Big Ten West After Week 8


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Oct 8, 2011
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The stage is set for a huge week 9. And while many of the key matchups feature teams in the East, the Iowa/Wisconsin game feels like one that will have massive implications on the West. Could be wrong but my gut right now says we are going to head into that final week showdown with Wisconsin with the winner of the West to be determined by the outcome. But a long way to go. So after week 8 here is my take on where teams stand.

Minnesota - 3-1 - Things seem to be trending in the right direction for this team and the schedule lays out perfectly. Next two weeks are big with very winnable games against Northwestern and Illinois leading to what will likely be a huge showdown with the Hawkeyes.

Iowa - 3-1 - Off this week. They travel to Madison next weekend for a showdown with Wisconsin. May very well prove to be an elimination game in the West for the loser of that one.

Wisconsin - 2-2 - Similar to Iowa in that if you turn the ball over against their defense you are toast. Run game has been better in the past few weeks but still don't trust Mertz in a game where they have to throw. Huge game with Iowa next week.

Contender but on life support
Purdue - 2-2 - They now have losses to Minnesota and Wisconsin and have upcoming games with MSU and OSU as well as a trip to Lincoln. They could still be a factor in the West but the loss to Wisconsin was a big hit to their chances.

If EVERYTHING breaks their way maybe, but let's be real, their done
Illinois - 2-3 - They beat Penn State and ran all over them in the process but all that rushing yardage barely led to any points. Game was really more of an indication that PSU has some major issues than it was Illinois figuring things out. Have shown they can be dangerous if you let them hang in but this is not a good team.

Northwestern - 1-3 - Defense is ok, offense is just terrible. Take away one 75 yard run by Hull and they did next to nothing for the remainder of the game.

Nebraska - 1-4 - I still think this Nebraska team is solid and could play spoiler over the remainder of the season. But in regards to the West title they have no shot.

I am not totally ready to call the Gophers favorites to win the division.....but the opportunity is there if they go out and take it.

I think WI beats IA next week, is that the consensus? I’m also still not sold on this Gophers team. Still don’t think the offense is good enough to win the West.
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I think WI beat IA next week, is that the consensus? I’m also still not sold on this Gophers team. Still don’t think the offense is good enough to win the West.
I think the Gopher offense is good enough, I just wonder if the coaches have the guts to get out of the way and trust it. That said, our defense should be in good shape against everyone left on our schedule, I really can't see any of those teams (Northwestern, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin) scoring a lot of points on us with the way the D is playing.

That means the offense doesn't have to be perfect or overly explosive. They just have to be efficient and protect the football.

I'm like you in being hesitant to call us a favorite, but the schedule really couldn't lay out much better and our defense is playing at a really high level against some good offenses and now they get to face a steady diet of bad ones.

I think WI beat IA next week, is that the consensus? I’m also still not sold on this Gophers team. Still don’t think the offense is good enough to win the West.
I know what you mean but this team has playmakers on offense. Today when CAB and MBS left with injuries (both returned) I was down on their chances to win the west. If the offense opens up like I think it could vs Iowa and Wi, and the OLine continues to win the LOS they are dangerous.

Book it:

The Gopher offensive line will determine who wins the B1G West... and maybe the B1G.

I know what you mean but this team has playmakers on offense. Today when CAB and MBS left with injuries (both returned) I was down on their chances to win the west. If the offense opens up like I think it could vs Iowa and Wi, and the OLine continues to win the LOS they are dangerous.
Mmhmm but a lot of that comes down to which Tanner Morgan shows up: 1st half Nebraska or 2nd half Nebraska?

What will the over/under be for the Ioaw-wisconsin game? Offense will be at a premium in that game.

If the Wisc and Iowa game doesn't end with a 2 to 0 score in some form I will be disappointed.

What will the over/under be for the Ioaw-wisconsin game? Offense will be at a premium in that game.
Funny thing is, it seems like those are the games that end up being higher scoring than it seems like they should be. That or it will be a field goal battle and end up like 9-6. Whatever the under is I would be tempted to take it.

