Big East adds 5 teams


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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"Sources tell @CBSSports Big East will add Boise, San Diego St, Houston, UCF, SMU Weds. Will join league in 2013"

It doesn't give any further details, but I assume that Boise and San Diego St. (at least) will be football-only members.

Yawn. They are all a bunch of wannabe schools looking for an AQ bid. I think it spoke volumes that the BSU coach turned down UCLA on the spot. Great school, great weather, oh, You mean I would have to play in a real conference and recruit real student athletes because UCLA is a real academic school? No thanks, I'll stay in Boise and bitch about having no respect. lmao

I've always wonder what would have happened if Penn St had chosen to be a part of the Big East rather than join the Big Ten.

"East" is such a relative term. East of what, might I ask? They're all still east of, say, Hawaii. Heck, they're east of everywhere if you're willing to travel far enough around the Earth!

Yup. Totally appropriate name.

Yawn. They are all a bunch of wannabe schools looking for an AQ bid. I think it spoke volumes that the BSU coach turned down UCLA on the spot. Great school, great weather, oh, You mean I would have to play in a real conference and recruit real student athletes because UCLA is a real academic school? No thanks, I'll stay in Boise and bitch about having no respect. lmao
Might also have something to do with the fact that the UCLA AD makes Maturi looks bold and visionary and the UCLA administration appears to be devoid of interest when it comes to supporting football.

UCLA does not have a stadium on campus, 22 miles away. It is also almost as difficult academically as Stanford. You are right, the AD and alum need to get behind football financially as they are a public uni. unlike Stanford and USC.

Glad this means navy and army will be staying independent. They should be IMO.

Since the BCS conract was negotiated, the SEC, ACC, Big Ten and PacTen have all added very valuable members. How do we think this will change the tone of the next BCS contract negotiation?

Both the Big East and Big XII have to be in constant contact with BYU and Notre Dame, becuase adding schools like these 5 isn't going to help their case much in the next round of negotiations.

If I were Boise and San Diego State I would have focused all my attention on creating a football-only conference that might garner some interest from the SEC, ACC, Big Ten and Pac Ten. I don't think this is enough to assure that the Big East keeps getting invited to all the important meetings.

The interesting school shifting conferences is SMU. To me they are the sleeping giant out there. Are they going to put more emphasis on athletics than they have been.

The interesting school shifting conferences is SMU. To me they are the sleeping giant out there. Are they going to put more emphasis on athletics than they have been.

SMU and Baylor have lots of $$$$ now. Tulsa too.

It's called oil/energy money, and those schools are loaded with it.

I have a feeling that we will be down to four 16 team power conferences eventually. I hope the Big Ten is able to solidify first.

I think the conferences will be:

Big Ten add 4 more
PAC 12 add 4 more
SEC add 2 more
ACC add 2 more

Teams needing to find a home are Texas, TT, Baylor, Okla, Okla St, Iowa St, Notre Dame, Kansas, Kansas St, Boise St, TCU.

That leaves 1 more Football spot to fill.

Looks like the Big East could change it's name to the Transcontinental Conference. I can see where there would be TV interest in the inter sectional match ups. SMU and Boise bring some football respectability SMU with it's history and Boise with it's recent resume. With the exception of Boise all are located in good football recruiting areas. Short term it might look a bit hodge podge but there is definite long term potential.

SMU and Baylor have lots of $$$$ now. Tulsa too.

It's called oil/energy money, and those schools are loaded with it.

OH My God, now lakesbison will say that NDSU should be included, what and with all of the oil/coal money coming into North Dakota. :horse: :banghead: :drink: :drink: :drink:

Short term it might look a bit hodge podge but there is definite long term potential.

But they are doing this strictly for the short-term. With 5 teams they lose their AQ immediately. With these additions they lose it 2 years from now. Where is the long-term potential in that plan?

This re-vamped Big East is not going to be seen as any sort of "equal" to the SEC, ACC, BigTen and Pac12, so they are setting themselves up for failure beyond 2013-2014.

I get Boise St, and I'm sure the BigEast is desperate, but really, they should still be kicked out of the BCS. Don't tell me that SDSU and UCF are major conference schools. And Houston, while somewhat impressive this year is riding a star QB and just got killed in the C-USA title game. SMU used to be good, but seriously, this is a collection of mid-major teams. Not only that, look at the teams that are staying in the conference: Cincinnati, Connecticut, South Florida. Louisville was good for a few seasons as was Rutgers. And Rutgers is at least a respected University, but c'mon everyone, this should do nothing to allow them to keep their BCS card.

As for the Big10, we should completely resist the urge to expand further. Let the ACC & SEC choke on their bloated conferences. Once you get bigger than 12, it's not much of a conference anymore - you're playing teams in the other division a few times a decade. The Big10 should be a leader on this - leading the resistance to stupid superconference idea. And from a dollars standpoint, it's debatable, but I think once you get past 12 teams, adding more teams sucks more money out than it brings in.

They won't get lost in the dust on this. I'd be surprised if they are not the first to 16.

Name one advantage to going to 16 or even 14.

The only advantage is tv money. Outside of notre dame and Texas pretty much every school in the country would cause tv money per school to go down at this point. Without 1 of those two the big ten can't fiscally go to 14. Without both they can't go to 16. If they can get both they likely stand pat at 14.

Hearing navy is going now. Which sucks IMO. Though it'd be fun if they eventually made a bcs bowl. Navy seems like they are on the decline since Paul Johnson left. I just don't see advantages for either party of navy joining the big east.

Navy recruits nationally, schedules for recruiting but also success.

They won't get lost in the dust on this. I'd be surprised if they are not the first to 16.

The BigTen has no reason to move quickly. Getting to at least 12 members was necessary for the PacTen and BigTen because they were getting beat over the heads by the SEC and Big XII CCGs. One would have thought that people would have been more compelled by 2 conference champions meeting in the biggest bowl game (Rose). But the concept became too quaint with the on-field success of the SEC over the last decade.

As the other conferences continue to dillute themselves, the Big Ten continues to solidify its position to add a few very big fish in the future (if they need to again).

But they are doing this strictly for the short-term. With 5 teams they lose their AQ immediately. With these additions they lose it 2 years from now. Where is the long-term potential in that plan?

This re-vamped Big East is not going to be seen as any sort of "equal" to the SEC, ACC, BigTen and Pac12, so they are setting themselves up for failure beyond 2013-2014.
They are just recognizing that they have to live with the statement Keynes made "that in the long run we are all dead". They need to make it to the long run.

We are just all dead much sooner with failed Keynesian economics. When BSU and SDSU fly east, they need an 11 am kickoff EST. That should help the stiffness from a 6 hour flight and time change.

Yeah, It's work great in Europe. It took the oldest democracy in the world,Greece,twenty years to become a dumpster fire. Just great. Let's let the union bosses straighten it out. LMAO

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