a raw deal. That being said the program is better for it. Without the success of Kill/Claeys UMN isn't even on Fleck's radar. It's been a fun ride the past few years, but I couldn't be more excited about the future of this program

Watching the OTL on Claeys now. I feel bad for him, he got a raw deal. That being said the program is better for it. Without the success of Kill/Claeys UMN isn't even on Fleck's radar. It's been a fun ride the past few years, but I couldn't be more excited about the future of this program

Hopefully, Fleck will keep the Kill legacy going and more, and also give some credit to Kill and Claeys for clearing the way. I see this new thing in a way as Kill 3.0.

Agreed, big thanks to Kill and Claeys for stabilizing the program. Honest truth is they brought us to a good point but they were not going to take us to the level the UMN should be at. Sorry to anyone who disagrees, but once you move out of the midwest you'll realize what I'm saying is true.

I'm fired a fired up alumnus for the first time in years thanks to this hire. SKI U MAH!!!

Hard to know how much further the team would have gone had Coach Kill's health not regressed
With or without Limegrover? Tracy didn't seem too confident that this program was about to take any sort of additional step with Limegrover.

They a due a big thank you! I'll always be grateful for their efforts here.

We owe a lot to them and their staff. If the team and administration wasn't such a train wreck, you wonder if Kill could have stayed with it. I really hope the program reaches new heights under Fleck. If so, Kill, TC and Co. have their legacy cemented as the group that got the program turned around. A huge thanks to all of them.

We've seen some great, mostly good, and sometimes painful football the last 7 years.

All in all though a pretty good ride.

Thanks Coaches Kill and Claeys. It was fun.

On to the next chapter...Coach Fleck.

I'd hate to quote (try my best) Joel Maturi, but remembering watching his speech to the team
as he's about to announce Coach Kill as the new coach, he said:
"he's left every program in better shape than he found it"
This was an understatement for Coach Kill and Claeys.

Thanks to you both.

They got the program back to relevance and did so in the right way. Hard to know how much further the team would have gone had Coach Kill's health not regressed, but I was proud to call them my team for the past few years. They played hard and gave the big boys all they wanted more often then not. Wish both TC and JK only the best.

Hopefully program can take that next hard step....

I'll second that!!

It would be great to see the program take the next step. I just can't shake the feeling that we just hired a young version of Lou Holtz who will move to greener pastures before we get there.
What Claeys represented was loyalty and the willingness to work for years in one spot to attain success. It was the same trait I recognized in Hayden Frye and Barry Alverez. We just didn't give him a chance to show it. We'll be the worse for it.

They got the program back to relevance and did so in the right way. Hard to know how much further the team would have gone had Coach Kill's health not regressed, but I was proud to call them my team for the past few years. They played hard and gave the big boys all they wanted more often then not. Wish both TC and JK only the best.

Hopefully program can take that next hard step....

Yes, many of us remember when any game against a ranked team meant a 0-49 loss. Kill/Claeys developed tough, physical teams built on defense who could hang with the best (Claeys' 8 losses, for example, against really good teams, some in the Top Ten - we didn't get blown out).

It would be great to see the program take the next step. I just can't shake the feeling that we just hired a young version of Lou Holtz who will move to greener pastures before we get there.
What Claeys represented was loyalty and the willingness to work for years in one spot to attain success. It was the same trait I recognized in Hayden Frye and Barry Alverez. We just didn't give him a chance to show it. We'll be the worse for it.
Inclined to agree with you. If Fleck has early success here, he may be gone. For Kill, and probably Claeys, this was likely the final destination. Alvarez is the perfect example of a talented man sticking to one institution and giving it his all.

I have a feeling Fleck will keep much of the Kill-Claeys coaching staff intact particularly on the defensive side. He'd be an idiot not to.

Inclined to agree with you. If Fleck has early success here, he may be gone. For Kill, and probably Claeys, this was likely the final destination. Alvarez is the perfect example of a talented man sticking to one institution and giving it his all.

Wonder what his buyout is?

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Wonder what his buyout is?

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5+ million next year declining after that Doggie tweeted about it.
Amounts Fleck owes back to the Gophers if he leaves ...

... before 2017 season: $5.5M

... before 2018 season: $4.5M

... before 2019 season: $3.45M

... before 2020 season: $2.35M

... before 2021 season: $1.2M

Agreed, big thanks to Kill and Claeys for stabilizing the program. Honest truth is they brought us to a good point but they were not going to take us to the level the UMN should be at. Sorry to anyone who disagrees, but once you move out of the midwest you'll realize what I'm saying is true.

What a stupid thing to say. What does that have to do with anything?

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