Basketball Student Ticket Policy



Just wondering if you think basketball will start to check i.d.'s when you enter williams? Now that they are going to start doing it for football and hockey I think it is only a matter of time given the recent increase in ticket demand. I think it will be great if they do. Keep all the old boring people who wear gray shirts out, as well as opposing fans.

You mean the old boring people who have been footing the bill and purchasing tickets at The Barn for 25-50 years, well before a lot of us (including myself) were born?

Not all fans are created equally. Some like to get into the game with their voices, wear the school colors, yell profanities and throw stuff at opposing fans. Then there are others who (understandably) don't want to be told what color to wear, who cheer for the Gophers while not being as vocal, but enjoy Gopher/Big 10 basketball all the same. I'm more in the former category (minus the swearing & throwing stuff), but can't we all (students/young whippersnappers, 40-50ish crowd, long-timers) just get along? There's more than one way to skin a cat. I think it's a good thing Williams Arena has a mix of the demographics.

You mean the old boring people who have been footing the bill and purchasing tickets at The Barn for 25-50 years, well before a lot of us (including myself) were born?

Not to nitpick, but I don't think those people sit in the student section, which is what he was referring to.

Ever since the shocking revealation of Mikie S' certain indiscretion in his youth under the John Wall thread, it has been difficult for me to trust another human being. I suspect that I might have seen SS throwing a soda container at a certain Purdue forward in the 90's... Just kidding...

Pont taken WAG. Nevertheless, the dig at the "older crowd" (wherever they sit) is clear. I forget sometimes that the era I grew up in (respect your elders) is long gone.

the student section entrance needs a MAJOR overhaul. it is absolute chaos, with demand going up when they open the doors it is a stampede, and they only have 1 or 2 normal size doors open. Also early on there is a nice formal line, but then jackasses start coming around and cutting in front. i still dont get why they either A: open the doors wwway earlier or B: make a set line with ropes and such

Pont taken WAG. Nevertheless, the dig at the "older crowd" (wherever they sit) is clear. I forget sometimes that the era I grew up in (respect your elders) is long gone.

Oh boy here we go again! From reading your posts SelectionSunday I have a feeling we're about the same age. But trust me, when we were young a generation or two older than us said that young kids don't respect their elders. Just like the kids who we think don't respect us will say the same thing in 25 years that kids just don't respect their elders. Do you still give candy out on Halloween or are the kids in costumes too annoying?

Pont taken WAG. Nevertheless, the dig at the "older crowd" (wherever they sit) is clear. I forget sometimes that the era I grew up in (respect your elders) is long gone.

I think it is time to stop selling (giving away) section 112 (i believe) to fans. That should be students. Right now it is full of randoms, mostly friends of the team and athletes i think. Demand should take that section back now the student section is selling out.

I also think the band and cheerleaders should move to section 112 and out from behind the basket. We need our craziest fans stretching from 110 - 111. 109-113 should be 100% students.

I also think the band and cheerleaders should move to section 112 and out from behind the basket. We need our craziest fans stretching from 110 - 111. 109-113 should be 100% students.

agreed....the front row for the whole student section sits like 12....that is pathetic

"Do you still give candy out on Halloween?


"Are the kids in costumes too annoying?"


But I don't like it when I get too many trick-or-treaters. That means there's fewer mini-Snickers, Twix and Reese's left for my own enjoyment.

[QUOTEI think it is time to stop selling (giving away) section 112 (i believe) to fans. That should be students. Right now it is full of randoms, mostly friends of the team and athletes i think. Demand should take that section back now the student section is selling out.[/QUOTE]

This will never happen. Brew won't give that up for recruits. The majority of people who sit there are FB players and the recruits they hanging out with for the weekend.

[QUOTEI think it is time to stop selling (giving away) section 112 (i believe) to fans. That should be students. Right now it is full of randoms, mostly friends of the team and athletes i think. Demand should take that section back now the student section is selling out.

This will never happen. Brew won't give that up for recruits. The majority of people who sit there are FB players and the recruits they hanging out with for the weekend.[/QUOTE]

There are certainly several football players that sit there but;

a) Recruits aren't there all the often. Certainly a few a game but not all that many.

b) There are a lot more random people there than the football players. I think there are a lot of school employees or something. (Just guessing.) Cripes, during the Wisconsin game this year Mike Breusewitz and his family sat in those seats...wearing red of course.

I agree that they let the students in there. They can find seats elsewhere for the few people that take those seats. Seantrel Henderson sat behind the scorers bench last year with Royce and Rodney. They've got other spots.

This will never happen. Brew won't give that up for recruits. The majority of people who sit there are FB players and the recruits they hanging out with for the weekend.

There are certainly several football players that sit there but;

a) Recruits aren't there all the often. Certainly a few a game but not all that many.

b) There are a lot more random people there than the football players. I think there are a lot of school employees or something. (Just guessing.) Cripes, during the Wisconsin game this year Mike Breusewitz and his family sat in those seats...wearing red of course.

I agree that they let the students in there. They can find seats elsewhere for the few people that take those seats. Seantrel Henderson sat behind the scorers bench last year with Royce and Rodney. They've got other spots.[/QUOTE]

1) It looks lame to not have students in gold standing up in those seats
2) Real recruits sit behind the bench.

That section is mostly randoms. I wouldn't be surprised to see that section returned to the student section.

Being over 40, I don't mind being told to wear gold to show support, however, I don't want to be told that we have to yell obnoxious stuff, or cuss out the opposing team to be a fan though. I have sat in the student section once about 10 years ago and had a great time. However, I think the student section is there for a reason, and should be for students only....then you can all go crazy and do your thing.

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