Be positive people it's going to be OK!!!!


Jan 3, 2009
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I really believe Brewster knows what he's doing and what needs to be done to get this program to the top. We are going through some growing pains (remember this was Brewsters first FULL year! He will get the right pieces (coaches and players) to the puzzle and we'll be ok. This isn't going to get done overnight.....and anyone who thought it would, was setting themselves up for major disappointment. There are so many more positives than negatives. We got MOST of the top Minnesota kids this year, when was the last time that happened. We have some great freshmen coming in this year like Gray, Maresh, Reeves, and Cooper who redshirted. We have a brand new stadium on the horizon. So we lost Dunbar and Roof, they are a lot of good coaches out there, and we will find replacements. So many times in life we focus and concentrate on what we don't have or lost. Concentrate on what we do have!!!!!!!! The future is bright!!!!!!!!

I never liked Dunbar, I did like what Roof did with the defense (especially moving Campbell to LB). I didn't think much of Roof when he was hired last year, but he proved me wrong, maybe the new guy can do the same.

Roof had a heck of a start, and overall had improvement early on, but still ended up somewhere in the 80's for overall D. I didn't like to lose him either, but lets not look at this as devastating, I feel its an opportunity to get a diamond in the rough. Especially with OC, I mean what an opportunity for us, there are a lot of good names out there, glad to see the move.

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