As usual, the Gophers will find ways to lose. Right? Well, maybe not.

From the text, it would seem Megan is going to be a life long Gopher Fan, in addition to being a U of M graduate. Those two things are not synonomous.

Megan got her Miss Piggy!

Maybe her friends will choose to go to TCF rather than knocking them down in their apartment(s).

Over the 40 plus years I have had Gopher tickets I have always felt and wondered what is going to happen to cause a loss. During halftime at the pigeye game I was actually looking forward to the 2nd half and feeling positive about a possible win. It seems each game this year that the team has played better as the game goes on. If and when we get a little stronger physically and can compete from the opening kickoff there are going to be some very happy fan in TCF I strongly believe.

I actually think it is hard for Barrerio to be to negative on our situation because I think he genuinely likes Kill.

I understand that being negative is his bit, and people get mad at him, but that is also why he has a show, people listen to him.

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