Beauty of this Team


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Mitch in post game with KFAN, said that coach Johnson came in at half and said "Sh!t happens".

Claeys took the blame

Sawvel took the blame.

This team doesn't pout or dwell on the past. They support each other and respond in nearly every situation.

This will serve them well in the 4-5 remaining games. Plus this really helps this team on the road.

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That explains the **** for brains pass call.

That explains the **** for brains pass call.

For the amount of times I have heard the fans boo because we didn't try to score before the half and just take a knee, I don't have a problem with trying to get some yards after your kicker has already had 2+ 50 yard field goals. I do think the execution was poor, not the decision to try and get 3 more points.

For the amount of times I have heard the fans boo because we didn't try to score before the half and just take a knee, I don't have a problem with trying to get some yards after your kicker has already had 2+ 50 yard field goals. I do think the execution was poor, not the decision to try and get 3 more points.

You can't be serious thinking the decision to throw the ball at our own 23 yard line with 15 seconds to go was anything other than pure stupidity. If there was a minute or more to go then it would be different.

They had to go 44 yards in 15 seconds with an offense that has struggled to pass the ball all year just to get an attempt at a 50 yard field goal. That is an indefensible call and another huge blunder by Claeys.

Mitch in post game with KFAN, said that coach Johnson came in at half and said "Sh!t happens".

Claeys took the blame

Sawvel took the blame.

This team doesn't pout or dwell on the past. They support each other and respond in nearly every situation.

This will serve them well in the 4-5 remaining games. Plus this really helps this team on the road.

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Good points, and they have played pretty well on the road. Though I hope somebody brings-up the decisions at the end of the 1st Half. Don't think there has been any discussion of it around here.

For the amount of times I have heard the fans boo because we didn't try to score before the half and just take a knee, I don't have a problem with trying to get some yards after your kicker has already had 2+ 50 yard field goals. I do think the execution was poor, not the decision to try and get 3 more points.

I agree 100 percent. Your 5th year senior needs to know to chuck it deep there, everybody seemed to be on the same page with the 4 verticals except Mitch. No problem with the call what so ever.

Slight edge in stupidity to TC for the end of first half. However, Purdue's 4th and 1 call with shotgun read option and is very close.

Yeah, from the eye test at the game I thought Mitch sucked yesterday, then looked at his stats. Stupid pass on the interception. I think most B1G teams would take numbers he had yesterday game in and game out.

Yeah, from the eye test at the game I thought Mitch sucked yesterday, then looked at his stats. Stupid pass on the interception. I think most B1G teams would take numbers he had yesterday game in and game out.
I didn't get to watch most of the game and saw all the complaining here and figures Mitch must have been awful. Then I saw the stats and they looked decent. Then I remembered this is gopher hole.

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I didn't get to watch most of the game and saw all the complaining here and figures Mitch must have been awful. Then I saw the stats and they looked decent. Then I remembered this is gopher hole.

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It was the typical game where he does some good things but makes a few bad mistakes you wouldn't expect out of a 5th year senior.

It was the typical game where he does some good things but makes a few bad mistakes you wouldn't expect out of a 5th year senior.

You got it. It was a typical game for ML7. Yet, the same folks come on here and bitch like they had expected something different (insert NFL draft joke here). I get ML7 is disappointing in many ways, but why we need to "discover" it again every Saturday is tiresome.

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You got it. It was a typical game for ML7. Yet, the same folks come on here and bitch like they had expected something different (insert NFL draft joke here). I get ML7 is disappointing in many ways, but why we need to "discover" it again every Saturday is tiresome.

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60% completion and 230 yards, 75 rushing at 2 TDs... Other than the Iowa game, he's played well enough for Gophs to be 8-1. I can't see that as disappointing by any definition. I think some people are disappointed that there's not a better, flashier option at QB.

You got it. It was a typical game for ML7. Yet, the same folks come on here and bitch like they had expected something different (insert NFL draft joke here). I get ML7 is disappointing in many ways, but why we need to "discover" it again every Saturday is tiresome.

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Exactly. There will be the crowd that moans and complains about every mistake he makes. There will be the other crowd that points to stats or the end result and proclaims all is well. And every week both groups act like this is the first time we have been through this routine in regards to Mitch.

He is what he is, for those expecting elite play out of him get over yourself because it ain't going to happen. For those defending him all the time and failing to understand why anyone could take issue with anything he is doing based on numbers, watch the damn game.

Our offense has put up some nice point totals so far this season but if you actually watch the game it is clear that the offense is not operating at a real high level of efficiency. We have faced some horrible defenses, I mean bottom of the barrel bad. Scoring 26 on Penn State was really the only impressive point total we have against a good defense and that involved 4 field goals. We scored 7 against the only other decent defense we have faced.

I know that all doesn't have to do with Mitch but the QB gets all the credit and all the blame in the minds of most fans, fairly or unfairly doesn't seem to matter to most.

I am serious suggesting that the decision was not pure stupidity. Take one shot downfield (assuming QB is on the same page) What can happen? Option 1: complete a long pass (which they had already done twice)GOOD Option 2: draw a 45 yard pass interference penalty GOOD. Option 3: Incomplete pass; take a knee and go to halftime.OK None of those options are bad. I liked the aggressiveness- the QB being on the same page was slightly critical, however.

I am serious suggesting that the decision was not pure stupidity. Take one shot downfield (assuming QB is on the same page) What can happen? Option 1: complete a long pass (which they had already done twice)GOOD Option 2: draw a 45 yard pass interference penalty GOOD. Option 3: Incomplete pass; take a knee and go to halftime.OK None of those options are bad. I liked the aggressiveness- the QB being on the same page was slightly critical, however.

