Big Ten Network Subscribers


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Dec 1, 2015
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Hello! I'm doing a case study on BTN2Go and BTN Plus for my graduate program..
If any of you use these platforms, would you mind sharing you experience and overall view of the services? As well as what sports you use them most for?

I sincerely appreciate any help from you all. Thanks!

I have tried to use in the past and have been unable. Difficult to understand how it works when I look at the website. I gave up.

I have used both BTN2Go and BTN Plus. Service can be ok to bad. I have mostly used it for some football games. The occasional gopher basketball game that isn't on the main BTN channel and the occasional Gopher Men's Hockey game that again isn't on the main BTN channel during winter months.

Offer it with a per game fee or season fee. I am done with DirecTV and dish. I have Amazon Prime Fire TV and can get all the ESPN channels with my Amazon account. Offer BTN on Amazon. I do not want to pay $100 per month for dish and direct so I can have FSN North and BTN. Consumers today are getting sick of paying big fees for TV. I do not care about commercials. I just want to watch the game.

I get BTN2go on my computer - works fine - because I subscribe to the station via cable TV - kind like ESPN3. Have not used the other platform.

I have Comcast and I've used BTN2Go many many times -- on my desktop, on my iPad, on my phone. I love it. I've used it to watch games and live shows. About the only complaint I might have is that the game streams sometimes lag behind the live action.

I've never used BTNPlus but I've heard varying reviews about it.

Let me qualify the following statement by saying that technology is not my thing.

I used the BTN2go one time a couple of years ago to watch a game on my iPad and it was a pain in the azz. I couldn't log onto the BTN2go site and the BTN2go FAQ deferred me to my cable service provider which is the wrong answer when you have Concast. Concast directed me back to the BTN and the nightmare of frustration was underway.

After several maddening calls to Concast along with several repeated failures trying to access the BTN2go network, I was about to give up when I got the idea to call Apple with an "iPad issue" ;-) I called Apple and asked the very nice and very helpful service rep if he could help me. The Apple rep said this was not an Apple issue and even though he knew nothing about about the BTN and Concast, he helped me anyway. Long story short, the Apple rep took the time to figure out how to get me connected to the game literally seconds before kickoff. Needless to say, I was very grateful for the Apple rep!

The moral of the story is don't waste your time with the BTN2go and Concast. On the other hand, Apple can do no wrong.

Also use BTN2go, through my directv service. I don't like the occasional lag, and the switching from what looks like HD to a grainy picture (not sure if that's my end or theirs). Besides that it's great, it allows me to watch the football game when I wouldn't otherwise be able to.

Offer it with a per game fee or season fee. I am done with DirecTV and dish. I have Amazon Prime Fire TV and can get all the ESPN channels with my Amazon account. Offer BTN on Amazon. I do not want to pay $100 per month for dish and direct so I can have FSN North and BTN. Consumers today are getting sick of paying big fees for TV. I do not care about commercials. I just want to watch the game.

Can you share with me how you get the esp. channels through amazon prime? We have it - my wife - and I dont know anything about it.

Tough to navigate but otherwise, I like it. Would be nice to buy it direct.

I use BTN2GO a couple times a year. It's not very intuitive and the interface is kinda clunky, but it works. I've never had issues with it not working, it's just not as smooth as WatchESPN.

BTNPlus I have no desire to use. I'm not gonna pay 10 bucks a month to watch Men's Tennis or whatever they heck they have. Maybe if the U had a Men's soccer team I'd be more interested in BTN Plus.

I used it to watch basketball games last winter, I was renting a condo in Miami Beach that did not have the Big Ten Network on it's cable, it was great for that, I signed on using my internet provider, the quality of the stream was very good, wasn't a bad way to watch the games at all.

This is a pretty unscientific sampling of opinion...but i will give you mine.

I use the Ipad app, Android experience could be totally different. I think it works well.

Two major issues though. If already logged prior to the start of a game it will not stream live games even when prompted and refreshed. I must log out then log in.

The second issue is the user interface. It suffers from googleitis, ie inscrutable icons instead of words. It has a bit of that Playskool design element iinvading almost all large commercial web sites these days. I preferred the older design. Im so old i still prefer the 90s style web design....not a luddite, i build my own co puters for fun, etc. Just hate the sparse designs of today.

I've used BTN2GO, to watch games, replays of games, press conferences, and I think their video player both on computer and
on smart phone are far superior to what ESPN uses. For the most part BTN2GO is pretty decent.

One thing is, the requirement to provide the password to your cable billing account, no way I'm doing that. If they come up with another way to check my account status I'd use it.

I used BTN2Go last year to watch the majority of the Gopher football games. It stunk. We had perfect Internet yet their stream would occasionally stop working, forcing us to refresh the page and click play again. It was really annoying during some of the more intense portions of some games. That said, when it was working, the stream was in HD and crystal clear.

