Big STrib story: Maturi's Constant Storm

I'm no huge Maturi fan, but Bob Stein comes off as a complete @ss. This criticism coming from a guy that set the tone for 22 years of Timberwolves failure.

I haven't seen the quotes -- only read the paper on the web -- but how did Stein "set the tone for 22 years of failure"? ... 7, and possibly more, of his former employees now are running pro franchises... marketing-wise, Target Center was the place to be for a long time... enlighten me.

7, and possibly more, of his former employees now are running pro franchises

I probably know most of them too. Go ahead and ask them if they respect him. I've know people since day one there and there was always constant jokes about him. The way he would start off the weekly staff meetings with a ham handed attempt at a joke to lighten the mood. One of his favorites was likening the challenges he faces to "getting the toothpaste back in the tube" and then chuckling uncomfortably. And pretty much everyone would just roll their eyes.

The reason it was the place to be was that it was new, it had nothing to do with him.

Never said he was the 2nd-coming of Bob Harlan... but he had a hand in hiring the right people behind him... can't deny that... I know some of the stories that are out there... just curious how he "set the tone for 22 years of failure."

Stein was a boob. If he hadn't been the son in law, he wouldn't have been there. He did make some decent hires--they covered up for his many, many shortcomings, and then left. He had zero respect from nearly everyone there. Seemed often confused and befuddled. Just my opinion from 3 years at Target Center...

FYI, the TWolves are considered a "bottom 5" active major league franchise--of all time...

Duly noted... from your 3 years in the building, I will defer to your knowledge.

I read it this morning. Strong quotes from former players blasting him. He comes across as a guy who cares a ton for his people, but just might not have what it takes to run a big time program. Too concerned for the little guy, and wont sacrifice the minor sports for the major ones. Not that I think he is a bad guy or anything, but I think most big time athletic departments put the mens BB and FB teams on their own pedestals.

Bob Stein is a friend and cares deeply about the U. He had every right to be upset with Maturi and the state of the football program, as do lots of folks. Maturi keeps hanging his hat on how well we do in the Director's Cup, when in fact, nobody really cares about that. What they DO care about is how well we do in FB, BB, and Hockey, the three money makers at the U. Our mediocrity in these 3 sports, with the exception of the Tubby hire, has most people upset. We can't be all things to all people at the expense of the major sports. Wisconsin figured this out 20 years ago and they've been to 4 Rose Bowls ever since. We need to win a conference championship in one of these Big 3 every couple of years, and that simply is not happening (not even close) That coupled with all the buy-out fiasco's and lost law suits, and now the pending one brought by the women's golf coach, have cost the U millions of dollars. If Joel were in the private sector, he'd have been shown the door a LONG time ago. Quit complaining about Bob Stein and others who simply state their opinions, just because they differ from yours. Personally, I hope Stein becomes our next A.D. though that probably makes too much sense for the U to even consider it.

Bob Stein is a friend and cares deeply about the U. He had every right to be upset with Maturi and the state of the football program, as do lots of folks. Maturi keeps hanging his hat on how well we do in the Director's Cup, when in fact, nobody really cares about that. What they DO care about is how well we do in FB, BB, and Hockey, the three money makers at the U. Our mediocrity in these 3 sports, with the exception of the Tubby hire, has most people upset. We can't be all things to all people at the expense of the major sports. Wisconsin figured this out 20 years ago and they've been to 4 Rose Bowls ever since. We need to win a conference championship in one of these Big 3 every couple of years, and that simply is not happening (not even close) That coupled with all the buy-out fiasco's and lost law suits, and now the pending one brought by the women's golf coach, have cost the U millions of dollars. If Joel were in the private sector, he'd have been shown the door a LONG time ago. Quit complaining about Bob Stein and others who simply state their opinions, just because they differ from yours. Personally, I hope Stein becomes our next A.D. though that probably makes too much sense for the U to even consider it.

