Big Ten Family Portrait - 1969

Aug 22, 2009
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Saw this on another board. Good wallpaper.


Which is more hilarious the fact that the BADger is sitting cross-legged or the OSU mascot's head is a nut?

LOL, first thing I noticed was becky with it's legs crossed.... ish

it doesn't bother you guys that the minnesota "M" is wrong?

That poster

I used to hang it in my classroom when i taught. Had that poster for years and years. I think it just finally disintegrated with age. That brings back great memories.

These are great. Brings back memories of a simpler time.

I love the Boilermaker's melonhead.

it doesn't bother you guys that the minnesota "M" is wrong?

Trademarks can be a bitch, even back in the 1960's. I saw these on the Uniwatch blog last week. It's interesting to see which schools dropped Indian related mascots over the years.

Why are the Chief and Goldie holing each others knee?

Who was the Tony Dungy of mascots?

I would love to see the 2011 version and see how politically correct it would be!!!!

Love the BADger crossing his legs!! Looks like he has to pee after drinking a few gallons of beer at a frat party!!!!

I continue to be amazed at how people will find ways to be pissed off and/or offended by literally anything.


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