Big Lead: MN AD Should Cancel Bowl Appearance, Find a New Coach


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Nov 11, 2008
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per The Big Lead:

If I am University President Eric Kaler and Athletic Director Mark Coyle, the first thing I do is go ahead and cancel the school’s appearance in the Holiday Bowl and take that off the table. Take that out of consideration. It’s one game, and going at this point can lead to compromises that go beyond football.

The next thing I would do is fire Tracy Claeys as head coach. He cannot represent the University. He sent this tweet out last night:

Have never been more proud of our kids. I respect their rights & support their effort to make a better world! 〽️?

This is the thing that he has never been more proud of?!?! His players protesting several team members running a sex train in a late night party and being found to have more likely than not engaged in inappropriate behavior?

Sorry, you don’t get to lead a football team anymore. Claeys needs some freaking perspective.

And then, I would invite the players to consider their options, knowing that the coach was gone. If you have already taken the bowl game out of the equation, you don’t have to deliver a “play or go” ultimatum for that game. You can give them the semester and the start of the next one, after a new coach is hired. Have them take a step back and consider whether this late night sex party is the hill they want to die on. You might lose some, others might come to their senses. Maybe the football program takes a step back.

Some things are more important than football, and the University will have a harder time recovering if they give in, versus taking the larger stand that football players cannot dictate how University policy on sexual assaults are handled.

Go Gophers!!

The players can't win here, even if they are in the right, the U is not going to compromise, it would set a bad precedent going forward. The way I see it, Bowl gets canceled. From there, the players will be told that the situation is this going forward, if you want to remain on scholarship you must play, or you will lose your scholarship for the upcoming years, Even if it meant the whole team leaving(which I highly doubt would be the case). At this point the U knows this is a rebuild, from performance on the field to the culture off the field. No player or coach will ever be bigger than the University, and hope these players are aware of this and understand the repercussions of their actions(right or wrong).

As for Claeys, I don't know, I lean he will be gone, but wouldn't be surprised if he is back, at the very least he will have to explain his tweet to the public even if he truly meant no ill will.

I think they should fire TC (it is unfair but must be done), clean house on the current team and allow transfers out of the program. They should then give Glen Mason $2M to coach the team next year on a 1 year interim basis until they can hire a long term coach and figure out the program going forward. We won't get a decent coach right now with the dumpster fire - bring back Glen to lead the transition to something more sustainable. Even if half the team left, Glen could win 4 games next year and put a much better public face to the program.

The players can't win here, even if they are in the right, the U is not going to compromise, it would set a bad precedent going forward. The way I see it, Bowl gets canceled. From there, the players will be told that the situation is this going forward, if you want to remain on scholarship you must play, or you will lose your scholarship for the upcoming years, Even if it meant the whole team leaving(which I highly doubt would be the case). At this point the U knows this is a rebuild, from performance on the field to the culture off the field. No player or coach will ever be bigger than the University, and hope these players are aware of this and understand the repercussions of their actions(right or wrong).

As for Claeys, I don't know, I lean he will be gone, but wouldn't be surprised if he is back, at the very least he will have to explain his tweet to the public even if he truly meant no ill will.

What's hard to understand about his tweet?

I don't want to live in your world. This issue is absolutely bigger than the university.

TC is toast. You can't undo that tweet unfortunately.

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I agree with this 110%.

And Clayes does need to go along with MOST of the staff. I say most but to me Clayes and Sawvel at least have to go for backing this stance by the players. The Mason angle above that someone mentioned is interesting but ultimately I don't think realistic. Better off hiring the next guy so he can get started recruiting.

U may have a hard time getting them here after this, but I call Fleck and Les Miles. May have to overpay given the circumstances but that is the boat we r in.

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This article is spot on. The players chose to boycott, they made their bed. If I'm the Holiday Bowl why would you even want them at this point???? How can you trust they'll play? Most of these young adults will figure it out once a little time passes. Wouldn't be an easy coaching search. If they go to the bowl I'm guessing their performance will further embarrass themselves, the University, and the state.

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Bring back Mason? WTF?! Yeah he can lead a transition to Tony Dungy. :rolleyes:

I agree with this 110%.

And Clayes does need to go along with MOST of the staff. I say most but to me Clayes and Sawvel at least have to go for backing this stance by the players. The Mason angle above that someone mentioned is interesting but ultimately I don't think realistic. Better off hiring the next guy so he can get started recruiting.

U may have a hard time getting them here after this, but I call Fleck and Les Miles. May have to overpay given the circumstances but that is the boat we r in.

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Most of the staff goes away whenever any coaching change happens, regardless of the reason for the coaching change.

I'm not sure he was defending the players, just proud that they are taking a stand in something they believe in. He's probably going to get fired, but I don't think this was as bad as the article is stating.

The people who blame Tracy Claeys for that tweet are obtuse.

He is proud of his players for sacrificing themselves to stand by their teammates who they they feel are facing injustice.

The idea that the "hill they want to die on" is a late night sex party is so incredibly shallow minded. When this whole thing went down and I was trying to explain what a terribly situation the University is going to be in because of the EOAA's "recommendation", all you have to do is look at this.

These articles are implicitly stating. . . assault or not, it was the right thing to do. That's a travesty.

I think they should fire TC (it is unfair but must be done), clean house on the current team and allow transfers out of the program. They should then give Glen Mason $2M to coach the team next year on a 1 year interim basis until they can hire a long term coach and figure out the program going forward. We won't get a decent coach right now with the dumpster fire - bring back Glen to lead the transition to something more sustainable. Even if half the team left, Glen could win 4 games next year and put a much better public face to the program.

Agree.....we need some stability here.

What the hell is the big lead? I've got an idea for them. Shut the **** **** up you no-name losers.

Agree.....we need some stability here.

Your idea to provide stability is to replace the staff, most of whom have been here 6 years, with a person who hasn't coached in a decade and has a lower winning percentage in the Big Ten than the sitting head coach?

What the hell is the big lead? I've got an idea for them. Shut the **** **** up you no-name losers.

similar site to dead spin, its actually pretty popular.

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