Bielema won't say who's starting QB against UTEP. the chaos continues...


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Oct 20, 2009
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Let the guessing game begin.

Will junior Danny O'Brien be back at quarterback for the University of Wisconsin football team against UTEP on Saturday after getting yanked at halftime of the last game?

Or will redshirt freshman Joel Stave, who played the entire second half of the 16-14 victory over Utah State, get his first start?

UW coach Bret Bielema has made a decision, but he's not telling. He also said at his Monday news conference he will not make the quarterbacks available for interviews this week.

O'Brien was benched after fumbling in the second quarter, his third turnover in two games. He had an interception on overturned by a roughing-the-passer penalty and another fumble that he recovered.

"I told him on Sunday that the Number 1 reason he got the job to begin with was because of the way he took care of the football," Bielema said.

Had a change needed to be made in the first two games, Bielema said senior Curt Phillips would have went in the game.

"I said when that (quarterback) decision was made we had three guys we felt could win football games," Bielema said. "That hasn't changed."

It doesn't seem like O'Brien has done enough to lose the job, but Bielema has spoken highly of Stave since preseason camp.

"I think any of the quarterbacks ... would admit that Joel has the best arm out of all of them, strength-wise (and) ability to throw the football," Bielema said. "He's got great composure.

"I think the one thing you can count on with Joel is what you called and what you expect to see, the reactions ... whether it's pre-snap reads (or) whether it's reads within the play.

"Joel's pretty educated. Now, obviously, he's only got one half under his belt ... so that's the part that's the unknown."

Stave wasn't asked to do much, completing only 2 of 6 passes for 15 yards. He had great field position his first two series, but his first drive, starting at midfield, was sabotaged by a holding call on first down.

The next series started at the Utah State 42 and consisted of six straight runs by Montee Ball, resulting in a touchdown.

The four series in the fourth quarter were all backed up, starting at UW's 20 or worse, including one at the 5.

"When the field flipped in the fourth quarter, it just seems like we were always playing out of our end zone ... and we were trying to get first downs by running the football," Bielema said. "It wasn't a realistic picture of what maybe Joel's strengths are."

Bielema praised O'Brien for staying involved on the sideline in the second half.

"I remember distinctly in the fourth quarter where we had a timeout or there was a break in the action on the field and Danny was communicating with Joel as much as anybody out there on the field through (offensive coordinator) Matt (Canada) on the headset," Bielema said.

Changing of the guard

Bielema said he didn't consult any of the coaches prior to making a change on the depth chart at right guard. That seemed apparent after listening to Bielema and offensive line coach Bart Miller talk about junior Zac Matthias, who has started the first three games.

This week, Matthias and sophomore Kyle Costigan are both listed on the top line of the depth chart. Bielema seems to want to make a point about penalties, since Matthias was called for a false start and holding last week.

However, Matthias wasn't the only double offender in the line, with junior center Travis Frederick getting called for the same two infractions. Junior left guard Ryan Groy also was called for a false start.

But Miller indicated on Sunday that Matthias has made progress and has solidified his spot.

"I think Zac played really well for the most part," Miller said. "He's got some things to clean up like everybody, but he played physically, had 11 knockdowns. That's what I was looking for, if he could come out and play physical.

"We've got to clean up a little bit of his footwork, but those things are teachable. As long as the effort is there and the desire is there, he's eliminated mental mistakes, which is key."

Miller said he strongly felt he was playing the top five linemen and said he feels good about seven players, including Costigan and backup senior right tackle Robert Burge.

"Every year, Wisconsin has needed at least six or seven guys to play," Miller said. "I feel like we have seven guys that can easily play and help us win. I'm very comfortable with where we are personnel-wise."

Extra points

Junior wide receiver Jared Abbrederis, who missed the last game with a concussion, remains day-to-day and still has not been cleared to return. ... Even if Abbrederis plays, sophomore Kenzel Doe will return punts. Doe had an 82-yard return for a touchdown last week that came on just his second career return. ... Junior defensive end Pat Muldoon will miss a second straight game after suffering a broken left hand in practice last week and undergoing surgery. There's a chance he could return next week against Nebraska, wearing a wrap to protect the cast.

