You Missed My Point
There was about a day of people being upset about the Kill hire, and then people warmed up to him really fast when they took a look at his resume. With the end of Spring football, the buzz has worn off. It's not that people's attitutes have really changed, people just don't keep that level of enthusiasm in the summer.
That leaves people with axes to grind for one reason or another. Some people have irrational expectations for how many wins a coach will have in year one or who have irrational expectations of how highly regarded a recruiting class you can expect for a new coach of a team that only had three wins the previous year. I don't think they are terribly representative.
I am not talking about buzz nor am I talking about how many wins we will have. What I am talking about is how well coach Kill is managing us to have low expectations. There appears to be really very little objective discussion hear on what the potential positive and negatives are for the upcoming season. I am again not talking about wins. It is the fundamental changes in our football culture that are important.
If Minnesota Gopher football team was a stock I would say it is being undervalued. First and foremost it is under new management. This new management has a track record similar to Warren Buffet's when it comes to getting value out of their assets. Yea, I know this isn't a stock but this is a classic turnaround situation where fundamental change are taking place now. As a result, Jerry is going to be able to get a much better return on these assets than Brewster ever did. In addition, these are assets that are maturing and this alone should alone result in improvement.
I have notice that some people here point to the pre-season football magazines as if they really know what is going on. First and foremost they are in the business of selling magazines. They are not in the business of doing any in depth analysis of turnaround situations. Even most stock reports don’t recognize turnaround situations until the actual turnaround is well on the road.
This brings me to my other point, you can choose either to wait until after the fact, like most people do, to decide if this is a real turn around situation; or you can evaluate now from a systemic view point whether the changes taken place will lead to a turnaround. I would state that there is a large enough body of information and facts available now to say that this is very likely a real turnaround.
I am not suggesting that we are going to win x-number of games this year. This isn't even important or is it the real issue. What is the real issue is that we have a coach who knows how to do this, has done it several times before, and is in the process of doing it here again.
Therefore, let’s not worry so much about the number of wins we have this year but rather instead let’s evaluate how well we are doing in the changes that are needed for future success. That plus is the program moving in the right direction. This will requires patience and not reacting to every bump in the road. Again, just notice the change that are taking place. That is what really counts.