Bars near new U of M stadium want more room


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Bars near new U of M stadium want more room
Associated Press

Updated: 08/06/2009 10:56:02 AM CDT

Bar owners near the new University of Minnesota football stadium are seeking city permission to serve drinks outside their walls on game days.

At least three bars a few blocks from the stadium have asked for a revised ordinance allowing the game-day expansions. No alcohol will be sold in the stadium itself.

A current city ordinance allows for four such expansions per year with a separate application required for each. The proposal would lift that cap.

Area councilman Cam Gordon predicts the proposed ordinance will win approval.

Some neighborhood residents say the establishments should be required to beef up security if they get permission to serve liquor in their parking lots.

The first of seven home games in the stadium's inaugural season is Sept. 12.

Go Gophers!!

Stub & Herbs, Sally's and...? Just guessing.

The Stadium Village Business Association or whatever it's called is on top of it. Pretty sure that comprises Campus Pizza and Big Ten, as well as some other restaurants that may cash in on gameday. Dinkytown has a similar organization and I'm pretty sure they're interested in this ordinance being changed as well.

Some neighborhood residents say the establishments should be required to beef up security if they get permission to serve liquor in their parking lots.

Shouldn't you realize before you purchase a home near the U that there may be some young'uns acting rowdy and making noise? I can understand being quite annoyed if it's 2 am on a weeknight, but Saturday morning? What a bunch of fuddie-duddies. It's not as though the U just sprung up out of nowhere - it's been there almost 160 years.

These people belong right up there with the brain wizards who insist that the traffic should be 45 through St. Paul on I-35 because they don't want the "increased traffic noise." Then move somewhere else!

Shouldn't you realize before you purchase a home near the U that there may be some young'uns acting rowdy and making noise? I can understand being quite annoyed if it's 2 am on a weeknight, but Saturday morning? What a bunch of fuddie-duddies. It's not as though the U just sprung up out of nowhere - it's been there almost 160 years.

These people belong right up there with the brain wizards who insist that the traffic should be 45 through St. Paul on I-35 because they don't want the "increased traffic noise." Then move somewhere else!

I've always wondered the same thing about the folks near Camp Randall here in Madison who complain about the "hassle" of a Badger gameday. And in their case CR has been in that location for over 90 years. At least the Stadium Village yahoos could claim they purchased when TCF was only in the dream stage.

Shouldn't you realize before you purchase a home near the U that there may be some young'uns acting rowdy and making noise? I can understand being quite annoyed if it's 2 am on a weeknight, but Saturday morning? What a bunch of fuddie-duddies. It's not as though the U just sprung up out of nowhere - it's been there almost 160 years.

These people belong right up there with the brain wizards who insist that the traffic should be 45 through St. Paul on I-35 because they don't want the "increased traffic noise." Then move somewhere else!

While I don't entirely disagree, I would not be happy if someone was puking in my grass or pissing on my bushes if I lived near the stadium.

While I don't entirely disagree, I would not be happy if someone was puking in my grass or pissing on my bushes if I lived near the stadium.

Laws are being broken in those cases though. Most of the gripes I hear in Madison (and I'm sure are echo'd in Minneapolis) are about crowds, noise, trash, traffic...basically things that just go hand in hand with 50K people converging on a single location. I don't think someone is whining if they are getting pissy about people damaging their property, peeing in their bushes, etc, etc.

While I don't entirely disagree, I would not be happy if someone was puking in my grass or pissing on my bushes if I lived near the stadium.

ha! too late! i just crapped on your grass and puked in your bushes! ;)

Shouldn't you realize before you purchase a home near the U that there may be some young'uns acting rowdy and making noise? I can understand being quite annoyed if it's 2 am on a weeknight, but Saturday morning? What a bunch of fuddie-duddies. It's not as though the U just sprung up out of nowhere - it's been there almost 160 years.

What if you purchased your home prior to May 2006 and are now stuck with neighborhood block parties with 50,000 people from dusk 'til dawn seven times a year? I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I don't blame anyone that would (I know....tough, you can move).

There is going to be a repeat of Spring Jam at some point.

U of M bars!

