Ass't coach Bill Miller after another early grad at the JC level

Nov 20, 2008
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3*** 6'4" 290# Dt Toby Johnson from Hutchinson JC is a freshman that could be graduating this year. Ass't coach Bill Miller is recruiting Toby who now has a Minnesota offer according too The Gophers have also offered 3*** DT Kevin Forston out of North Eastern Oklahoma A&M. Forston is waiting on a Texas A&M offer. A&M has received a committment from another JC tackle Logan David out of Blinn JC. A&M currently has 23 committments that they need to hold on too as they look for a new coach.
Forston is 6'5" and 300#

I assume we're only taking one

so its a matter of who commits first gets the scholly?

so its a matter of who commits first gets the scholly?

I'm thinking so. I'm guessing they want to bring on one more DT that can step in right away The question that remains on Toby Johnson is will he graduate this year? Ass't coach Miller seems to think so thus the offer. The other schools in the mix haven't offered as yet. I like the way the Gopher staff has a backup to a backup plan regarding JC and HS recruits.

Love it that we keep trying to fill the gaps in the long run. 4-5 defensive linemen per year are needed for development and playtime depth. It all starts with the point of attack.

We'll know soon, I believe the signing day for January enrollees, is 21 Dec. I'm looking forward to watching this recruiting class develop. I think we'll have a very different defense stepping onto the field in September. The Illinois game only showed us a taste of what Kill wants the defense to become.

We'll know soon, I believe the signing day for January enrollees, is 21 Dec. I'm looking forward to watching this recruiting class develop. I think we'll have a very different defense stepping onto the field in September. The Illinois game only showed us a taste of what Kill wants the defense to become.

I hope so. Losing Royston, Jacobs, Tinsley, Kirksey (didn't play great, but had moments and was experienced) and even Henderson (played really hard) are going to hurt a little. Also, w/o naming names, I was very disappointed in the play of some of the veterans that played a ton and will be back next year. Hopefully either a) they improve, or b) we find quality replacements.

I hope so. Losing Royston, Jacobs, Tinsley, Kirksey (didn't play great, but had moments and was experienced) and even Henderson (played really hard) are going to hurt a little. Also, w/o naming names, I was very disappointed in the play of some of the veterans that played a ton and will be back next year. Hopefully either a) they improve, or b) we find quality replacements.

I agree with you, a lot will depend upon if we get Stoudermire back. If Troy is back in the mix, that will go a long way to helping our defense improve.

I know you don't want to call out any kids in particular, but I am hoping Rallis and Vereen (he's not quite a vet yet) take a big step up. I actually like Brock Vereen more than most people, he plays hard, he has a short memory and I thought he was better in coverage than he got credit for last season.

Both these guys look pretty good/well thought of. Get them in and plug them in the rotation.
I think depth is a weapon Claeys prefers to use more than he could this year. I think the influx of JUCO help in the secondary, the freshmen(both RS and true) at LB and DE, and mid year enrollees at DT Hinjosa and JUCO DT #1 will really help solidify our defensive depth.
Now difference makers needs to step up(cough cough Hageman/Cooper/Stoudemire/Wilhite cough)

Agreed. I was very excited to see Hageman start to make such an impact at the end. Cooper and Wilhite were flying around the field as well. It seemed like they had finally figured out how to play in the system and were able to just start playing fast. In my mind, Tinsley is a big loss for this very reason. He was all over the place at the end of the year and started making much better/quicker decisions.

Getting JUCOs in mid-year will be important so they catch up quickly.

I agree with you, a lot will depend upon if we get Stoudermire back. If Troy is back in the mix, that will go a long way to helping our defense improve.

I know you don't want to call out any kids in particular, but I am hoping Rallis and Vereen (he's not quite a vet yet) take a big step up. I actually like Brock Vereen more than most people, he plays hard, he has a short memory and I thought he was better in coverage than he got credit for last season.
I agree with you on Vereen, he is still improving, he had a couple of great breakups agaist Illinois, and he is big enough to play pretty physically. I also think Jacques and Hageman improved a lot, and Botticelli could if he can gain 20-30 lbs. I don't see an MLB if Beal can't play, and although I like Davis tape a lot, seeing a freshman MLB against Wisconsin, Iowa. MSU, and NB does not feel good.
I like the idea of a good JUCO DT a lot if he is good enough to substitute frequently. I really would like to get Troy back, but right now my biggest worries are right up the middle, i.e. DT,MLB, and Safety. I think Royston will be the hardest guy to replace, he played fast and physical. Will be hard for anyone to play at his standard next year.

I agree with you on Vereen, he is still improving, he had a couple of great breakups agaist Illinois, and he is big enough to play pretty physically. I also think Jacques and Hageman improved a lot, and Botticelli could if he can gain 20-30 lbs. I don't see an MLB if Beal can't play, and although I like Davis tape a lot, seeing a freshman MLB against Wisconsin, Iowa. MSU, and NB does not feel good.
I like the idea of a good JUCO DT a lot if he is good enough to substitute frequently. I really would like to get Troy back, but right now my biggest worries are right up the middle, i.e. DT,MLB, and Safety. I think Royston will be the hardest guy to replace, he played fast and physical. Will be hard for anyone to play at his standard next year.

Yep, I agree, I think Royston and Tinsley will be the hardest guys to replace.

It's hard to say what will happen up the middle. I keep hearing Matilus has looked really good and I know he won scout team player of the year on defense. He has the size to step in next season, so he's another name to keep in the mix at MLB for next year.

I also wouldn't be shocked to see Rallis log some minutes at MLB next year.

We have some decent prospects in the middle (Beal (health), Matilus, Davis, Grant, Hill (passing downs), possibly Rallis). But yeah, it still is a giant question mark.

DT...I agree with you. I liked what I saw from Hageman and Jacques. Hageman is so close to having everything start clicking on all cylinders, and if that happens, he will be the player we've had on defense in awhile. He can be that good. Jacques was steady (I don't think much a step down from Kirksey at all (if even a step down)), and Botticelli had moments where he looked real good and moments where he looked overpowered.

Yep, I agree, I think Royston and Tinsley will be the hardest guys to replace.

It's hard to say what will happen up the middle. I keep hearing Matilus has looked really good and I know he won scout team player of the year on defense. He has the size to step in next season, so he's another name to keep in the mix at MLB for next year.

I also wouldn't be shocked to see Rallis log some minutes at MLB next year.

We have some decent prospects in the middle (Beal (health), Matilus, Davis, Grant, Hill (passing downs), possibly Rallis). But yeah, it still is a giant question mark.

DT...I agree with you. I liked what I saw from Hageman and Jacques. Hageman is so close to having everything start clicking on all cylinders, and if that happens, he will be the player we've had on defense in awhile. He can be that good. Jacques was steady (I don't think much a step down from Kirksey at all (if even a step down)), and Botticelli had moments where he looked real good and moments where he looked overpowered.

If so, this would not be a positive.

I actually think he would do better inside. I think his biggest problem is that he isn't great in space.

I don't think he is nearly strong enough (or at least he doesn't play like he is) or physical enough to handle it.

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