Better weather is forecast for Saturday's Gopher Spring Game

Nov 17, 2008
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Per KSTP it looks like the chances for rain have diminished significantly for this Saturday's (4/25) Gopher Spring Game being held at 1:30PM at O’Shaughnessy Stadium on the campus of the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. Admission is FREE.

Now only a 30% chance of showers for Saturday. If there are any rain showers they will likely be in the morning with the afternoon drying out which should coincide well with the afternoon start time of the Spring Game. High of about 58 degrees with a light breeze.

It sounds like good weather to go and support our Gopher football squad at the annual Spring Game.

So get out there to the Spring Game tomorrow. NO LAME EXCUSES (like the weather)! ;)

The improving forecast not only brightens my spirits about the Spring Game, but about the Spring Jam parties that will be starting early and ending late all over campus.

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