I generally like BTN2GO but many times I have had issues trying to log in with my DirecTV information. I've had this issue on both my laptop and smartphone. I like the video playback interface much more than ESPN's though.

I subscribed to BTN Plus once and do not intend to get it again. The production quality was very poor.

Used BTN2GO to watch all of the Gopher football games that were on BTN this season through our Roku at home. The only slightly annoying thing was the delay (had to turn off my ESPN alerts on my phone to avoid learning about scoring plays before the happened), but other than that I was happy with the quality of the broadcast and playback. It wasn't crystal clear HD but when you factor in that you are streaming the content it looked pretty solid in my opinion.

Also use BTN2go, through my directv service. I don't like the occasional lag, and the switching from what looks like HD to a grainy picture (not sure if that's my end or theirs). Besides that it's great, it allows me to watch the football game when I wouldn't otherwise be able to.

Ditto. Depending on the signal strength, games are usually nice to watch. My family is on a 10 Gb data plan with 4 people...streaming games uses up gigs fast so I try to only watch when connected to wifi.

One thing is, the requirement to provide the password to your cable billing account, no way I'm doing that. If they come up with another way to check my account status I'd use it.

They do now. If you are on wireless it automatically logs you in using your IP address. Which is actually really annoying when you use your dads cable access to watch the games. I have to do a work around to watch them since I am a cord cutter.

I pretty much exclusively use it for Football and Mens Hockey games. I wish they offered more mens hockey games in fact. overall though I'm pretty satisfied with the quality. Logging in can be a pain because sometimes the redirect after you have signed in back to BTN doesn't always work.

I've used BTN2GO quite a few times using my friend's Direct TV info (he's probably reading this...thanks Jon!) and I've had no problems with it. I've generally used it on my phone the most when I'm unable to sit and watch a full game (both basketball and football). Same experience on my laptop if I've ever used it.

Watched the Gophers on BTN2Go in my deer blind this year. Worked great. Subscribe via sports package on Dish and love it. Football is my main reason for subscribing. Didn't get a deer that day, btw.

Have used BTN2Go a few times and have been really disappointed in the video and audio quality, I have very fast internet, a good router, and know my computer stuff and I have NEVER gotten a what I consider a good picture and audio quality at the same time. The quality issues could be because I stream it to my TV from my laptop with a Chromecast, It works great for everything else I stream though, except the BTN2Go computer app. Weirdly the phone BTN2Go app is more stable.

I've never looked into using BTN Plus.

I got BTN2Go Plus this month to watch some volleyball. The complaint I have is that there is not consistancy. Take the Gophers-PSU volleyball match vs the Gophers-Indiana match. At the Pav there was multiple cameras and a great color commentator (former Gopher MB Dana Knudsen). At IU there was a single camera beyond the baseline and a single play-by-play person.


Hello! I'm doing a case study on BTN2Go and BTN Plus for my graduate program..
If any of you use these platforms, would you mind sharing you experience and overall view of the services? As well as what sports you use them most for?

I sincerely appreciate any help from you all. Thanks!

I live in CA in the Bay Area. We get BTN through Comcast but not in HD. Thus I have two problems especially with fall football. 1. Not in HD. 2. When there are multiple games for a time slot we usually get the wrong game. I use BTN2GO to overcome both problems. I can choose from all the games and they come through in close to HD quality. I stream the games using either an iPad or iPhone and then use the Airplay feature to route the game to my big screen TV using Apple TV. Works great. No complaints. I'm only interested in football and basketball.

I frequently use BTN2Go to watch replays of football games. The service works perfectly every time. I love how the gamebreaks/commercials are automatically removed, and I love the buttons that let you skip ahead and backwards by 10 seconds. Video quality is always perfect. I would rate it a 10/10 and far better than something like ESPN3 where video quality fluctuates constantly and halftime and commercial breaks are not removed. I always check to see if the ESPN/ABC games are uploaded on BTN2G (they usually are) so that I can watch them there instead.

I'm a tech klutz, so I've never used either service. Tried a couple of times, but I have a privately-owned municipal cable provider, and they are not listed on the pull-down menu, so I don't know how to access either service.

I us it just for football. Don't like it as much as watch ESPN.

- Shows a blank screen during commercials so you don't know if you lost the signal.
- seems to hang more than ESPN
- confusing menu - 99% of the time I'm logging in to watch a live game, where is it?
- requires the login even if password was saved I get that they need to make sure you are current but why do you have to ask me to select Comcast?

I have Amazon Prime Fire TV and can get all the ESPN channels with my Amazon account. Offer BTN on Amazon. I do not want to pay $100 per month for dish and direct so I can have FSN North and BTN

Tell me more. I thought they only had the Watch ESPN app like everyone else (still need cable to use).

Now I am curious. Is the Bigten network available separately thru Roku/Amazon fire? No need for Direct TV/Dish/Comcast subscription?

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