Better Late Than Never: Sports Huddle Summary (Coach Kill) 6/1/14


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Nov 20, 2008
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As a result of a power outage in our area, I was unable to send this message until mid-afternoon.

Mike Max filled in for Dave Mona on today’s Sports Huddle. Responses and comments by Coach Jerry Kill to questions by Sid Hartman and Mike Max:

1) Mike Max opened the questioning by asking what Coach Kill and his assistants are doing now that school is out and they’re two months from the opening of fall drills: “Biggest thing, finish up evaluation of recruits and get ready for summer camps in June,” said Kill. He said there’ll be five camps in which they’ll get a chance to evaluate recruits that don’t have spring drills. They’re also getting ready or making preparations for the arrival of the recent recruiting class as well as the players that have been away since the spring semester ended. All of the team will be back on campus by mid-June.

2) Sid asked, once again, about position changes. He cited an entry in his column in which former defensive coordinator Greg Hudson talked about position changes, i.e., (Viking draft pick) running back to linebacker: Kill said by the time players are in their junior, senior years they’re pretty much set: “We’re not moving any around . . . we’re pretty well set.” However, he did acknowledge the possibility of some incoming freshmen being shifted to different positions (getting an opportunity to play and getting your best players on the field, which can lead to position changes – offense to defense or vice versa). By his last comment, it sounded as though there will be some changes in the freshmen class; last week he indicated as much when discussing the depth at the tight end position.

3) Sid mentioned Caleb Bak’s football career as a Gopher: Kill said about Bak, “A very good player, an outstanding player . . . tough to lose a good player . . . good kid . . . can’t take a chance with concussions.” Kill was appreciative of Bak’s play and contributions to the team.

4) Sid followed up by asking who might replace Bak: Kill didn’t mention any one player in particular; however, he spoke at length about the depth in the offensive line, “Offensive line-wise, we have options.” He sound positive and said it would be good to get Jon Christenson back. He said Christenson could move from center to guard.

Again, Kill sounded very positive about the offensive line and the options they have with depth. He concluded the question, “Hope to be eight players deep.” He emphasized the importance of depth because of the physical pounding the players undergo during the season.

5) Mike asked what the term “May Mester” meant. In any case, I believe that was the term he used: Kill responded, “Players stick around to take some extra (academic) hours.” He said they want to get a jump on the hours required for a degree. He added, “(Some) “Kids want to be here” (instead of going home – they like the Twin Cities). Kill did say that he encourages the players to take a break, “Everyone needs a break.”

25 to 28 team members are on campus (those that took May classes and some that are working in the Twin Cities. On June 14 he expects all the team veterans to be back on campus. As far as the freshmen reporting to the U, he expects most will be arriving on campus at the same time for summer school; however, there may be a few cases in which there are some late commencements. Nevertheless, he expects all to be on campus shortly thereafter for summer school and voluntary workouts.

6) Sid referenced recent remarks by the SEC Commissioner about football being separate from other school sports: Kill acknowledged there have been a lot of discussions related to the revenue side of sports (football and basketball) that carry non-revenue sports. According to Kill, you seem to hear more and more about some upcoming changes, “Sooner than later . . . we’ll know more August first.” Kill briefly mentioned or used the term (his term) in describing the super conferences as “Division I Plus.” He also said the NCAA would still have a part to play in governing rules.

7) Sid, once again raised the questions about redshirts and who he expects to make an impact this year: Kill replied, “On offense Berkley Edwards has to give us valuable moments.” He spoke highly of Edwards and his playmaking abilities and blazing speed.

“Nate Wozniak had a good spring. Look for him to do good things.”

Defense: Although not redshirts, Kill sounded excited and pleased that Derrick Wells and Briean Boddy are healthy and will be back in the secondary. Also on defense, Kill cited linebackers Rayfield Dixon and De’Niro Laster.

Kill finished the question by citing Duke Anyanwu. Kill has mentioned Duke’s name frequently in recent weeks. He sounded as though Anyanwu is expected to make an impact on the field this year.

As you might expect, there was a lot more bantering on this week’s show with Mike Max filling in for Dave Mona.

Go Gophers!!

As a result of a power outage in our area, I was unable to send this message until mid-afternoon.