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Well, if the horrible performances well below the recent Wisconsin bar continue, how many coaches or QB's will BB go through before he hints that perhaps he could be doing a better job?

Idiot Badger Writer said:
would have went

And this guy gets paid to form words and put words together into sentences. Unbelievable.

Finally, it is becoming apparent to the rest of the world (not just us Gopher-holers) that the emperor has no clothes.

I mistakenly thought the Badgers were going to come out swinging, but Utah State played them tough and should have won. UTEP played both Oklahoma and Ole Miss close, they are no cupcake. Go Miners!

What other free agent quarterbacks are on the market at this point in the season?

So let's recap:
Awful time management in rose bowl squanders once in a century free agent QB acquisition.

Badger fans, Not BB's fault, he's a great coach.

Chryst and 6 or 7 other coaches leave the program.

No problem, BB's just cutting fat, they all left for better jobs, blah blah blah, BB's a great coach, he knows what he's doing.

Hires Markuson, Canada, promotes GA to secondary coach, new WR coach, others.

GREAT MOVES! Markuson is a top notch Oline coach, maybe an upgrade, Canada is a great O coordinator, BB is an awesome coach.

Hires danny O brian to be next unreal free agent QB.

Great move BB, probably will be better than RW even, or at least as good as Tolzien.
National title bound!

Montee ball gets jumped after beating up some kid at a party. BB vowes to get to the bottom of it. No players are suspended. Ball plays week 1.

Punks jumping our innocent players as they walk home from the library!
BB is just handling this so well, what a mature head coach he's become!

Week 1: UNI outplays badgers, but they win a close one at home to an FCS school.

OK, no big deal. Shaking the rust off. DoB was good. Ball is still recovering. BB will get this team cranking!

Week 2: OSU exploits a horrible badger offense to an upset win, BB fires oline coach like a 13 year old flipping through a madden game.

BB is a great coach, shaking things up to keep everyone on their toes, this will really fix everything. Markuson wasn't a great fit, no big deal we've got All americans behind all americans to spare on this Oline. DoB obviously isn't RW, but he'll be ok.

Week 3: USU basically beats the badgers for all but one play in their house after a week of great physical practice. BB benches FA QB DoB, RSFr QB does nothing.

Boos at halftime are obviously for the players and assistant coaches, something is up. BB is a great coach, he'll figure it out. Um, er. Must be the playcalling, or um er, maybe the OL isn't that great. Hmm, well at least we can catch UTEP off guard, they don't know which QB will play. Great move BB!

If my snark is off the truth, then fine. I hate BB and the badgers.
There is no way a sane badger fan can be proud or excited about where this season and program go from here under BB. There are serious red flags all over this guy's last offseason as soon as Chryst and the other coaches left. He acts like a 13 year old brat at the helm of a football program. Entitled, unpredictable, petulant, and most of all, over his head.
I love it.

So let's recap:
....., BB fires oline coach like a 13 year old flipping through a madden game.

If my snark is off the truth, then fine. I hate BB and the badgers.
There is no way a sane badger fan can be proud or excited about where this season and program go from here under BB. There are serious red flags all over this guy's last offseason as soon as Chryst and the other coaches left. He acts like a 13 year old brat at the helm of a football program. Entitled, unpredictable, petulant, and most of all, over his head.
I love it.

Awesome word picture! I'm liking where this is heading.

BB is the devil.

Well said Ole :clap: The only thing I would add to that last sentence is "arrogant prick".

no motivation to look up the O'Brien stats for the past 3 games but what i recall from seeing them week to week he has done avg to abv avg work.

When DOB gets shelled from the blindside and fumbles, I can understand that. I think Bielema was hoping for Russell Wilson v2 with DOB, and as we can all see, RW was a special, special talent.

no motivation to look up the O'Brien stats for the past 3 games but what i recall from seeing them week to week he has done avg to abv avg work.

