Becky already getting sweaty hands.

Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
I believe they get Northern ILL at Soldier Field in Chicago. They had a very tough game against them in Madison. It will be interesting to see the Vegas line on this game. A loss to NI and heaven
forbid, a loss to Minnesota would put the little hamlet of Paranoiaville over the edge. The State is already on edge with the political demonstrations over the past week. If the football team tanks it I could see Kurt Russall doing the sequal "Live and Die in LA" and inserting "Madison"

I believe they get Northern ILL at Soldier Field in Chicago. They had a very tough game against them in Madison. It will be interesting to see the Vegas line on this game. A loss to NI and heaven
forbid, a loss to Minnesota would put the little hamlet of Paranoiaville over the edge. The State is already on edge with the political demonstrations over the past week. If the football team tanks it I could see Kurt Russall doing the sequal "Live and Die in LA" and inserting "Madison"

WTF are you talking about Ruppert? I have yet to meet a fan that feels worried about playing N. IL or Minnesota.

Geez, you pin your thoughts on such dumb, fabricated notions like this..... and year after year after year.... you wind up looking like Charlie Brown on his backside, wondering what happened when Lucy pulled the football away.

Snap out of it, Son.

Good stuff Rupe. Thanks for making this board the most entertaining on the internet. It is like really bad TV. You don't want to watch, you just can't help it.

Great job Rup... Instead of your usual pissing off gopher fans on GH you're pissing off Badger fans on GH. Kudos!

Then why the " emotional" response NewBerlinBecky?

I think I struck the proper nerve. By the way, what did you beat NI by in Madison? I believe it was pretty close the whole game. Try some Gold Bond powder for the sweaty hands.

I believe they get Northern ILL at Soldier Field in Chicago. They had a very tough game against them in Madison. It will be interesting to see the Vegas line on this game. A loss to NI and heaven forbid, a loss to Minnesota would put the little hamlet of Paranoiaville over the edge. The State is already on edge with the political demonstrations over the past week. If the football team tanks it I could see Kurt Russall doing the sequal "Live and Die in LA" and inserting "Madison"

Crazy thread aside, it's Kurt Russell, and it's "Escape from LA" and "Escape from NY". The "Escape from Madison" happened last week. And on an on-going basis. Ask the Nelsons...

Thanks for the correction Highwayman

I thought both were pretty good movies. The background for the sequal in Madison is ideal. Drunkeness, obesity, and the "black dog"

Original poster makes Gopher fans look like idiots, please don't start threads like this.

Original poster makes Gopher fans look like idiots, please don't start threads like this.

I think it's hilarious. Within 1 hour, the first two posts are from trolls that are so confident in their National Championship-less team that they feel the need to defend them on a rivals board. Don't look behind you badger fans...there is a paranoid guy sneaking up on you. I said DON'T LOOK!

I think this post says a lot more about the thin-skinned never-weres than the OP.

Sure wouldn't want to post anything on GH that would upset the becky fans. Wrong. screw em into the ground.

I think it's hilarious. Within 1 hour, the first two posts are from trolls that are so confident in their National Championship-less team that they feel the need to defend them on a rivals board. Don't look behind you badger fans...there is a paranoid guy sneaking up on you. I said DON'T LOOK!

I think this post says a lot more about the thin-skinned never-weres than the OP.
Please keep talking smack about our pre-integration shared titles.

Khaliq Quote:
Originally Posted by Unregistered User
I think it's hilarious. Within 1 hour, the first two posts are from trolls that are so confident in their National Championship-less team that they feel the need to defend them on a rivals board. Don't look behind you badger fans...there is a paranoid guy sneaking up on you. I said DON'T LOOK!

I think this post says a lot more about the thin-skinned never-weres than the OP.

Please keep talking smack about our pre-integration shared titles.

What titles have the Badgers won pre or post integration?

For the Badger fans reading, the "pre-integration era" is just before photoshop was invented...(I hope someone gets this and doesn't take it the wrong way).

On a more serious note - I'm not sure about the timeline of our National titles, but I know the University of Minnesota was one of the first schools to crawl out of the dark ages and integrate their football teams and we had much success in doing so. I would have thought that we won a title post-integration, but I could be wrong.

I believe they get Northern ILL at Soldier Field in Chicago. They had a very tough game against them in Madison. It will be interesting to see the Vegas line on this game. A loss to NI and heaven
forbid, a loss to Minnesota would put the little hamlet of Paranoiaville over the edge. The State is already on edge with the political demonstrations over the past week. If the football team tanks it I could see Kurt Russall doing the sequal "Live and Die in LA" and inserting "Madison"

You are such a dumbass.

Please keep talking smack about our pre-integration shared titles.

So we should disregard all history that is "pre-integration"? Gotcha, that makes sense. Same old song and dance Khaliq. Explain to everyone why you bring race into everything?

For the Badger fans reading, the "pre-integration era" is just before photoshop was invented...(I hope someone gets this and doesn't take it the wrong way).

On a more serious note - I'm not sure about the timeline of our National titles, but I know the University of Minnesota was one of the first schools to crawl out of the dark ages and integrate their football teams and we had much success in doing so. I would have thought that we won a title post-integration, but I could be wrong.


What becky needs, is pop-rocks in their lifetime supply of lip gloss.


Frozen View?

So we should disregard all history that is "pre-integration"? Gotcha, that makes sense. Same old song and dance Khaliq. Explain to everyone why you bring race into everything?

That because he sees everything in those terms. It is too bad that he has this frozen view because it closes off so many possibilities.

Lol! My brother told me he used this in a persuasive speech in high school about why Gopher fans are better than Badger fans. This is the first time I've actually seen it, however.

Please keep talking smack about our pre-integration shared titles.

You are ridiculous. We pretty much INVENTED integration in D1 football, you tard.

?? What is that supposed to imply?

Play a little game of Where's Waldo with each person from the picture on the left. Find them in the picture on the right. FWIW, the picture on the right is the original. The picture on the left, however, was published. A little touching up to add diversity to a pretty well, non-diverse, campus.

Play a little game of Where's Waldo with each person from the picture on the left. Find them in the picture on the right. FWIW, the picture on the right is the original. The picture on the left, however, was published. A little touching up to add diversity to a pretty well, non-diverse, campus.

I swore I studied those pictures.. I always sucked at Where's Waldo and One Of These Things Are Not Like The Other games.

I see it now, and it brought me the lulz

I swore I studied those pictures.. I always sucked at Where's Waldo and One Of These Things Are Not Like The Other games.

I see it now, and it brought me the lulz

Where's Waldo was the WORST book on tape ever. "O.K. Page O.K. Page Page! There he is!".


I may just go to this game, pay the 10 bucks, just to root against Becky.

Play a little game of Where's Waldo with each person from the picture on the left. Find them in the picture on the right. FWIW, the picture on the right is the original. The picture on the left, however, was published. A little touching up to add diversity to a pretty well, non-diverse, campus.

Ha ha that made me laugh so hard.

This thread is more fun than a barrel full of cremated kittens. Oops, now I pissed off the animal rights people. Oh well, it could be worse. BTW, I wish BB would stop bragging to the world about the length of my junk.

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