Badger alum, 80', Now GOPHER DAD!


Apr 25, 2011
Reaction score
We live in Orange county, ca. My Son was wait listed at Madison ( My alum $$ now goes to Goldie) and is excited to attend the U. I now where my Goldie garb. He passed up Davis and Santa Barbara for Minn. He loves sports, Loved the new stadium, hockey and bball tradition. His high school produced Andrew Luck's backup at Stanford and his conference is a great football conference (Mark Sanchez, Carson Palmer). He already bought his student season tickets before he officially commits today. I think Kill will be a great coach, his offense can give bigger teams fits. He knows how to win. Great facilities will bring in solid recruiting classes. Recruit the bigs local, get the skill/speed guys from the south and things will go well. I see a possible bowl this year, 5-1 to start is a real possibility. I am flying in 11/11 and we are going bow hunting, purposely missing the Badger game. I will attend the Illinois game with him. I know how it feels to be at this stage in a program. I was at Madison from 76-80, we sucked. I was at the rose bowl this year and yes, the gophers can do it. Stay positive, the coaches had no time to recruit and only 15 practices to put in a whole new scheme. Go Gophers! Better days are here. Have faith.( P.S. As a packer shareholder, the vikings still and will always suck. ) hehe

Great first post and welcome aboard!!

Thanks, I am still really burnt with UW not taking my son. 31 act, 8 ap's, eagle scout...WTF? Kill needs to draw a line at the river and not allow top talent to leave. I know UW picked up a massive nose tackle from Minn. last year. He will turn the ship and get Goldie bowl eligible real soon. His offense is like TCU, Nevada, ect. It can upset a pro style, USC, UW type offense on any given Saturday. There should be no reason not to recruit with the facilities now, great campus and setting. Support this guy, he is special. How many assistants stay with a coach for years?

Thanks, I am still really burnt with UW not taking my son. 31 act, 8 ap's, eagle scout...WTF? Kill needs to draw a line at the river and not allow top talent to leave. I know UW picked up a massive nose tackle from Minn. last year. He will turn the ship and get Goldie bowl eligible real soon. His offense is like TCU, Nevada, ect. It can upset a pro style, USC, UW type offense on any given Saturday. There should be no reason not to recruit with the facilities now, great campus and setting. Support this guy, he is special. How many assistants stay with a coach for years?

Good Heavens! 31 ACT and 8 AP classes didn't get him into Madison? Brutal.

Welcome to Gopherhole. Your story makes me hope to high heaven I don't ever have to switch allegiances to red/white when my girls get grown up, but you seem to be handling the situation with an incredible amount of grace and poise. Kudos! Your son won't be sorry with his decision. Awesome 4 years!

Go Gophers!

Good Heavens! 31 ACT and 8 AP classes didn't get him into Madison? Brutal.

Welcome to Gopherhole. Your story makes me hope to high heaven I don't ever have to switch allegiances to red/white when my girls get grown up, but you seem to be handling the situation with an incredible amount of grace and poise. Kudos! Your son won't be sorry with his decision. Awesome 4 years!

Go Gophers!

A 31 on the ACT and taking 8 AP classes (scores and grades?) is impressive, certainly enough to get into U-W Madison. Especially for a child of an alum. I'm guessing the admissions staff saw something they didn't like in his application.

I'm not sure if complaining about it on a message board is incredible grace and poise...but I hope he moves on and has a successful career at the U of M.

I guess the UW is better than the U of M. OPs mission complete.

Re: UW Entrance

A 31 on the ACT and taking 8 AP classes (scores and grades?) is impressive, certainly enough to get into U-W Madison. Especially for a child of an alum. I'm guessing the admissions staff saw something they didn't like in his application.

I'm not sure if complaining about it on a message board is incredible grace and poise...but I hope he moves on and has a successful career at the U of M.

Yeah, his application wasn't "diverse" enough if you know what I'm sayin'.

Yeah, his application wasn't "diverse" enough if you know what I'm sayin'.

yea, white kids have such a tough time getting into colleges these days. Don't be a dumb dumb

And to the OP, maybe you didn't mean it this way, but your post had a subtle condescinding tone that made me roll my eyes

yea, white kids have such a tough time getting into colleges these days. Don't be a dumb dumb

And to the OP, maybe you didn't mean it this way, but your post had a subtle condescinding tone that made me roll my eyes

Tell that to the med school boards.

Tell that to the med school boards.