You are right, the U's next AD should be a guy who failed miserably at running the Timberwolves and then publicly criticizes the current AD who has the support of President Bruininks, the Board of Regents, and many other people connected with the U. Very few posters in GopherHole ever acknowledge what the Athletics Department was like before Maturi took over. Maturi cleaned up a huge mess and deserves a lot of credit for it. He also hired Tubby who could have gone to any school in the country with a job opening. If anyone thinks Tubby was just dying to come to the U they are out of their mind. Tubby had to be persuaded to come and Maturi was the person who did it. Now Maturi has hired Jerry Kill and even his critics are saying it probably was one of the best hires in the country this year.

I am not going to take the time to do the research myself but I would wager a lot of money that the problems which are always recited when people criticize Maturi are no worse and probably better than what exists at the large majority of BCS schools.

The notion that Maturi or whoever follows him as AD will be able to eliminate sports is absurd. That is for the U President and Board of Regents to decide and every interest group in the state will bombard them with complaints if they don't like their decisions. And it will take the State Legislature about three seconds to become involved in the debate as well.

Your buddy Stein would be a disaster as AD. In addition to being a jerk, he is just not very bright.

Sorry Upnorth, Maturi didn't have to pursuade Tubby, Clem had already convinced him. Until you know what you are actually talking about,don't make a fool of yourself!!

On the field? A catastrophic decade for our major sports. How can you argue otherwise?

He comes across as a guy who cares a ton for his people, but just might not have what it takes to run a big time program. Too concerned for the little guy, and wont sacrifice the minor sports for the major ones.

Every once in a while when I hear him talk about the rowing team and the golf team etc., it reminds me of James Taggart of Taggart Transcontinental (Atlas Shrugged). Somebody's gotta watch out for the People's Republic of Mexico; nobody has ever given them a chance!

We can't be all things to all people at the expense of the major sports. Wisconsin figured this out 20 years ago and they've been to 4 Rose Bowls ever since.

Enlighten me again on what Wisconsin figured out. In men's sports they have rowing and soccer while we have baseball and gymnastics instead. The other men's sports are the same. In women's sports they have lightweight rowing and we have gymnastics. The other women's sports are the same. So to save you doing some math, Minnesota and Wisconsin have the same amount of sports programs. Not going to check further, but I'll bet we're right where most of the Big Ten schools are.

Yet people constantly keep saying we need to do what Wisconsin did which they think justifies dropping sports. The difference is they got lucky with the Alverez and Bennett hires. Those coaches took them to a higher level. Then, as much as most Gopher fans dislike them, they got two good coaches to replace them in Bielma and Ryan who continued in the mode of their predecessors. Both of their teams are good defensively, sound fundamentally, and sort of grind opponents down.

We, on the other hand, had a basketball coach who was a cheater and got us put on probation. His replacement couldn't get the program to recover. We have gone through a string of football coaches starting over numerous times with different philosophies and hampered by the incredibly stupid decision to play in the Metrodome.

We're a Big Ten school for Christ's sakes. If we get the right coaches, we'll compete. If we don't, dropping minor sports certainly isn't going to be a magical solution like some people keep thinking.

Thanks Mulligan...I am tired of hearing the over simplified Wisconsin excuse...dropping sports did not make them a fact, they had budget troubles early on in Alvaraez's tenure...they caught lightning in a bottle with Alvarez and Pat Richter...dropping sports had nothing to do with it...Alvaraez won when they couldn't even afford new practice jerseys...pretty soon, they were headed to Rose Bowls and rolling in the money...they got the right coach and the right administrator...Northwestern was in as bad if not worse shape than was Iowa...they didn'ty drop sports to win...they got the right people in Barnett, Walker, Fitzgerald and Fry.

Enlighten me again on what Wisconsin figured out. In men's sports they have rowing and soccer while we have baseball and gymnastics instead. The other men's sports are the same. In women's sports they have lightweight rowing and we have gymnastics. The other women's sports are the same. So to save you doing some math, Minnesota and Wisconsin have the same amount of sports programs. Not going to check further, but I'll bet we're right where most of the Big Ten schools are.