Interesting dynamic between Iowa/Wisconsin/Minnesota.

Minnesota should be in good shape defending the run as Iowa has a really bad OL and the Badgers can't pass. Minnesota doesn't have a good pass D (10th in the B1G) but neither Wisconsin or Iowa throws the ball effectively.

Wisconsin has the 2nd best front 7 in the nation should be able to handle Minnesota's run game and Iowa's run D isn't on Wisconsin's level but still 3rd in the B1G.

Of the 3 Minnesota has the best QB and WR. Wisconsin has the best D & coaching staff. Iowa has the best special teams.

I don't see Iowa beating Wisconsin as their front 7 vs Iowa's OL is a complete mismatch. But Iowa/Minnesota and Minnesota/Wisconsin comes down to who has the least amount of mistakes.

Mmhmm but a lot of that comes down to which Tanner Morgan shows up: 1st half Nebraska or 2nd half Nebraska?

Tanner Morgan hasn't determined the outcome of very many games this season.

The Gopher o-line, Gopher running game and Gopher defense have been far more crucial.

There's a really interesting scenario on the horizon. But if the Gophers don't win the two-week State of Illinois season, it does not matter.

There's a really interesting scenario on the horizon. But if the Gophers don't win the two-week State of Illinois season, it does not matter.
Excuse me sir... we don't do two game season's here.
Today was the Maryland season.
Tomorrow we start looking ahead to the Northwestern season and we hope to go 1-0 in the Northwestern season.

(and if we don't, I'm guess there will be a lot of upset people).

By the way, if you just look at Minnesota vs Iowa or Minnesota vs Wisconsin and how those teams look (and not look at records) Minnesota looks like the better team by eye test.

We just have the stupid loss against BG.

Excuse me sir... we don't do two game season's here.
Today was the Maryland season.
Tomorrow we start looking ahead to the Northwestern season and we hope to go 1-0 in the Northwestern season.

(and if we don't, I'm guess there will be a lot of upset people).
Uh, that'd be The Northwestern Championship Season, if you please.

I think WI beat IA next week, is that the consensus? I’m also still not sold on this Gophers team. Still don’t think the offense is good enough to win the West.
If wisconsin beats Iowa next week, it is possible that a 2 (conference) loss gophers team could win the west.

if Iowa beats wisconsin the gophers could clinch it in Iowa city (maybe)

This chatter makes me nervous. Have to beat NW and IL first. They’re not that bad and won’t be easy wins necessarily.

This chatter makes me nervous. Have to beat NW and IL first. They’re not that bad and won’t be easy wins necessarily.
Nope. That’s true. But this chatter doesn’t matter

Book it:

The Gopher offensive line will determine who wins the B1G West... and maybe the B1G.
I agree with RememberMurray...again. November. Cold weather. Run teams have an advantage, and if you have a road grader OL and they're healthy.... Also, our D is very good against the run. That can't hurt against the likes of Iowa and Wisconsin.

This chatter makes me nervous. Have to beat NW and IL first. They’re not that bad and won’t be easy wins necessarily.
Part of the reason I started doing this post was to illustrate how much things can change on a week to week basis. A few weeks ago it looked like it was Iowa in the driver's seat with everyone else playing for second. Then Purdue went out and showed what happens when you don't give Iowa the ball. Suddenly Purdue looked like a team to be reckoned with until they turned around and handed the ball to Wisconsin a ton of times in the following week.

Schedule lays out perfect for the Gophers. We are in Big Ten play so nothing can be taken for granted and anyone can beat anyone on any given Saturday (Illinois proved that yesterday). But if the Gophers continue to play at a high level, with our remaining schedule we have a great shot of winning the West.

There is not a team left on the schedule that can't beat us, there also isn't a team left on the schedule that looks like a sure fire loss either. And that is all you can ask for with 5 to go.

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