Arkansas St player ejected


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
for threatening an official. Or at least that's what I thought I heard.

Not yet, it just happened. I don't think that the video will show anything of note, the player just walked past the umpire, said something and the ref tossed his flag. The player was ejected but was very slow to leave the field. Nothing spectacular, but I've never seen someone booted for threatening an official.

Not yet, it just happened. I don't think that the video will show anything of note, the player just walked past the umpire, said something and the ref tossed his flag. The player was ejected but was very slow to leave the field. Nothing spectacular, but I've never seen someone booted for threatening an official.

It must have been pretty bad because the coach didn't argue after he got an explanation.

Dude was kicked out of an earlier game for spitting on an opposing player.

That's crazy. Of course it's not like one of his coaches physically attacked an opposing player.

Of course it's not like the first time it happened he was sent to the locker room and then kicked off the team afterwards.

That's crazy. Of course it's not like one of his coaches physically attacked an opposing player.

to be fair, that was a young student asst coach. no real coach would ever do that, Woody errr Would He?

Quote Originally Posted by kellyleeks View Post

That's crazy. Of course it's not like one of his coaches physically attacked an opposing player.

Quote Originally Posted by TexasAggie11 View Post

Or faked his own death on a message board.

Both of these are really good. I don't think we can declare a winner.

We could always settle it with pistols at dawn. Nah, that won't work. According to kellyleeks physically attacking an opposing player would be crazy while TexasAggie11 is likely to accuse him of faking his own death. Such is the complexity of life on a blog.

Or faked his own death on a message board.

Come on, you can do better than this. You're an Aggie, be original. Your comment has been so overdone. You don't want to be seen as the poster who became so frustrated with my comment that you had to reference a gag from what, five or six years ago? Heck, were you even reading this board then? If not, your comment is really pathetic. It'd be like me referencing a certain bonfire, but I'm not going to do that because I'm one of the most original, memorable GH posters of all time, just ask Kyle Kesell.

Stop being second class, your an Aggie. It's not like your a fan of a school that pretends to be a military academy, while having lesser academics than UT......

Come on, you can do better than this. You're an Aggie, be original. Your comment has been so overdone. You don't want to be seen as the poster who became so frustrated with my comment that you had to reference a gag from what, five or six years ago? Heck, were you even reading this board then? If not, your comment is really pathetic. It'd be like me referencing a certain bonfire, but I'm not going to do that because I'm one of the most original, memorable GH posters of all time, just ask Kyle Kesell.

Stop being second class, your an Aggie. It's not like your a fan of a school that pretends to be a military academy, while having lesser academics than UT......

Why did you have to fake it? Why?!?

Why did you have to fake it? Why?!?

Technically, Tipsy faked it. I just didn't post. I'm the only poster in the history of this board to be banned for not posting. Although, I believe that Studwell had me banned for my love of RUSH, so it's actually pretty complicated.

Stop being second class, your an Aggie. It's not like your a fan of a school that pretends to be a military academy, while having lesser academics than UT......

Quality academic smack talk. Kudos.

It'd be like me referencing a certain bonfire...

That is really a ****ing dick move.

12 students actually died that night, not pretend died like you did.

**** you. That is a ban worthy comment.

Come on, you can do better than this. You're an Aggie, be original. Your comment has been so overdone. You don't want to be seen as the poster who became so frustrated with my comment that you had to reference a gag from what, five or six years ago? Heck, were you even reading this board then? If not, your comment is really pathetic. It'd be like me referencing a certain bonfire, but I'm not going to do that because I'm one of the most original, memorable GH posters of all time, just ask Kyle Kesell.

Stop being second class, your an Aggie. It's not like your a fan of a school that pretends to be a military academy, while having lesser academics than UT......

Hate to argue, but it's:

3.Kyle Kessell

Quality academic smack talk. Kudos.

Yeah, autocorrect or whatever. That's the best you can do? If the education at the U sucks, please expand for everyone here as to how bad it is. Although, in fairness I may have not done as well in English class, as was excelling in my Building a Bonfire 101 course.

Seriously, come up with something that isn't overused. Faking death and bad grammar on a message board (everyone here has made grammatical mistakes) are easy. Try harder.

No Parski???

I never thought I'd say this but I'd rather have parski.

It's a bit ironic Doc would post this seeing how some GH's were worried about him after going AWOL for a few days. KL could go missing for weeks/months/years and no would say anything for fear that someone would inform the authorities and send out a search party.

I never thought I'd say this but I'd rather have parski.

It's a bit ironic Doc would post this seeing how some GH's were worried about him after going AWOL for a few days. KL could go missing for weeks/months/years and no would say anything for fear that someone would inform the authorities and send out a search party.

Out of curiosity, why is it that you want to keep discussing me? Let's face it, if we both stopped posting here, five years from now no one would remember you. My buddies and I were gone for a few years and when we re-emerged, everyone jumped on the thread. Some liked us and some hated us, which just means that everyone cared. You? No one cares.

Out of curiosity, why is it that you want to keep discussing me? Let's face it, if we both stopped posting here, five years from now no one would remember you. My buddies and I were gone for a few years and when we re-emerged, everyone jumped on the thread. Some liked us and some hated us, which just means that everyone cared. You? No one cares.

Given your logic, you must care which is amusing because up until now I didn't think anyone cared.

Ok, so.... from someone who has no idea what this is all about, a thread about an Arkasas St player being ejected, turned into the absolute largest pissing match in all of online history. Wow... (I need popcorn)

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