Berezowitz named recruiting coordinator at Oklahoma


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Marcus tweeting from Pioneer Press.

He must interview as well as Brewster!

I don't think the recruiting was bad, it had more to do with what they did with them once the had them.

I don't think the recruiting was bad, it had more to do with what they did with them once the had them.

Sooner or later you are going to find out that most of what they did wasn't that bad. They just weren't given enough time to get it done.

Sweet. Hopefully, I can get a deal on some Sooner tee-shirts and shorts.

Sooner or later you are going to find out that most of what they did wasn't that bad. They just weren't given enough time to get it done.

No one does sarcasm like you. Well played sir.

Not surprised he landed at a quality program like Oklahoma. Berezowitz is well respected in the recruiting business. He's a sharp guy.

Sid reports this morning that the Oklahoma job "didn't work out" and that Brez is still job searching.

Go Gophers!!

I think that Maxie and Upnorth are right. Most were good HS players, but never got the coaching and disciplline to develope. Now we will find out if they were ruined as players and people or if they can pick up where they left off in HS .

Sooner or later you are going to find out that most of what they did wasn't that bad. They just weren't given enough time to get it done.

That's because for the first three years they didn't have a clue what they wanted to do, cause they had no real direction or vision. Once that was established his last year, though, it was too late, he was screwed. A coach with experience who comes in knowing what they want wouldn't have had that problem most likely.

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