Bert still keepin' it classy

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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Bielema said Monday his defense, which was carved up by Auburn in the opener last Saturday, needs to take on a boxer’s mentality.

“When you’re a boxer and you see someone bleed, you want to go after that cut eye,” Bielema said. “I always used to tell players, when you see a guy bleeding — and he doesn’t necessarily need to have blood coming out of him — but if he’s holding his knee or he’s holding his wrist, or he’s bent over, or he’s holding his leg or he’s working his ankle out, go after that baby.

“When I was a wrestler and you’ve got a brace on, I’m going after your (expletive), you know? That’s the mentality I think that we have to establish.”


so typical of Bertie. i hope he rots in hell!

That is an amazingly stupid thing to say. What I really don't get is does Bulimia really believe that when he says these kind of things that his own players won't be recipients of revenge? Shouldn't one of his most important jobs be to protect his own players?

That sounds exactly like Brewster's bear hunting quotes. Just looking at his team's record and seeing quotes on this site, he sounds more and more like a hack coach who absolutely benefitted to the Alvarez era at UW. He probably had the easiest job in all of CFB. Just let the assistants teach, and I'll call when to go for two. Pathetic.

This is the way Neanderthal's think. Can't see the bigger picture; only the here and now. That's why Alvarez hired him. He was not an outside the box thinker and thus no threat to Alvarez' legacy.

The big issue for me is that this is the same guy who was advocating for additional rules when teams play Hurry-up/No-Huddle, because, you know...player safety.

But yeah...if's he's got an injured knee, so after that ****.

He may be gone before Ragnow graduates if he doesn't turn the ship around

Butthead is just developing the attitude of Razorback fans. They love hearing this crap.

He won't be around for very long.

Would love to see them go 0-8 in the conference again this year.

Would love to see them go 0-8 in the conference again this year.

Me too. I used to like the Razorbacks, but with Butthead there, I want them to lose it all.

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