Speaking of bars, has anyone heard about Stub and Herb's moving into the old, empty Bakers Square building next to the Leaning Tower of Pizza? (25th and University, I think)
Anyway, I hope that it is true because I always thought the present Stub's is way too small and outdated.

What if you purchased your home prior to May 2006 and are now stuck with neighborhood block parties with 50,000 people from dusk 'til dawn seven times a year? I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I don't blame anyone that would (I know....tough, you can move).

There is going to be a repeat of Spring Jam at some point.

You have a point, but you have to know that you're going to be confronted with noise/partying/general debauchery if you buy a home near a major university campus. These people are complaining about football Saturdays, but there were homeowners bitching about other things a decade ago when I went to school here, and there were undoubtedly many others in the decades before that.

These "townies" should just consider themselves lucky they don't live near one of the top party schools. I can imagine living near the Madison campus is a real picnic in terms of any hope for peace and quiet.

Stub and Herbs outdated? What in the heck does that mean? You must live in Maple Grove or something and expect the place to be Pittsburgh Blue or something? It's Stub and Herbs. It's supposed to be that way. I'm still in mourning over the demolition of the side room and sort of haven't gotten over the remodel. But nonetheless, the place is the same since my parents went there 30 years ago and i hope its the same when my kids go there 30 years from now.

If they move into the Bakers Square they need to change names and I will never step foot in the place.

Speaking of bars, has anyone heard about Stub and Herb's moving into the old, empty Bakers Square building next to the Leaning Tower of Pizza? (25th and University, I think)
Anyway, I hope that it is true because I always thought the present Stub's is way too small and outdated.
If this is true I would be very disappointed. One of the few reasons I go to Sturbs is for the tradition and ambiance of an old bar.

What did the fan say when he walked into a bar?


Stub and Herb's Bar

Gee whizz guys, I did not mean to cause a riot over Stub's. We use to live there all day long for BB and Hockey, but honestly when Sue Jeffer's sold the bar a few years ago. We did not like it at all. The new owners even took down the great old football pictures off the hallway walls!!!
Go Gophers!

Speaking of bars, has anyone heard about Stub and Herb's moving into the old, empty Bakers Square building next to the Leaning Tower of Pizza? (25th and University, I think)
Anyway, I hope that it is true because I always thought the present Stub's is way too small and outdated.

That would be a horrible, horrible idea. The old bar look and smell is what makes it Stub & Herb's. That place is great and it going to be fantastic to go in for some beers before the game.

On a side note, I wonder how much that property is worth (the old Bakers Square). I would have thought some chain restaurant would have moved in by now. I always pictured a Buffalo Wild Wings, Champps, etc.

Gee whizz guys, I did not mean to cause a riot over Stub's. We use to live there all day long for BB and Hockey, but honestly when Sue Jeffer's sold the bar a few years ago. We did not like it at all. The new owners even took down the great old football pictures off the hallway walls!!!
Go Gophers!
:confused: Well, duh because she probably owned all that stuff. The place seemed to be tanking under Sue and her brief stint as a wannabe politician. Stub and Herbs is a better bar now. Sure some of the memorabilia is gone, but you can see and breathe in there now and the beer selection is one of the best in the state. The food is decent and people actually clean the bathrooms. Not only that but it's now a destination bar for beer geeks around the country. I don't think stubs will ever move.

I didn't realize there was a restaurant (old Baker's Square) empty so close to the stadium. I know the economy is bad and all, but I'll be disappointed if something sports bar related doesn't move in there sometime soon. A BW3 would be awesome right there. A second or expanded Big 10 would be even better! Let's hope something opens soon. Stubs and Sally's and Campus Pizza are good, but we need more options in the immediate area.

What if you purchased your home prior to May 2006 and are now stuck with neighborhood block parties with 50,000 people from dusk 'til dawn seven times a year? I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I don't blame anyone that would (I know....tough, you can move).

There is going to be a repeat of Spring Jam at some point.

I would say, congratulations the university just decided to help your house value skyrocket without you lifting a finger. Homes near stadiums, especially now with the on campus atmosphere is gonna turn these homes into cash cows. The people are gonna be crying all the way to the bank.

lol, I remember that Sue Jeffers in the media. LOL

Why now?

The nearby bars must have noticed a big, new stadium being built close to them. Why wait until now to ask to serve beer outside on gamedays? :confused: This request should have come a year ago. I've heard if approved, allowing beer sales outside probably won't be effective until the second home game.