Mike Max filled in for Dave Mona on today’s Sports Huddle. Responses and comments by Coach Jerry Kill to questions by Sid Hartman and Mike Max:

1)Mike Max opened the questioning by asking what Coach Kill and his assistants are doing now that school is out and they’re two months from the opening of fall drills: “Biggest thing, finish up evaluation of recruits and get ready for summer camps in June,” said Kill. He said there’ll be five camps in which they’ll get a chance to evaluate recruits that don’t have spring drills. They’re also getting ready or making preparations for the arrival of the recent recruiting class as well as the players that have been away since the spring semester ended. All of the team will be back on campus by mid-June.

2)Sid asked, once again, about position changes. He cited an entry in his column in which former defensive coordinator Greg Hudson talked about position changes, i.e., (Viking draft pick) running back to linebacker: Kill said by the time players are in their junior, senior years they’re pretty much set: “We’re not moving any around . . . we’re pretty well set.” However, he did acknowledge the possibility of some incoming freshmen being shifted to different positions (getting an opportunity to play and getting your best players on the field, which can lead to position changes – offense to defense or vice versa). By his last comment, it sounded as though there will be some changes in the freshmen class; last week he indicated as much when discussing the depth at the tight end position.

3)Sid mentioned Caleb Bak’s football career as a Gopher: Kill said about Bak, “A very good player, an outstanding player . . . tough to lose a good player . . . good kid . . . can’t take a chance with concussions.” Kill was appreciative of Bak’s play and contributions to the team.

4)Sid followed up by asking who might replace Bak: Kill didn’t mention any one player in particular; however, he spoke at length about the depth in the offensive line, “Offensive line-wise, we have options.” He sound positive and said it would be good to get Jon Christenson back. He said Christenson could move from center to guard.

Again, Kill sounded very positive about the offensive line and the options they have with depth. He concluded the question, “Hope to be eight players deep.” He emphasized the importance of depth because of the physical pounding the players undergo during the season.

5)Mike asked what the term “May Mester” meant. In any case, I believe that was the term he used: Kill responded, “Players stick around to take some extra (academic) hours.” He said they want to get a jump on the hours required for a degree. He added, “(Some) “Kids want to be here” (instead of going home – they like the Twin Cities). Kill did say that he encourages the players to take a break, “Everyone needs a break.”

25 to 28 team members are on campus (those that took May classes and some that are working in the Twin Cities. On June 14 he expects all the team veterans to be back on campus. As far as the freshmen reporting to the U, he expects most will be arriving on campus at the same time for summer school; however, there may be a few cases in which there are some late commencements. Nevertheless, he expects all to be on campus shortly thereafter for summer school and voluntary workouts.

6)Sid referenced recent remarks by the SEC Commissioner about football being separate from other school sports: Kill acknowledged there have been a lot of discussions related to the revenue side of sports (football and basketball) that carry non-revenue sports. According to Kill, you seem to hear more and more about some upcoming changes, “Sooner than later . . . we’ll know more August first.” Kill briefly mentioned or used the term (his term) in describing the super conferences as “Division I Plus.” He also said the NCAA would still have a part to play in governing rules.

7)Sid, once again raised the questions about redshirts and who he expects to make an impact this year: Kill replied, “On offense Berkley Edwards has to give us valuable moments.” He spoke highly of Edwards and his playmaking abilities and blazing speed.

“Nate Wozniak had a good spring. Look for him to do good things.”

Defense: Although not redshirts, Kill sounded excited and pleased that Derrick Wells and Briean Boddy are healthy and will be back in the secondary. Also on defense, Kill cited linebackers Rayfield Dixon and De’Niro Laster.

Kill finished the question by citing Duke Anyanwu. Kill has mentioned Duke’s name frequently in recent weeks. He sounded as though Anyanwu is expected to make an impact on the field this year.

As you might expect, there was a lot more bantering on this week’s show with Mike Max filling in for Dave Mona.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL.
I'm firmly on the Duke Anyanwu bandwagon as well. Looked great this Spring.

ahh Thanks DL. I was starting to wonder where my weekly Sports Huddle updates were.

Thanks DL. I was getting ready to send out the search and rescue team to locate you. Glad to hear your back on the power grid.

I could see Anyanwu and Elmore shifting from TE to another position. Anyanwu to FB and Elmore to DE or LB.

Later in the show Sid made the comment about something being all about money. "It's money," he said. ""

I could see Anyanwu and Elmore shifting from TE to another position. Anyanwu to FB and Elmore to DE or LB.
I think it is late to shift Anyanwu. He looked huge and moved well this spring.

thank DL, missed the show again his week, os I appreciate the update. ( I always read it even if I heard the show)

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