Yet people constantly keep saying we need to do what Wisconsin did which they think justifies dropping sports. The difference is they got lucky with the Alverez and Bennett hires. Those coaches took them to a higher level. Then, as much as most Gopher fans dislike them, they got two good coaches to replace them in Bielma and Ryan who continued in the mode of their predecessors. Both of their teams are good defensively, sound fundamentally, and sort of grind opponents down.

We, on the other hand, had a basketball coach who was a cheater and got us put on probation. His replacement couldn't get the program to recover. We have gone through a string of football coaches starting over numerous times with different philosophies and hampered by the incredibly stupid decision to play in the Metrodome.

We're a Big Ten school for Christ's sakes. If we get the right coaches, we'll compete. If we don't, dropping minor sports certainly isn't going to be a magical solution like some people keep thinking.

Completely agree. I don't get this whole "we have to sacrifice everything in order to save football, basketball and hockey" mindset either. But the folks that support this viewpoint act like it represents some kind of magic potion that is going to suddenly vault the football team into contention when the fact is, it won't. It all starts with the right coaching staff and the right philosophies.

Rob is correct: maturi has been a disaster.

I'd also second the idea that Bob Stein would make a far better AD than maturi has been. I have been calling for the ouster of badger joel maturi for a long time. Everything around him is in chaos. Law suits. Men's Hockey falling apart. Football has just gone through a 3 1/2 year failed experiment all brought on by maturi and those who rubber stamped his brewster hire. Men's Hoops isn't selling out. The Women's Hoops program has totally tanked. The Golf Programs are in total chaos as a result of the pending suit. How much money is maturi spending on buy outs during this year...last year....the year before that? WHO the heck is in charge over there???????????? Have prexy b and maturi BOTH checked out?????????????

People, it is not a question of IF there will need to be downsizing in the athletic department with the numbers of team sports. It is just a matter of WHEN some sports will need to be cut. And, we will need to lead off with a number of men's non-revenue sports to keep the Title IX numbers in balance to just slightly higer than the number of men's teams that are retained. Even with the Big Ten revenue sharing, finances will dictate that there will need to be deep cuts made during the next five years.

I would hazzard a guess that fund-raising for the athletic department has NOT been going well during this past year. In a situation in which there is not enough money coming in, cuts have to be made. Cuts WILL be made. New leadership is needed. Ditch maturi NOW!

Football, Men's Basketball and Men' Hockey NEED to start bringing in more money. It will NOT happen under maturi's direction.

Maturi is a boob but he is working for Brunicks and the regents who imo are bigger boobs. They are probably the biggest problem with why Minnesota does not win in fb, and bb.

I'd also second the idea that Bob Stein would make a far better AD than maturi has been. I have been calling for the ouster of badger joel maturi for a long time. Everything around him is in chaos. Law suits. Men's Hockey falling apart. Football has just gone through a 3 1/2 year failed experiment all brought on by maturi and those who rubber stamped his brewster hire. Men's Hoops isn't selling out. The Women's Hoops program has totally tanked. The Golf Programs are in total chaos as a result of the pending suit. How much money is maturi spending on buy outs during this year...last year....the year before that? WHO the heck is in charge over there???????????? Have prexy b and maturi BOTH checked out?????????????

People, it is not a question of IF there will need to be downsizing in the athletic department with the numbers of team sports. It is just a matter of WHEN some sports will need to be cut. And, we will need to lead off with a number of men's non-revenue sports to keep the Title IX numbers in balance to just slightly higer than the number of men's teams that are retained. Even with the Big Ten revenue sharing, finances will dictate that there will need to be deep cuts made during the next five years.

I would hazzard a guess that fund-raising for the athletic department has NOT been going well during this past year. In a situation in which there is not enough money coming in, cuts have to be made. Cuts WILL be made. New leadership is needed. Ditch maturi NOW!

Football, Men's Basketball and Men' Hockey NEED to start bringing in more money. It will NOT happen under maturi's direction.


More seats, more fannies, more dollars.

