Big Red Network: Is Minnesota a Trap Game?

Wow- This guy has absolutely no respect for anybody on Offense except for Gray!

Have we given the man a reason to respect anyone else on the offense besides Marquise? WR are inexperienced and unproven, RB are mostly unproven and our O-line, while has the potential to be very good, is mostly unproven. . . So I think he hit the nail on the head with our teams breakdown.

Have we given the man a reason to respect anyone else on the offense besides Marquise? WR are inexperienced and unproven, RB are mostly unproven and our O-line, while has the potential to be very good, is mostly unproven. . . So I think he hit the nail on the head with our teams breakdown.

Thats still a lazy answer. That requires no research and is very pessimistic which is a part of why the team and fanbase are down. Have some faith, its not even blind faith just look at kill's record of turning programs around.

Thats still a lazy answer. That requires no research and is very pessimistic which is a part of why the team and fanbase are down. Have some faith, its not even blind faith just look at kill's record of turning programs around.

Dont get me wrong, I'm a huge gopher fan that is absolutely pumped for the season and optimistic that Kill will get it turned around. I have been a season ticket holder since 2007 and have endured some pretty bad football. Every year before camp begins I a long with many other fans have a lot of optimism, but in the past, I have been let down.

That guy was a Nebraska fan and gave, what i thought, was a pretty good analysis of our team. It wasnt over hyped and it wasnt doom and gloom. All he said and all i am saying is our young players are unproven. Pretty fair assessment if you ask me.

Thats still a lazy answer. That requires no research and is very pessimistic which is a part of why the team and fanbase are down. Have some faith, its not even blind faith just look at kill's record of turning programs around.

Lets not confuse pessimism with reality. The reality is we are who we have been. And the writer nailed it. That is where we are starting from this coming season. This squad must improve in every facet.

Coach Kill is no magician and the BIG is not the MAC. He has a huge challenge to get the Gophers competitive with a lot less to work with than the Huskers.

Lets not confuse pessimism with reality. The reality is we are who we have been. And the writer nailed it. That is where we are starting from this coming season. This squad must improve in every facet.

Coach Kill is no magician and the BIG is not the MAC. He has a huge challenge to get the Gophers competitive with a lot less to work with than the Huskers.


Bayfield is exactly right. I am surprised anyone at UN thimks we could win if we had guns. They saw the first half last year and we were not very good. Our WRs could not even get off the line. The Nebraska corneres are big physical players and our guys would not fight thorugh the blocks.
I am NOT saying we will not be a lot better, but if I was a Mich, Wis, or Neb fan, I would not take us seriously at all based on what we showed last season.
I also expect our recruits to eventually be a lot better than their rankings, but many of them will probably be players as RS sophs, not true freshmen, so why would fans from another team, especially ones that smacked us around, think we would improve a lot?

The Gophers will have to suprise a lot of people before much can be expected out of them coming into a season. If the Gophers would win 6 or 7 games next season they will still have to do a lot the next year and the year after to be thought of as a program on the rise. For Kill to turn this around he is going to have to get us to a bowl game two or three years in a row. We have to start with one of course but we have to then build on that and continue to grow without major steps back.

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