It is good to see so many Gopherholers who have a man crush on Jerry. It reminds me of that classic SNL skit "Bill Swerski's Superfans." I can just hear some of you guys saying "I'm her Jer-ry, I'm her Jer-ry!
Todd O'Conner: Oh, yeah..? [ stands ] Check out this! [ pulls up shirt ]
[ Music sting ]
Snack bar, Lambough Field, I was scalded by the cheese of a flaming hot nacho.
Denise Swerski: Now, that's.. my kinda guy..
Todd O'Conner: Maybe you'd like to come here and back that up!
Bob Swerski: Hey, hey, hey, Todd.. easy, pal.. come on, that's my daughter, huh?! Hey! Don't make me go over there and inflict some damage Butkus-style!
Todd O'Conner: Hey, she's a grown-up woman! [ starts making out with Denise ]
Carl Wollarski: Hey, Todd, Todd.. Todd.. come on! [ knocks Todd's cap off ] You got a wife at home! Think about that!
[ Todd drifts into thoughts of his wife at home in the kitchen ]
Todd's Wife: Your knockwerst is almost ready, Todd, so that you can fully enjoy tuning in to Da Bears. I'm sure they're gonna kick ass, darling! They're Da best! But you know something - you're My Ditka! My Ditka! My Ditka! My Ditka..!
[ Todd drifts out of his thoughts ]
Todd O'Conner: [ bawling ] I'm her Ditka..! I'm her Ditka..!,d.aWc