Of course in college number 2 is only a 15 yard penalty. I am all for being aggressive (hated when Kill would sit on the ball and not try to score even when there was time/field position) but there really is no solid defense for chucking it from your own 23 with no timeouts and 15 seconds on the clock. Especially when you factor in that you have the lead and are at home. It was a dumb decision and one they paid a steep price for, thankfully not one that cost the team the game.

You can't be serious thinking the decision to throw the ball at our own 23 yard line with 15 seconds to go was anything other than pure stupidity. If there was a minute or more to go then it would be different.

They had to go 44 yards in 15 seconds with an offense that has struggled to pass the ball all year just to get an attempt at a 50 yard field goal. That is an indefensible call and another huge blunder by Claeys.

Detroit did it against the Vikings yesterday. Granted that was in the 4th quarter needing to tie the game.

I am serious suggesting that the decision was not pure stupidity. Take one shot downfield (assuming QB is on the same page) What can happen? Option 1: complete a long pass (which they had already done twice)GOOD Option 2: draw a 45 yard pass interference penalty GOOD. Option 3: Incomplete pass; take a knee and go to halftime.OK None of those options are bad. I liked the aggressiveness- the QB being on the same page was slightly critical, however.

You are forgetting some thoughts and Option 4: Opponent intercepts and scores touchdown to lead at the half. Not to mention the "math"... you have no timeouts!! and you are not facing a defense this time focused on stopping the run...the defense is defending anything deep.
Which is dumber? Not kneeling to end the game and guarantee the win and no collateral damage to Rodney, Rallis, or losing the dang game (math again) etc or passing from your own your own 23 into the middle of the field with no timeouts and 15 seconds?

Detroit did it against the Vikings yesterday. Granted that was in the 4th quarter needing to tie the game.

They also had 8 more seconds, and one of the best QB's in the NFL. Even with that they made it just far enough to kick a 58 yd field goal with 2 seconds left.

Option 1 stops the clock for first down; Option 2 stops the clock for penalty. Option 4 was covered with "(assuming QB on the same page)"

60% completion and 230 yards, 75 rushing at 2 TDs... Other than the Iowa game, he's played well enough for Gophs to be 8-1. I can't see that as disappointing by any definition. I think some people are disappointed that there's not a better, flashier option at QB.

And a lot of the blame Mitch receives is because of what he is asked to do. The overall scheme, the decision to run or pass when and how often, the designed pirouettes to turn and now throw, the way plays set each other up (their progression) etc. Mitch didn't make the decision to pass with 15 seconds left. Nor many other maybe more subtle positions he is put into that are not conducive to success.

Bradford is a recent example...against the Eagles and Bears he looked awful. Against Houston he looked awesome! Against the Lions he looked really good and would of been awesome had he not missed a couple throws. My point: play calling, design of the offense has a major impact on how good the quarterback looks!!

Option 1 stops the clock for first down; Option 2 stops the clock for penalty. Option 4 was covered with "(assuming QB on the same page)"

Option 1: maybe you get lined up...maybe you spike it without an illegal formation penalty, maybe you get your field goal team on but need a 35 yard gain for that chance. Option2: Yes, the clock you are on your own the ol' 75 yard fake field goal play now? Option4: The quarterback can do everything perfectly and the defender makes a better play...the ball is going to be in the air a long if we are going can be deflected off our receivers's not just the quarterback on the same page.. Option5: Quarterback is "rocked" attempting to pass deep and fumbles...defense scores on recovery.

From the 38 (assuming the penalty option) with 10 seconds left, a 30 yard completion to the Purdue 35. Emmit Carpenter hits another 53 yard field goal and is named Everlasting Big Ten special teams player of the week!

Option 1 stops the clock for first down; Option 2 stops the clock for penalty. Option 4 was covered with "(assuming QB on the same page)"

I appreciate that you're trying to see the positive side of things (I'm constantly tilting at that windmill with this band of Debbie Downers), but there was really no defending that decision. The only reasonable options were a draw up the middle, or (even better) kneeling on the ball and heading into the half with a 2-point lead.

I'll put another spin on the absolutely inane pass call at the end of the first half... It was stupid. Clearly. Stupid play call. Even more stupid throw by ML7. Clearly, every player on the team knew this. If you read any of the posts during the in-game thread at the time, there weren't enough torches and pitchforks to go around. Our coaches were so bad, so outclassed, so clueless, that everyone needed to be fired on the spot. It was just a matter of time before the ENTIRE TEAM was going to give up on them. Yet, they come out in the second half. Play great D. Force turnovers. Move the ball through the air. The boys came out motivated. And the adjustments were made to not just win, but dominate the second half. You know what I call that? Good coaching.

I'll put another spin on the absolutely inane pass call at the end of the first half... It was stupid. Clearly. Stupid play call. Even more stupid throw by ML7. Clearly, every player on the team knew this. If you read any of the posts during the in-game thread at the time, there weren't enough torches and pitchforks to go around. Our coaches were so bad, so outclassed, so clueless, that everyone needed to be fired on the spot. It was just a matter of time before the ENTIRE TEAM was going to give up on them. Yet, they come out in the second half. Play great D. Force turnovers. Move the ball through the air. The boys came out motivated. And the adjustments were made to not just win, but dominate the second half. You know what I call that? Good coaching.

You obviously hate this program. I quit reading after the bold.

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