Yeah, obviously BB was looking for a spark and just naturally went to the QB switchover angle, cause I didn't think O'Brien was doing that poorly to get benched that quickly. Maybe he thought Stave would pull a Ginger Cannon and just go off for 3 TDs?

O'Brien's numbers looked very good against UNI: 19/23, 219, 2TD, 0int but the offense only scored 26 points against FCS UNI. Against OSU, DOB's numbers were pretty bad: 20/38, 172, 1TD, 1int when they only scored 7 points. Against USU, he was 5-10, 63, 0TD, 0int I didn't watch any of these games, so I can't say how good he looked. When Markuson was fired he said (basically) that Abbrederris was their only playmaker receiver, and he was injured in the OSU game and therefore out against USU. So if that's true, it explains at least some of DOB's problems.

Has anyone watched these games? What is happening here? Why can't Wisc's O do anything? Also, is their D actually pretty good? They've held OSU to 10 points and USU to 14 (should've been 17 at least, but heh). Just wondering.

First, let me say that I am not a Becky fan. I did grow up with parents who were though and spent a fair amount of time watching games in the 90's with them. I watched the better part of the game against OSU and USU. Their O-line looked weak in both games, unable to control the LOS at all. They got away with a lot of holding (as usual, it drives me crazy that they don't draw more flags) but still didn't get any push in the run game and looked sloppy on passing downs.

Their D and special teams still looked solid. I think it all goes back to Chryst being an excellent offensive coordinator and taking key staff members with him. Where they go from here will be interesting to watch. They could bounce back and start playing really well again or the wheels could fall off. I'm guessing that this year they will bounce back and have a solid but not great season. I think the future of the program will rest with the upcoming offseason however.

The biggest difference I've seen is their offensive line. They have not played well at all, especially compared to last year. The run game has really opened up their pass game in the past, and that's not happening so far this year.

Here's a question that popped into my mind the other night when O'Brien got pulled. O'Brien is a junior in terms of eligibility but he transferred to Wisconsin under the "already graduated" rule ala Russell Wilson and others. Quick question, if O'Brien falls out of favor in Wisconsin, can he transfer somewhere else to play his senior season?

Here's a question that popped into my mind the other night when O'Brien got pulled. O'Brien is a junior in terms of eligibility but he transferred to Wisconsin under the "already graduated" rule ala Russell Wilson and others. Quick question, if O'Brien falls out of favor in Wisconsin, can he transfer somewhere else to play his senior season?

Only if he decided to change his major and Wisconsin did not offer the new major. :) I'm serious that's probably the rule.

Did Bulemia consult his chart to see which qb to play?

If they need to be this secretive to beat UTEP at home, it is looking good for those of us who have awaited the downfall of wisky football.

I was talking to my wife's friend who is a Badger fan (though went to UST and has always lived much closer to UMN than Madison) and she was 100% for BB firing the O-Line coach. Said that coaches get too many second chances and that this will make whoever fills in know that they have to do a good job to keep it. I asked if she thought it's a bad move given only 2 games and how that can (will) keep prospective employees from coming there if their window of opportunity to succeed is only 2 games. She didn't get it. She then also took a shot by saying "well at least Wisconsin is still a winning program so I'm not that concerned about the loss, people will still respect us." This coming from one of the (if not the) most well-versed sports women I've met regarding baseball and football.

I think Wisconsin fans agree on 2 things: Montee Ball is the best RB in the country and BB is a fantastic coach. They say things like "Montee is only getting XX yard per carry, the line is terrible!" without stopping to think that he was only so successful last year because of a fantastic OL and great playcalling/coaching from Chryst. They also are defending BB in whatever he does without realizing how much of a child he looks like to the conference and nation. Witholding game footage? Refusing to announce a starter? He just looks like a whiny little kid trying to get any advantage he can, which still gets him next to nothing.