From Bleacher Report ranking B1G 10 Stadiums

1. Ohio Stadium (Ohio State)—102,329 capacity

2. Beaver Stadium (Penn State)—107,292 capacity

3. Camp Randall Stadium (Wisconsin)—80,321 capacity

4. Michigan Stadium aka “The Big House” (Michigan)—106,201 capacity

5. Kinnick Stadium (Iowa)—70,585

6. Ross-Ade Stadium (Purdue)—62,500 capacity

7. Memorial Stadium (Illinois)—70,000 capacity

8. Spartan Stadium (Michigan State)—75,505 capacity

9. TCF Bank Stadium (Minnesota)—50,300 capacity

10. Memorial Stadium (Indiana)—53,500 capacity

11. Ryan Field (Northwestern)—49,256 capacity

NOTE: Nebraska--81,000 with plans to expand to 90,000(2013).

Wiki link...graph shows # of total varsity sports.
Ohio State tops at 35.

Can't blame him for 22 years of failure

However, he did make some glaring errors in the first two years of his tenure:

1. With little or no knowledge of NBA player skills, he set himself up as the tie breaking vote in the event that Musselman and McKinney could not agree on a draft pick.
2. He was given an immediate opportunity to exercise his tie breaking vote in the first draft - Musselman wanted Tim Hardaway: McKinney wanted Pooh Richardson. We got Pooh Richardson.
3. In the second draft, Musselman wanted no part of Felton Spencer. We got Felton Spencer - one of the worst picks at #6 in the draft.
4. That same draft, the second round pick was Gerald Glass. Musselman recognized his shortcomings and worked him into situational play as much as he could. Stein basically said, 'He plays or you go.' Musselman was gone. Whether that led to future problems because coaches' decisions on playing time were monitored by Stein, I have no idea. But, it didn't help the situation.

I do not want an AD that dictates who plays, where they play, and how much they play. That is why we hire coaches. It was clear that Stein did not like Musselman. Maybe he had a grudge against him from the time he coached at the U. I don't know. I only know that he didn't necessarily take actions that produced results that fans wanted.

Joel did clean up a huge mess. Maybe he was the right man for that job. But his tenure clearly started running into the red at least 5 years ago. Now we need a strong AD who will call the President and the Regents on their BS when needed, and do what it takes to get a baseball stadium, a basketball practice facility and an expanded TCF when the time comes. This will require great fund-raising ability and perhaps the balls to cut some sports. Joel is clearly not the man for the job that needs to be done going forward, even if he may have been the man that was needed 9 years ago. He would be doing the U a great favor if he would accept his accolades and ride off into the sunset to enjoy his retirement.

That said, Bob Stein should certainly not be the man who replaces him.

Okay, I broke down and bought the paper yesterday.
some excerpts:

"I can't tell you how pleased I am with Jerry Kill," Maturi said. "Most people seem to be pleased, and every day they seem more pleased."

Stein(Bob), no fan of Maturi's leadership, is among them. Stein asked friends with college coaching experience for their opinions, and the response was resoundingly positive; an hourlong session with the new coach convinced him even more.

"I'm very impressed. He's a solid, no-bull guy," Stein said. "I have to give Joel credit - some way, somehow, we ended up with a coach who seems very imressive."

If that seems grudging, well, Maturi should get used to that. If Kill can't turn the program around, the AD will be blamed for another bad hire. And if Kill builds a perennial winner?

"My impression is that nobody thinks Joel made a smart choice - they think he got lucky, the same way people dismiss his hiring of Tubby," Mona(Dave) said. "He'll get no credit, even though he did exactly what he said he would. He made a smart, informed choice who everyone will love."


From Bob Stein...."Minnesota has been a laughingstock for four years," Stein said. "We were a joke because of his biblically catastrophic hire [of Brewster].....

"It's a disaster over there," said Phil Ebner, once a captain of Minnesota's golf team and a former board member of the "M" Club of former Gopher athletes. "The leadership just isn't there, and it boggles the mind that they allow this guy to make mistake after mistake. It costs a lot of money."

