Bam Bam Jackson


Active member
Aug 27, 2010
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What happened with this guy? Not listed on the roster, no word of him since he supposedly signed? Unable to gain admission??

I don't see anywhere other than message boards that he signed.

It turned out to never happen. I am not sure what the hold up ended up being.

3399 is a confirmed troll.

You got that right. I don't understand why we can't ban confirmed trolls. Is there a process to do this?

What the heck are you talking about? I was looking at the roster today, thought to myself about there was talk of a late pick-up at linebacker, did a search, found his name, and wondered what happened. Had a question and asked it on the board. Isn't that what a chatboard is supposed to be about? My goodness some of you are hyper sensitive. How can you call someone a troll for asking a perfectly legitimate roster question? Roster questions come up on this board frequently. Are those folks "trolls"???

What the heck are you talking about?

Yeah...I don't know where anyone would get that idea. Previous to this thread, here are your previous 8 posts. I won't take up more space and dive deeper, suffice to say; there is nothing new or different in any of the posts that preceded these:

You all do understand that according to the butler cc football site he was 14th on his team in tackles with 27, 7th on his team in TFL with 7, and tied for 6th in sacks with 3? Understand that this was against lineman who were all freshman and sophomores, most of whom will not play four year college football.

You truly truly made my day! I am flattered that you are seeking my opinion!! You are the best!

You are being very liberal with the word "good."

And high school coaches NEVER talk up their players, do they?

Only other offer is RICE?????????????

Yet another you just cannot get excited about.

There are many schools looking for mid-year transfers and Jerry Kill is not the only coach in America with "connections" in the Kansas JUCO circles. Guys who are mid-year and have three years remaining are in high demand. This particular player did not receive recruting interest after high school and is ot receiving any after one year of JUCO. He is, at best, the 4th JUCO corner offered after 2 of three who came on visits committed elsewhere. Can't get excited about this.

Angle and exploiting? What does that mean? If no other school is recruiting the player, it is not too tough to get him to commit. It is easy to recruit players when there is no competition.

Guess you have to look for the positives!

From the thread "Jerry Kill "respected" by other coaches"

I am starting to worry that is code for "we are glad he is there." I am honestly not sure that if Brewster and his staff were coaching, things would not be this bad. Kill is probably a better head coach, but Brewster had a better, more experienced staff.

None of the quotes dug up by Unregistered User even remotely suggest that 3399 is a "troll". It seems that 3399 is not excited about a recruit who had no impressive offers and did not put up impressive stats...

I am actually interested to know what happened to Bam Bam, because I never bought the idea that he decided not to come to Minnesota story. My guess is Minnesota decided not to take him for one reason or another and one of those reasons is easy to speculate about.

Typical hit-and-run poster here. I'm guessing that the change to the new system stops me from seeing any posts from before something like August from last year, but I really don't want this guy on "my" team.

None of the quotes dug up by Unregistered User even remotely suggest that 3399 is a "troll".

Why does Jerry kill.......
Feel the need to make a show out of chewing out a player or his team? Wright is injured and not even off the field and he is getting chewed out. Offense is not off the field and there he is. The halftime on the field butt chews. It is like he feels the need to convince us that he is the coach. Want to impress anyone, prepare your dawg gone team.

I don't think Kill is this systematic in his approach right now. He knows his older guys are the best he has. He is just trying to survive and hope the program doesn't fall so far back that his credibility as a head coach is not so damaged that he has no chance of ever bringing it back. This situation is very serious at this point. My guess is none of them are completely with him at this point because they have no history with him. You would be questioning a new coach right now too if you were in their situation. He does not have any background as a player or coach at the BCS level to make them feel confident in him. I am sure they could care less about what he did at Southern Illinois. 2 .500 seasons out of three at Northern Illinois probably doesn't give them much confidence either.

I don't think have differing opinions and looking at things with more of a critical eye makes you a "troll" ~ whatever that means. I am sorry if you do not like my opinions. This is a chat board and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to read and post. And I appreciate the people who worked hard to put this together. I find that very few people that I work with, or none I should say, want to talk Minnesota football. I just don't have Kill fever and Saturday really did nothing to change my mind. That was downright painful. I can take it if you want to rip me. But I am still entitled to my opinions and do not think I cause any harm.

Wow, uncleanch the cheeks a bit fellas. None of the quotes you posted indicate anything other than someone who is skeptical of Kill. While I feel more like you guys do, I like Kill and give him the benefit of the doubt, he is more than entitled to his opinion. Especially when he seems to be a fan. And this thread was opened with a question that did not seem like a troll to me as I was a bit curious myself. I know Kill and his staff never said they were bringing him in, but Rivals and some of the chatter on this board indicated he was coming. Probably just one of those rumors that was never true but it is all of interest.

You want a troll, check out wait!what?'s post about Reusse supposedly saying Nelson might transfer. That is a classic troll move. No way you post that unless you are lock solid he said it, or you are just trying to get a rise.

Wow, uncleanch the cheeks a bit fellas. None of the quotes you posted indicate anything other than someone who is skeptical of Kill.

I can't tell if you're saying people that are skeptical of Kill are viewed as a troll, or wohnypony hasn't seen most of 3399's posts so wouldn't understand.
The former. 3399 may well be a troll, but that seems to be the standard OP on this board. This doesn't just apply for Kill; anything that doesn't tow the collective line is met with great skepticism, and usually accused of being a troll.

That is, until the collective turns against that person, and then you are totally out of your mind for saying something positive about that person. Case in point: Tim Brewster was an excellent recruiter until he was a terrible recruiter.

In regards to Bam-Bam. One of the trio of Florida kids from the same HS ( name escapes me) could possably be in school this summer as a late qualifier. From GI I believe the quote from Bam-Bam was: " Minnesota is no longer interested in me"

In regards to Bam-Bam. One of the trio of Florida kids from the same HS ( name escapes me) could possably be in school this summer as a late qualifier. From GI I believe the quote from Bam-Bam was: " Minnesota is no longer interested in me"

Brian Nicholson?

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