Atlanta high school bars Steve Spurrier from recruiting at their HS

tough call

It sounds like Spurrier may have kind of screwed the kid, but in the end a high school kid should be able to pursue whatever college they want to go to. If the high school tells kids they can't go to a certain school, I don't think its the schools call to make. What is the high school coach going to do if a star athlete has always wanted to go to South Carolina? Bench him?

Bench? no. Not provide tape and not answer q's? yes.

A high school coach has some sway, more or less depending or the respect level the coach has. For years the word was Scanlon at CDH hated Mason with a passion and would actively get involved with keeping kids from looking at Minnesota, even kids at other programs, if asked. Is it true? I don't know. Did it matter to anybody or change any minds? I don't know that either. I do know that perception can have a bigger effect than fact. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't. The fact that Spurrier did pull the scholly, and does not claim any other reasons then, because I felt like it, is not going to help. South Carolina has a reputation of mediocrity(528-529-44 all-time) in a state that does produce talent, has a big time D-1 rival (Clemson), and zero tradition in bowl games(4-10 all time in bowls). He needs to be opening doors, not closing them. This has turned out to be a huge boondoggle, plus an assistant college coach getting into a phone shouting match with the high school coach didn't help much either. Tucker in Atlanta is an powerhouse program in Georgia and produces good talent year in and year out. An all-around bad decision.

It sounds like Spurrier may have kind of screwed the kid, but in the end a high school kid should be able to pursue whatever college they want to go to. If the high school tells kids they can't go to a certain school, I don't think its the schools call to make. What is the high school coach going to do if a star athlete has always wanted to go to South Carolina? Bench him?

High school coaches play a major part in recruiting- they are the gatekeepers. I cannot imagine how a college would ever be able to recruit a player if the college cannot get past the high school. This happened in reverse last year with Roy Roundtree. He was a Purdue verbal for months and at the last second switched to Michigan. Joe Tiller said on signing day that Purdue would never set foot in Roundtree's high school again.

EDIT- by the way, why on earth did Spurrier do this? The player in question appears to have quite the offer list. It's not like the guy was a low two-star.

good question pete. from what i have heard is that he had too many players committed to LB and S so he was the odd man out. since those other schools that were recruiting him seems to have filled the spot he would play why dont we go after the kid. good talent and he said he is open to any school at the moment. i would like to see us get one more LB.

BTW- grunkerjr i remember that you said that grainer had made really tough decision and he could end up switching like cooper did. have you heard anything more on that?

good question pete. from what i have heard is that he had too many players committed to LB and S so he was the odd man out. since those other schools that were recruiting him seems to have filled the spot he would play why dont we go after the kid. good talent and he said he is open to any school at the moment. i would like to see us get one more LB.

BTW- grunkerjr i remember that you said that grainer had made really tough decision and he could end up switching like cooper did. have you heard anything more on that?

When he committed it sounded like he was torn between playing near home and playing with his cousin and he didn't sound 100% convinced on his decision. It was speculation on my part but unless we hear something coming in to the final week my guess is that he sticks at MSU.

Stay classy Steve Spurrier

How is this any different than a recruit committing to a school, then unexpectedly signing with a different school on signing day?

stuff happens in recruiting on both sides and sometimes its ugly. With that said, if my son has grown up dreaming about playing for the Gophers and his high school coach has a beef with the University and is interfering with his recruitment I would not be happy as a Parent. I understand Coaches have pull and if they don't like a certain University for some reason that is their prerogative. I believe regardless of the coaches likes or dislikes he should help the athlete go to the school that the athlete wants to go to, not steer them away from some schools and steer them to others.

That was really horrible of Spurrier after a kid has verbaled to you don't do that. If nothing else red shirt him and thats one less LB you need next year. I realize verbals aren't offical but coaches know.

I understand what you are saying lawrence21 and here is my reply to that. What if you son is a wide reciever with some NFL potential and Minnesota, at that point, is a power running team. Why would he want to go there. Wouldn't he be better off at say Texas Tech? I think that would be a coaches job to tell the kid that Minnesota isn't a good place for him development wise.

And yes the same thing happened in reverse at Purdue last year. And DickRod has rubbed quite of the few of the coaches the wrong way because of that. It is not really a good thing to rub your peers the wrong way on the first day of the job.

I understand a coach should offer guidance, but at the end of the day it is the student and the Parent that should be making the decisions, not a high school coach who thinks a certain college coach is a jerk and refuses to let you and College coach have any contact.

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