Best Defense in the last 22 years?

toby gerhart is a fluke and will be nothing at the next level

racist against your own race? makes a lot of sense. By the way how many of the top 10 running backs in the NFL are white?

I think this team's defense is better then the 1999 defense. I don't know if this link will work to get to the Gopher Sports 1999 stats page.
1999 =
2009 =

The 2009 team game up more points and more yards. The yards given up per rush and per pass are roughly the same. The time of possession was equivalent with both years we had three minutes less of time of possession per game.

What struck me is that in the 1999 year, in our non-conference games the cumulative score was 123-14. We beat Northwestern by 19, Illinois by 30 and Indiana by 24.

It appears to me from the statistics, and from memory, that our 1999 defense performed much worse against quality opponents then this years team. We had a dominating rushing game and how we couldn't have won the time of possession in 1999 with that rushing game and the much weaker schedule indicates our defense couldn't get off the field against the good teams.

Please never mention Mason and defense in another post. It nauseates me. Doogie is so negative on Brewster he will do anything to rip him. Even praise Mason. Doogie, what did Brew do to you? Kick you out of a practice? Ignore your precious KFAN buddies? It is so obvious.

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