Best Comment about Pantherhawk....Ever

Ski U Mah Gopher

Member of the Tribe
Nov 12, 2008
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From the ESPN Blog comment...

nstelzie (4/9/2010 at 12:03 PM)
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A day without Pantherhawk commenting about the Gophers is like a day without a terrorist in the middle-east. I wish both would go away, but it's not realistic

Someone on the message board asked him if he was still single and put a link to next to it. That my personal favorite!

On the plus side, even if he does stay single for life (thus continuing to stalk every single U of M related website), at least that ensures mankind that his horrible genetics (Fat, bald, stupid, psychotic etc) are not pasted down to future generations.

On the plus side, even if he does stay single for life (thus continuing to stalk every single U of M related website), at least that ensures mankind that his horrible genetics (Fat, bald, stupid, psychotic etc) are not pasted down to future generations.

You forgot bed-wetting.

What a sad pathetic life he must live.

Does anyone else feel like he grew up wanting ever so badly to become a U of M football player or at least a student there but in the end became overweight, unathletic and too stupid to get accepted into the school in the first place thus beginning his hatred towards the U and posing as a Hawkeye fan from there on out? I sure as he!! get that feeling...why else would he be so obsessed with hating us?

What a wretch. Soon he'll run out of boards to be banned from. My understanding is that he isn't even welcomed on Iowa or Northern Iowa boards. Whenever we have a new opponent, it follows an old pattern: he's welcomed by people who've never heard of him, because they are under the impression that he actually has some respect for our opponent, when he doesn't.

He's a Bizarro version of a Gopher fan, really. His entire "life" is devoted to hating the Gophers. He is truly a thing to be pitied.

Darn. When I saw the thread title I though that maybe the comment was going to be "Yesterday Pantherhawk was hit by a speeding train."

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