Big STrib story on changing sports radio landscape in TC, Maturi quotes

The 'CCO guy

I get a hoot out of the quotes from the 'CCO guy. Acts like it's no big deal. Seems pretty apparent to me that 'CCO is becoming pretty irrelvant on the local sports radio scene. All they have is the T-Wolves. That says it all.

I get a hoot out of the quotes from the 'CCO guy. Acts like it's no big deal. Seems pretty apparent to me that 'CCO is becoming pretty irrelvant on the local sports radio scene. All they have is the T-Wolves. That says it all.

CBS corporate seems to have changed it's tune on local sports. They let the Cardinals go off KMOX and the Twins off WCCO after ~50 years within months of each other in 2008. Now they got the Cardinals back and I expect a big push to get the Twins back as well.

I'm guessing WCCO is going to make a big play for the Twins again. WCCO needs them, badly, for WCCO to only have the T-Wolves would be a body blow and the station. I'm not sure if WCCO can afford to NOT carry the Twins going into the future.

I'm guessing the Twins move back to WCCO(where God intended them to be) and the Vikings stay on KFAN. I simply don't think KFAN will let themselves be outbid to keep the Vikings there. No insider info just a pure guess and speculation.

'CCO certainly needs the Twins (or Vikings) to become relevant again.

They let the Cardinals go off KMOX and the Twins off WCCO after ~50 years within months of each other in 2008.

KMOX lost the Cards after the 2005 season. Got them back in 2011.

WCCO lost the Twins after the 2006 season.

Competition has been good. WCCO did a decent job with the Twins, but KSTP has improved the product. I especially like their Sunday postgame show. CCO had an attrocious product when they did the Viking games - not nearly the caliber that an NFL team deserves. You can say what you want about Paul Allen, but the overall package KFAN has for the Viking broadcasts is very impressive. And as far as Gopher Football is concerned, how can you do more poorly than WCCO did? Dave Lee? Really? Dave Mona? How many times did they try to squeeze in just one more commercial and rejoined the game in progress, having missed 1 to 3 plays? Is that any way to treat major college football?

The Neighbor had gotten complacent over the years. I hope that, if they get the Twins back, they take it a bit more seriously this time. I don't have confidence in them.

Competition has been good. WCCO did a decent job with the Twins, but KSTP has improved the product. I especially like their Sunday postgame show. CCO had an attrocious product when they did the Viking games - not nearly the caliber that an NFL team deserves. You can say what you want about Paul Allen, but the overall package KFAN has for the Viking broadcasts is very impressive. And as far as Gopher Football is concerned, how can you do more poorly than WCCO did? Dave Lee? Really? Dave Mona? How many times did they try to squeeze in just one more commercial and rejoined the game in progress, having missed 1 to 3 plays? Is that any way to treat major college football?

The Neighbor had gotten complacent over the years. I hope that, if they get the Twins back, they take it a bit more seriously this time. I don't have confidence in them.

The Twins product on KSTP got better partly because they took the production in-house. You'll notice it's the 'Treasure Island Baseball Network' not KSTP.

(I'm guessing the Sunday post-game is KSTP's doing though, I'm sure Doogie can clarify that.) In any case, I don't expect the Twins to change the in-house production/announcers no matter who they sign on with next, just as the Gopher basketball is not changing anything with the shift to KSTP.

KMOX lost the Cards after the 2005 season. Got them back in 2011.

WCCO lost the Twins after the 2006 season.

Wow. Time flies. I guess it has been that long. Thanks.

I remember part of Sid's argument for why the Twins shouldn't leave 'CCO was their reach.

Obviously, KSTP has picked up affiliates to make up for that, but this made me think of it again....

My coworker and I are driving from Omaha to Lincoln last week and he's following Liriano's no-no on his Blackberry. I say, "let's see if anyone around here is talking about it". We were actually able to pick up AM1500 in the plains west of Omaha.

That's nuts.

I remember part of Sid's argument for why the Twins shouldn't leave 'CCO was their reach.

Obviously, KSTP has picked up affiliates to make up for that, but this made me think of it again....

My coworker and I are driving from Omaha to Lincoln last week and he's following Liriano's no-no on his Blackberry. I say, "let's see if anyone around here is talking about it". We were actually able to pick up AM1500 in the plains west of Omaha.

That's nuts.

Yet people who live 30 miles from MSP claim they can't get it...

The Twins product on KSTP got better partly because they took the production in-house. You'll notice it's the 'Treasure Island Baseball Network' not KSTP.

(I'm guessing the Sunday post-game is KSTP's doing though, I'm sure Doogie can clarify that.) In any case, I don't expect the Twins to change the in-house production/announcers no matter who they sign on with next, just as the Gopher basketball is not changing anything with the shift to KSTP.

On the Sunday postgame, since it's the Twins employees - Kris & Jack Morris - who do it, not sure what say 1500-ESPN has in it... Monday - Friday is a different story.

I remember part of Sid's argument for why the Twins shouldn't leave 'CCO was their reach.

Obviously, KSTP has picked up affiliates to make up for that, but this made me think of it again....

My coworker and I are driving from Omaha to Lincoln last week and he's following Liriano's no-no on his Blackberry. I say, "let's see if anyone around here is talking about it". We were actually able to pick up AM1500 in the plains west of Omaha.

That's nuts.

Directional signal. KSTP has to aim their flamethrower on a SW-NE axis to protect WFED in Washington, DC. That is why people in Omaha and Nebraska can get KSTP, yet folks north and west of the Crow River can't get it at all.

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