The nearby bars must have noticed a big, new stadium being built close to them. Why wait until now to ask to serve beer outside on gamedays? :confused: This request should have come a year ago. I've heard if approved, allowing beer sales outside probably won't be effective until the second home game.

that would be the dumbest thing since unsliced bread! although i am not sure you are correct in your assumption/what you heard. the bars already have 4 of these zoning variances at their disposal to use, so at minimum they should be able to serve beer outside for the first 4 home games with no problem. my understanding is they need this change so the businesses can capture the other 3 home games.

anyways, move your butts on getting this approved, city of minneapolis. this is the cynic in me, but i am guessing any "delay" would have something to do with lame-ass neighborhood groups that are in opposition to it - like they are about everything else.


Speaking of bars, has anyone heard about Stub and Herb's moving into the old, empty Bakers Square building next to the Leaning Tower of Pizza? (25th and University, I think)
Anyway, I hope that it is true because I always thought the present Stub's is way too small and outdated.

This is not true. They have a potential tenant for Baker's Square and it isn't Stub and Herb's but rather a local microchain.

The nearby bars must have noticed a big, new stadium being built close to them. Why wait until now to ask to serve beer outside on gamedays? :confused: This request should have come a year ago. I've heard if approved, allowing beer sales outside probably won't be effective until the second home game.

Simple. They have been asking. Planning on this started over a year ago. Certain people in local government have been dragging their feet. Beer sales outdoor with the NEW ordinance wouldn't be effective until the second game. The current ordinance allows for 4 outdoor expansions per year. and neither Stub's nor Sally's have used them all up yet, but they have applied for a outdoor expansion under the old ordinance for the Sept. 12th game. Campus Pizza is doing an indoor expansion (starting with the 8/22 event) and indoor expansions are not limited to 4 per year. Bottom line is the bars in Stadium Village want to have a place for the fans to go and we're all going to be ready for you on September 12th!

This is not true. They have a potential tenant for Baker's Square and it isn't Stub and Herb's but rather a local microchain.

1) What is a microchain? What are some examples of local microchains? Sensors? Grandmas? Champps? BW3s? Big Ten? Any of those would be great. A couple are probably bigger than local and micro though.

2) Are you confident that the bars will get what they need to set up the extra outdoor space by the time they use up their 4th event?

Thanks for any info you can provide cphockeyman. We look forward to visiting your establishment this fall.

1) What is a microchain? What are some examples of local microchains? Sensors? Grandmas? Champps? BW3s? Big Ten? Any of those would be great. A couple are probably bigger than local and micro though.

2) Are you confident that the bars will get what they need to set up the extra outdoor space by the time they use up their 4th event?

Thanks for any info you can provide cphockeyman. We look forward to visiting your establishment this fall.

Yes, Microchains are local places with 5 or fewer locations. I can't comment specifically on the chain since I don't know if they have actually signed a lease or if it's public yet. I will say that I don't believe you are going to see a sports bar type place there.

I think the City Council will come to the party and the bars will be able to have their outdoor spaces before they get to four. It's doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of opposition and the City stands to bring in a lot of Sales Tax revenue. My understanding is that Councilman Gordon wanted to wait to introduce the bill until after all the neighborhood groups have an opportunity to comment. The Stadium Area Advisory Group next meets on the 24th and I believe that's the last hurdle to clear. I represent Stadium Village on SAAG and I don't anticipate much controversy.

Simple. They have been asking. Planning on this started over a year ago. Certain people in local government have been dragging their feet. Beer sales outdoor with the NEW ordinance wouldn't be effective until the second game. The current ordinance allows for 4 outdoor expansions per year. and neither Stub's nor Sally's have used them all up yet, but they have applied for a outdoor expansion under the old ordinance for the Sept. 12th game. Campus Pizza is doing an indoor expansion (starting with the 8/22 event) and indoor expansions are not limited to 4 per year. Bottom line is the bars in Stadium Village want to have a place for the fans to go and we're all going to be ready for you on September 12th!

that is all we needed to hear! ;)

you can trust that i will be spending some benjamins both at the stadium and the local minneapolis establishments this season

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