Bay News 9: Tony Dungy speaks at 'Dad Take Your Child to School Day'


New Orleans 2020
Jul 27, 2013
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ST. PETERSBURG -- Gibbs High School in St. Petersburg got a visit from a special dad for "Dad Take Your Child to School Day" Wednesday.

Former Bucs Coach Tony Dungy spoke to Gibbs High students and dads
Dungy: Dad needs to be a part of child's education
Simple way to do it: Read with your child

Former Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach and Hall of Famer Tony Dungy spoke to students and their dads about the importance of strong role models in children’s lives.

“Being a dad is always going to be there, it's never going to change,” Dungy said. “It's so important, especially the way things are in our country. That's our message with All Pro Dads, that fatherhood piece is just imperative that we get it right."

Dungy stressed the importance of fathers being involved in their children’s education.

“That yes, we want to spend time with them, that's great on the weekends, but don't neglect the time during the week where their brains are being challenged and stimulated. Be part of that process as well,” Dungy said.

Dungy’s message hit close to home for sixth grader Andrew Logan and his dad.

“I understand to work hard, take education because education will help you in life,” Andrew Logan said.

“It's very, very, very, extremely important because we see so many misguided kids in the community,” Lloyd Logan said.

Dungy highlighted that a simple way for fathers to spend quality time with their children is to read a book with them.

Go Gophers!

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