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Nov 12, 2008
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The U brought down a group of people, some with their wives. Both Kill and Maturi had their wives.
The President of the MN Alumni Assoc. and of course people from the Development Dept. although there was no mention of fund raising. I heard they were holding a private get together tonight for invited guests. $$$

Much that was said by Kill we have heard before at the signing party, etc but here are a few tidbits.

1. Every position is open including the quarterback.
2. He said he wants the team to be equal or be able to match the quality of the Marching Band and stadium.
3. Every practice will include 40 minutes of drills on tackling and blocking.
4. No player trots between the different practice periods. They run full speed.
5. At practice he is a "hands on" type of guy. Not standing around with arms folded watching or sitting up in a tower watching.
6. Not from him but I understand that at practice and even now at 6AM workouts, if a player is not going full out he has a slip over Jersey he hands out that with big letters on the back that says "I have let my team mates down" and something similiar in the front. The player has to wear it. After the first day there were 8 or 9 wearing one but now only one was wearing one.
7. He more or less said that He hopes that Minnesota is his last coaching job because he can accomplish everything that he wants to, right here.

And my comment to coach Kill, we are 100% behind you now go get 'em!!!

In the Army we just had to hold a rifle over our head for 15 minutes, trust me, 10 pounds seems like 50 after 10 minutes.

Did they throw away the box of lollipops Brewster used to hand out when guys showed up for their workouts on time?

Did they throw away the box of lollipops Brewster used to hand out when guys showed up for their workouts on time?

That's really fair to say that considering how much you know about how he coached.

I like what he is doing. He seems like a guy who knows how to build a program, or at least knows how to mold it into the identity that he wants. No one knows how he will do, but I imagine the Gophs will be much more disciplined. They will be a tough out and well coached.

Killjoy's favorite comment from Coach Kill

The U brought down a group of people, some with their wives. Both Kill and Maturi had their wives. Much that was said by Kill we have heard before at the signing party, etc.

Also Per Rog is my favorite tidbit: - "He more or less said that He hopes that Minnesota is his last coaching job because he can accomplish everything that he wants to, right here."

7. He more or less said that He hopes that Minnesota is his last coaching job because he can accomplish everything that he wants to, right here.

God,I love Kill. We may have stumbled into the guy we needed.

I wonder if we are entering a new paradigm where coaches will not jump at every "better" offer. Witness the problems teams had getting coaches and the fact that guys like Petersen and Patterson are staying at places like Boise State and TCU.

7. He more or less said that He hopes that Minnesota is his last coaching job because he can accomplish everything that he wants to, right here.

I had concerns with how Kill had left so many other teams in the past but it was understandable because he was moving up to higher divisions. If he miraculously took the Gophers to a Rose Bowl in 3 yrs and Jim Tressell or Mack Brown call it quits would he bail if offered?? Who knows but that quote right there makes me very happy.

7. He more or less said that He hopes that Minnesota is his last coaching job because he can accomplish everything that he wants to, right here.

I had concerns with how Kill had left so many other teams in the past but it was understandable because he was moving up to higher divisions. If he miraculously took the Gophers to a Rose Bowl in 3 yrs and Jim Tressell or Mack Brown call it quits would he bail if offered?? Who knows but that quote right there makes me very happy.

If he takes us to the Rose Bowl in 3 years he can do whatever he wants to after that. I'll still be happy.

A football coach who wants his team to be as good as the school's marching band? One of the biggest problems with that is Minnesota's marching band will never be as good as Wisconsin's. Never.

Lonely, I am beginning to se why you are lonely even in Iowa.

Kill reminds me of that guy we've all seen in business. He's a Sr. V. P. or some kind of executive, but no MBA, no Harvard degree, not real tall, or good looking so he doesn't doesn't make a spectacular first impression. He wasn't fast tracked by anyone through any department.

He got to his executive position because everywhere he was he was just very, very successful. Every new job he got almost everyone said, "Who? Boy, we're screwed." But when he left they all wanted to follow him to the new place.

A football coach who wants his team to be as good as the school's marching band? One of the biggest problems with that is Minnesota's marching band will never be as good as Wisconsin's. Never.

No wonder you are lonely.
The pride does not go on probation every other year for hazin ie WI and BTW my daughter plays in the pride and i think they are pretty damn good.

That's really fair to say that considering how much you know about how he coached.

I can say I never saw Brewster do much at all during practice. Not to say there is right way to do it, but he did a lot of standing around.

A football coach who wants his team to be as good as the school's marching band? One of the biggest problems with that is Minnesota's marching band will never be as good as Wisconsin's. Never.

Wisconsin doesn't have a Marching Band, they have a Drum and Bugle Corp. Big difference!

It is amazing to me why our brave and fearless PantherHawk had to change identities to come here and spew his crap.

See, I don't see this guy as PantherHawk. He is a Wren/Loon type- someone who roots for the Gophers and insists not that everyone else roots for them EXACTLY the same way. If someone disagrees, then they just want to "ignore the facts" or are "negative." Awesome.

The 12 Man

See, I don't see this guy as PantherHawk. He is a Wren/Loon type- someone who roots for the Gophers and insists not that everyone else roots for them EXACTLY the same way. If someone disagrees, then they just want to "ignore the facts" or are "negative." Awesome.

Right on!

If starts a string about firing Maturi and the "Prez" I would say it was wren's twin brother.

Right on!

If starts a string about firing Maturi and the "Prez" I would say it was wren's twin brother.

Prexy B. Even better: addressing someone he doesn't like with the word "This" before the name.

Example (all lower-case, of course, with lots of spelling errors): this brewtser dusnt get coaching...prexy b and the boiys need to make some changes...get it thru your head? this brewster doesnt.

Prexy B. Even better: addressing someone he doesn't like with the word "This" before the name.

Example (all lower-case, of course, with lots of spelling errors): this brewtser dusnt get coaching...prexy b and the boiys need to make some changes...get it thru your head? this brewster doesnt.

lol Spot on.

Hooray! Organized blocking and tackling drills! Hope to see improved fundamentals. This has been a problem that pre-dated the Brewster regime, especially the poor tackling.

A football coach who wants his team to be as good as the school's marching band? One of the biggest problems with that is Minnesota's marching band will never be as good as Wisconsin's. Never.

I know this is a free message board in a free country where we recognize free speech, but dang, you had to go there????

That's like hate speech!

Go Gophers!

Prexy B. Even better: addressing someone he doesn't like with the word "This" before the name.

Example (all lower-case, of course, with lots of spelling errors): this brewtser dusnt get coaching...prexy b and the boiys need to make some changes...get it thru your head? this brewster doesnt.

Now I have Excedrin headache number 107.

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