I know nothing about the med school boards. I do know that its not the top candidates that don't get in. If they're working on a quota and can take say 100 white students, its not applicants #1-20 that are getting left out, its #101 and below. Like I said, I don't see non 'diverse' people struggling to get educated

We live in Orange county, ca. My Son was wait listed at Madison ( My alum $$ now goes to Goldie) and is excited to attend the U. I now where my Goldie garb. He passed up Davis and Santa Barbara for Minn. He loves sports, Loved the new stadium, hockey and bball tradition. His high school produced Andrew Luck's backup at Stanford and his conference is a great football conference (Mark Sanchez, Carson Palmer). He already bought his student season tickets before he officially commits today. I think Kill will be a great coach, his offense can give bigger teams fits. He knows how to win. Great facilities will bring in solid recruiting classes. Recruit the bigs local, get the skill/speed guys from the south and things will go well. I see a possible bowl this year, 5-1 to start is a real possibility. I am flying in 11/11 and we are going bow hunting, purposely missing the Badger game. I will attend the Illinois game with him. I know how it feels to be at this stage in a program. I was at Madison from 76-80, we sucked. I was at the rose bowl this year and yes, the gophers can do it. Stay positive, the coaches had no time to recruit and only 15 practices to put in a whole new scheme. Go Gophers! Better days are here. Have faith.( P.S. As a packer shareholder, the vikings still and will always suck. ) hehe

No worries, Kill definitely doesn't want to waste his time recruiting the "skill/speed" guys locally. They're too slow, too white and have too much of a hard working attitude.

Not to mention the lack of stars and top 150 status! :D

If your not a Minnesota student you are considered out of state for UW. The bar is really set high for those 1200 slots. No flaws in his application. He got into UCSD, UCSB, and UC Davis as a resident. I am thankful a great big ten school like Minnesota accepted him and he is looking forward to his college experience. Go Gophers! Not bitter at UW, I will gladly send my 100k to Minnesota and be happy when Kill whups Bucky one day soon. Payback. :)

Tell that to the med school boards.

My wife just applied to medical school this year. While I can tell you there is a definite bias against "over represented minorities" in admission (white and asians) and a bias towards "under represented minorities," it is just a game of supply and demand.

Even with this bias an average med school class will be approximately 80-90% whites/asians, and 10-20% everyone else. It's not like minorities are stealing all of the spots from white kids.

If your not a Minnesota student you are considered out of state for UW. The bar is really set high for those 1200 slots. No flaws in his application. He got into UCSD, UCSB, and UC Davis as a resident. I am thankful a great big ten school like Minnesota accepted him and he is looking forward to his college experience. Go Gophers! Not bitter at UW, I will gladly send my 100k to Minnesota and be happy when Kill whups Bucky one day soon. Payback.

I'm glad you are jazzed about him being a Gopher. I can say that if I were him and had a chance of paying in-state tuition at UCSB or UCSD, I would take it in a heartbeat. Both are fantastic schools, and in pretty much the most beautiful locations you could desire. Davis...fine school, but very uninteresting location.

What is making him choose the U of M over his other options? Does he have a particular interest in a department at the U?

Biology major. He wants to be a dentist or a vet. On top of that the UC's are 90% California kids and 50% asian. My Daughter is a junior at UCSD . He surfs every day and wants to experience real people and a different culture. He wanted a d-1 football, bball school. He loves to bow hunt and fish. He is passing up 15k in scholarship/grant $$ for Minnesota. He loved the campus and buildings versus the other UC schools. I wanted him to experience a big ten campus and leave California, hopefully never to return. I am hoping he will find a blonde haired, blue eyed coed and never leave. I am moving back in 1 year. "CAN'T WAIT"

UCSB and UCSD are really high academic/research schools. Davis probably isn't a slouch either - but neither is the U of Minn. Can't go wrong with that list.

PS - if your son is looking to avoid Asians not sure that the U of Minn is the ideal place to do it, but then again if they're brave enough for the winters then they have some good character.

Biology major. He wants to be a dentist or a vet. On top of that the UC's are 90% California kids and 50% asian. My Daughter is a junior at UCSD . He surfs every day and wants to experience real people and a different culture. He wanted a d-1 football, bball school. He loves to bow hunt and fish. He is passing up 15k in scholarship/grant $$ for Minnesota. He loved the campus and buildings versus the other UC schools. I wanted him to experience a big ten campus and leave California, hopefully never to return. I am hoping he will find a blonde haired, blue eyed coed and never leave. I am moving back in 1 year. "CAN'T WAIT"

Bio major? I guess that's what all the awesome people go into now a days haha (I'm a bio too), but if you see a (rather handsome, charming, funny) kid rolling around during your son's Orientation this year don't hesitate to come and chat with me! Welcome aboard, UW sucks, Go Pack Go

I am moving back in 1 year. "CAN'T WAIT"[/QUOTE]

You sound like a stand up guy.
My earlier post was just a tree shake. The women of MN are the finest in the nation. I was accepted to both the UW and U of M and have never regretted my U of M decision.

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