Big Play Traye


Active member
Sep 11, 2009
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I think that if we are going to start calling out personnel or athletes, BPT needs to take a brunt of the hit. The guy did nothing the whole game. Supposedly our #1 cornerback, his biggest play of the afternoon was a 15 yard taunting penalty. Will Brewster please send a message to this kid and start Carter in favor of him? PLEASE????

Well there must be some reason teams are only throwing his way 5times a game?? And the 15yard penalty was BS.

Wisco threw at him almost every single time they threw the damn ball, sorry to say buddy, but hes struggling not only with coverage, but with tackling

Well there must be some reason teams are only throwing his way 5times a game?? And the 15yard penalty was BS.

He got absolutely smoked on one of Tolzien's only passes down field and a holding penalty saved him. Plus the guy does NOTHING to help our run defense. Cornerbacks are not just there to break up passes. Remember Cal's corner back, Syd'Quan Thompson who was destroying our running game? There is a reason he will be an All-American this year.

I have been disappointed in BPT this year too. Not really sure what his deal is, but it seems like he is trying to protect himself for the NFL draft.

Methinks he wont get drafted at all unless he plays better than this.

I must have been watching a different game?? Cause i saw BPT sacrificing his body by taking on Linemen for his teamates to make the tackle!!!!

BPT (not sure if we can still call him that) has been terrible the entire season. He's easily been the most disappointing player on the entire roster.

if we are gonna talk about a db getting burned how about we throw marcus sherels' name out there

On the ESPN-cast Chris S called out BPT and MS repeatedly for failing to use their arms properly in "wrapping-up" and tackling the big bodies. CS said many times that "body-block" tackling would not get it done and that the G corners were consistently giving up an extra 5-10 yards per play using that approach. I couldn't tell on TV if the problem was all that pervasive, but if it was, this is something that theoretically intensive coaching can fix. At least that's what NW's Fitz said last week after their horrible "tackling" against Minny.

Perhaps those at the game can tell us if these corners where really as "soft" and marginally effective as Chris depicted them throughout the game.

BPT is clearly afraid to take a hit. I have never seen more pathetic attempts at tackles today then when I saw no play traye attempt to tackle clay. It was absolutely clear Traye was afraid of getting hit by clay. I can not blame him b/c clay is a monster, but if you want to play D-1 fb you better not be afraid to get hit. He needs to be replaced by Carter.

B = Brain
P = Power
T = Tepid

Cannot believe his lack of discipline on the field.

Stop hatin on BPT please its getting really annoying

BPT getting drafted? Probably the same round as Weber....

How can we separate Simmons from the rest of the DBs? They are ALL awful. None of them cover well and none of them tackle well. Theret is the best of our back 4, and that's a sad, sad statement.

Royston was brutal today. A total non-factor. The fact that he rides the bench at WI but starts here tells you why we can't beat the Badgers. We're not good enough.

they called out both CB's for not wrapping up. BPT early, and later sherels for "taking lessons from his team mate".

All I know is "Big Play" has not earned that name here in MN yet...hopefully something clicks and he turns this ship around...

As for Sherels, the guy just got back from injury and he looked pretty good today so no need to bring him down...their QB did make a few great passes also...

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