Big 12 Expansion on Hold for now...

Of course they couldn't.

Half their problem is that they can't reach a consensus on anything.


They just ensured their death. Texas and OU to the B1G.

Darn. I was looking forward to epic Cincinnati-Oklahoma and Houston-Iowa State match-ups.

More Money NOT To Expand

Multiple sources indicated there have been discussions with the Big 12’s TV partners to pay the league not to expand. The purpose of the payment would be to eliminate the pro rata clause in the TV contract—which the TV officials consider a loophole—that enables the league to receive nearly $25 million annually for every school it adds. The willingness of ESPN and Fox to discuss paying to eliminate that clause and end future potential expansion drama in upcoming years makes not expanding the most likely conclusion.

“If they put more money up and bought out that pro rata clause, we’ll likely keep ourselves at 10,” speculated a high-ranking Big 12 source.

The Fighting Hawks must be disappointed.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that actually did happen, both those teams would end up in the west and Purdue would likely head east. Yikes.

I am not sure but I read somewhere that OU and OSU had to go together if they were to move. Someone may know more about this.

Oklahoma does not fit in the B1G as an institution. Although it might make sense for football only reasons, they would be dragging the conference down in pretty much every other regard. Texas makes a lot of sense other than for location. Great academic reputation - great teams for many major sports - and willing customers to pay for their programming. I think Pitt makes more sense than Oklahoma for an addition. It would put Texas in a unique position though of being removed from all of its former rivals - other and Nebraska. However - a B1G typical conference schedule paired with an annual Red River battle with Oklahoma (which I think heads to the SEC) would make for a strong strength of schedule every year. I would love to see a B1G vs. SEC type challenge early every season with 4-5 regular pairings. It would make for great TV.

bigxii is embarassing - this might be the deathknell for the conference.

all those schools are going to hang around because they are the most available chairs, but at some point texas/ou and probably kansas are going to look elsewhere (im holding out hope they join mizzou and come to B1G country)

B1G West:

B1G East:
Ohio State
Penn State
Michigan State

yep delaney is gonna have to build a mint because the conference will be printing money

"but at some point texas/ou and probably kansas are going to look elsewhere (im holding out hope they join mizzou and come to B1G country)"

I would like to see that too - but not unless they add more games or force more conference games at that point. I like the 'old Big 10' and I would hate to lose some of those match-ups - despite being routinely stomped by UM and tOSU. If the B1G has 2 divisions - I think it only makes sense for you to force each team to play every other team in that division.

First part is pretty likely...don't see OU going anywhere w/o OSU. Grab TX, Irish and we're good.

ou and oklahoma state will separate if it means landing in the B1G/SEC respectively - otherwise they'll probably create a reconstituted southwestern conference with the likes of tcu, baylor, smu, tulane, houston etc

"B1G West:

And here I am complaining about finishing 4th in the current B1G West - I see a lot of battle for 7th place in that re-alignment.

If we were to go completely outside the box, the B1G should do a deal with the MAC like the Soccer where the top 2 schools in the MAC are promoted to the B1G and the two lowest ranking B1G schools are relegated to the MAC. It would actually force administrators to get serious about the winning - bring more eyes to watch the 'meaningless' games - and probably expand B1G network viewership to include more current MAC geographies.

I know this will never happen - but I actually really like the idea of it. Imagine being an administrator at the bottom of the league with B1G TV contract and bowl money split at risk - I think you fight much harder to stay competitive.

Play 3 non-conference
Play 8 divisional games
Play 1 crossover in final game of season matching
1w v 2e
2w v 1e
5v5 and so on

Then have winners of 1v2 games play in Title game.

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"B1G West:

And here I am complaining about finishing 4th in the current B1G West - I see a lot of battle for 7th place in that re-alignment.

If we were to go completely outside the box, the B1G should do a deal with the MAC like the Soccer where the top 2 schools in the MAC are promoted to the B1G and the two lowest ranking B1G schools are relegated to the MAC. It would actually force administrators to get serious about the winning - bring more eyes to watch the 'meaningless' games - and probably expand B1G network viewership to include more current MAC geographies.

I know this will never happen - but I actually really like the idea of it. Imagine being an administrator at the bottom of the league with B1G TV contract and bowl money split at risk - I think you fight much harder to stay competitive.

good talk i agree with you

"Play 1 crossover in final game of season matching "

I think you miss the point of a conference if you limit it to a single inter-divisional game (like when the MLB first did inter-league). At that point, I think you are better adding 20 teams total and making four 5-team divisions. Play 4 divisional games, 2 games against the other 3 divisions - and have a 2 game 'Conference' play-off between divisional winners.

"good talk i agree with you"

Sorry, I did not add the 'Beta-Male Trigger Warning' to that before posting. I will in the future. Please rejoin the discussion from your safe-space when you no longer feel threatened by long posts.

"Play 1 crossover in final game of season matching "

I think you miss the point of a conference if you limit it to a single inter-divisional game (like when the MLB first did inter-league). At that point, I think you are better adding 20 teams total and making four 5-team divisions. Play 4 divisional games, 2 games against the other 3 divisions - and have a 2 game 'Conference' play-off between divisional winners.

I agree we're headed somewhere closer to NFL scheduling with 72 to 80 teams total and 4, 18-20 team conferences.

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I guarantee you that you do not want UT-Austin as a conference-mate. They are arrogant, haughty, ostentatious, and conceited. They cannot function as equals in an athletic conference. Don't take my word for it, ask Arkansas or anyone else from the Southwest Conference.

They may be a great program and school, but they are best suited to independent status.

"good talk i agree with you"

Sorry, I did not add the 'Beta-Male Trigger Warning' to that before posting. I will in the future. Please rejoin the discussion from your safe-space when you no longer feel threatened by long posts.

does this really work for you - oh and whats the soul of wit my dude, read a damn book maybe you'd learn how to express yourself in a more concise manner

I guarantee you that you do not want UT-Austin as a conference-mate. They are arrogant, haughty, ostentatious, and conceited. They cannot function as equals in an athletic conference. Don't take my word for it, ask Arkansas or anyone else from the Southwest Conference.

They may be a great program and school, but they are best suited to independent status.

with all due respect, and y'all get some for the sec move, the B1G could more than handle ut. us and the pac12 are the only endgame conferences for UT with the bigxii in a weakened position we'd have plenty of leverage and perks to bring to the table

with all due respect, and y'all get some for the sec move, the B1G could more than handle ut. us and the pac12 are the only endgame conferences for UT with the bigxii in a weakened position we'd have plenty of leverage and perks to bring to the table

If any conference can handle UT-Austin, it would be the B1G. You have enough big boys in both athletics and academics that you could keep them in their place. However, I wouldn't put it past them to try to form alliances with some of the smaller schools that they can control in some way in order to swing certain votes in their favor. I wouldn't put it past them to do things to be divisive or to cause friction in your conference, which is currently and historically stable.

Remember, they were the ones who caused much of the conference realignment in the SWC days, and were also the ones who kicked off much of the recent conference realignment when they were going to pack up their bags for the West Coast in 2011.

They would be a quality gem for any conference, but I ask, "Is it worth it?"

TX arrogance and control of the $ from the Long Horn network were a couple of reasons the NE fled into the BIG.
The TX legislature demanded that when the SWC was breaking up that the new conference take in most of the other TX schools.
The TX governor is already publicly shaming the the BIG 12 for not adding teams.
The BIG does not need that bitter, angry and reactionary governor wreaking havoc to get his way.
The BIG has yet to digest Rutgers and MD. NE was an easier fit.
There is no need to rush into adding more teams.
Let us wait and see how the new scheduling system works first.

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