I hope we smoke then in Madison.


On top of everything else he's done, he's also apparently asked the Badger trolls to refrain from running here to defend his honor. This thread's been up for almost a day and not one of them has taken the time to swoop in and save Burt. Unless they're just in hiding because their team has looked like trash. That couldn't be though.

I was talking to my wife's friend who is a Badger fan (though went to UST and has always lived much closer to UMN than Madison) and she was 100% for BB firing the O-Line coach. Said that coaches get too many second chances and that this will make whoever fills in know that they have to do a good job to keep it. I asked if she thought it's a bad move given only 2 games and how that can (will) keep prospective employees from coming there if their window of opportunity to succeed is only 2 games. She didn't get it. She then also took a shot by saying "well at least Wisconsin is still a winning program so I'm not that concerned about the loss, people will still respect us." This coming from one of the (if not the) most well-versed sports women I've met regarding baseball and football.

If she's one of the most well-versed sports women you know, you don't know many well-versed sports women. Sounds more like the robot Badgertron 3000 than someone who gives this decision more than just a passing thought. If coaches didn't get second (or third or fourth or fifth . . .) chances, nobody would last the season.

I cannot stand the Badgers or Bielema, but I think we all remember after the 2008 seaon we all thought Bielema was going to be done after going 7-6. He proceeded to win 10, 11 and 11 games. All I am saying is lets relax on the idea that Wisconsin is done. Do not get me wrong, I would love it as much as the next guy/gal on this board if Wisconsn went into a down period and we won the axe 8 years in a row, but lets not get ahead of ourselves after 3 games this yer. The signs now are promising, but lets not get TOO excited...yet.

The circumstances are different with Chryst and 5 others leaving and it is clear there is no Russell Wilson to save his arse, but I just cannot get too excited yet based on the 2008-2009 experience...

I cannot stand the Badgers or Bielema, but I think we all remember after the 2008 seaon we all thought Bielema was going to be done after going 7-6. He proceeded to win 10, 11 and 11 games. All I am saying is lets relax on the idea that Wisconsin is done. Do not get me wrong, I would love it as much as the next guy/gal on this board if Wisconsn went into a down period and we won the axe 8 years in a row, but lets not get ahead of ourselves after 3 games this yer. The signs now are promising, but lets not get TOO excited...yet.

The circumstances are different with Chryst and 5 others leaving and it is clear there is no Russell Wilson to save his arse, but I just cannot get too excited yet based on the 2008-2009 experience...

Alert the media - a rational thought on Gopher Hole!

I cannot stand the Badgers or Bielema, but I think we all remember after the 2008 seaon we all thought Bielema was going to be done after going 7-6. He proceeded to win 10, 11 and 11 games. All I am saying is lets relax on the idea that Wisconsin is done. Do not get me wrong, I would love it as much as the next guy/gal on this board if Wisconsn went into a down period and we won the axe 8 years in a row, but lets not get ahead of ourselves after 3 games this yer. The signs now are promising, but lets not get TOO excited...yet.

The circumstances are different with Chryst and 5 others leaving and it is clear there is no Russell Wilson to save his arse, but I just cannot get too excited yet based on the 2008-2009 experience...

So true. There seems to be a lot wrong with Badger football right now. Yet, as a program, they enjoy a lot of built-in advantages that could help them very quickly recover. As bad as things are for them right now they will almost certainly be 3-1 this time next week. But even if this turns out to be a horrific season for them, and they give BB the axe, they are in a great position to land a top-tier coach.

More than anything, this should be a reminder to Gopher fans how important staff stability is in college fotball. If Minnesota begins to regularly field better teams it will be because of the stability Kill and his staff have brought to the program, and the relative chaos that UW's staff changes have introduced to one of the leagues most stable programs.

But even if this turns out to be a horrific season for them, and they give BB the axe, they are in a great position to land a top-tier coach.

The Gophers have given BB the axe more times than I care to remember. :(

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