Howeda7 makes a good point that Stein has the balls to make tough decisions. The main problem at the U is that nobody is held accountable and that the AD and pres are more interested in covering their a**es PR wise than doing what is best for gopher athletics. Stein made mistakes as wolves pres but he was instrumental in getting target center built and the wolves organization off and running. This experience has obvious similarities to what he would be faced with at the U. Stein would need to get the gophers football program out of the B1G's basement and would need to create a culture change over there by cutting weak points in the athletic dept. I personally would love to have an AD like Bob who isn't afraid to make tough decisions. I can only imagine how happy Coach Kill would be to have him as AD. And if worse comes to worse, we can stick Stein at Defensive End.

Just wait for the SQUEEZE that's going to be coming on funding for all aspects...

of funding from the U from the feds and the state polioticos. Education is going to go under their knives and scalpals. Just wait until all the sound-bites coming from the house and senate and from all the candidates start hitting the headlines.

Believe me, there will be a LOT of things cut that will go way beyond the athletic department at the U. There will be high schools dropping all kinds of sports and "nen-essential" classes and activities too. That seems to be the political climate as well as the economic climate of these times.

There will be no money to build baseball parks & fields. Will scholarship money be donated to the athletic department in large enough amounts to fund all the Title IX and non-revenue scholarships?

The U of M is going to have to look at every program that they have...every expense every program has and they will need to make hard choices.

These are difficult times.

The next ten years will be very interesting, very difficult and there will be MUCH debate and discussion about what CAN be afforded and what can NOT be afforded by local, state and federal governments. I don't care which side of the issues you may politically be on. These are going to be chaotic and difficult and "noisy" times. It will probably work a LOT better if compromise returns to our political scene, because there are a LOT of things that need to be addressed. But, if it remains politics the way politics have been played for the past 10 or 20 years, the U of M and most every other public institution, state, city and municipality will have to do much more with much less.

So, get ready for some cuts in the athletic department at the University of Minnesota. Don't believe it? Just take a look listen to the news every day.

Station 19, good point. However, Maturi's hiring of the untried Brewster was an experiment that didn't need to happen. That same hire has put our football program in danger of not even putting enough butts in the seats to fill our downsized stadium which reduces the coffers even further. While Maturi seems to be a nice guy he has cost the U nearly $5M in buyouts and lawsuits. Looking at the situation from a dollars and cents standpoint he is not up to the job. I haven't taken time to research other university athletic programs but I think one would be hardpressed to find extensions and subsequent firings at the cost that we have incurred in more than a very few programs. It's time for a change now rather than after a two year extension.

Station 19, good point. However, Maturi's hiring of the untried Brewster was an experiment that didn't need to happen. That same hire has put our football program in danger of not even putting enough butts in the seats to fill our downsized stadium which reduces the coffers even further. While Maturi seems to be a nice guy he has cost the U nearly $5M in buyouts and lawsuits. Looking at the situation from a dollars and cents standpoint he is not up to the job. I haven't taken time to research other university athletic programs but I think one would be hardpressed to find extensions and subsequent firings at the cost that we have incurred in more than a very few programs. It's time for a change now rather than after a two year extension.

We don't know what alternatives Maturi had to hiring Brewster during the two week time frame he had to hire a new coach. Much of what has been stated as fact is complete BS. Given that there is absolutely no guarantee that whoever would have been hired to replace Mason would have done any better than Brewster. Division I college football is loaded with unsuccessful football hires every year. You can start with all of the unsuccessful Notre Dame hires during the last 20 years. Brewster didn't work out. It still was worth the shot given the shot time frame and the alternatives who were actually available to Maturi.

Station 19, good point. However, Maturi's hiring of the untried Brewster was an experiment that didn't need to happen. That same hire has put our football program in danger of not even putting enough butts in the seats to fill our downsized stadium which reduces the coffers even further. While Maturi seems to be a nice guy he has cost the U nearly $5M in buyouts and lawsuits. Looking at the situation from a dollars and cents standpoint he is not up to the job. I haven't taken time to research other university athletic programs but I think one would be hardpressed to find extensions and subsequent firings at the cost that we have incurred in more than a very few programs. It's time for a change now rather than after a two year extension.

I didn't make any points or comments. Those are excerpts from the article.

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