Didn't realize they had to buy tickets. That's crazy. Do most schools make other bands buy tickets?
But for hotels, they're college kids. No reason you can't put three or four in each room at $100 per room.
As the other guys said, 7 buses add up. You're paying for gas (goes up with distance traveled), bus drivers' time, and I can guarantee after having taken 2 road trips with the UMMB to Nashville that they fill the buses pretty good. We DID stay 4 to a hotel room, but remember most places, particularly on game weekends, will be charging $100 or more per room, per night.
Add in the other things they need to pay for on a trip:
- Food: Usually $7 a meal for each meal you're gone. Might be more now.
- Bottles of water for the game
- Dry cleaning of the uniforms after the trip (to save money on hotels and get home you leave after the game. Uniforms go directly in to a bag, sweat and all. The U needs to pay to have these cleaned)
- Much more....
I decided halfway through to list it out so y'all can see:
Members 320 320 band members + flags
Staff 15 Directors and people who support the band on gameday
Buses 7 57 people per bus requires 7 buses
Hotel Rooms 102 Staff get their own rooms, 4 college kids per room, pay for 7 bus drivers
Cost/Bus $1000 Rough estimate from the internet for day rental of bus crossing state line
Bus Gratuity 10.00% Typical amount to tip driver
Hotel Room Cost $140 Priced out some hotel rooms on game weekend in B1G country
Meal Cost $7.5 $7.50 per meal away from home per student/staff
Meals 4 Friday night, Sat Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Dry Cleaning per student $50 Dry Cleaning
Water/student $1 Buying water in bulk for gameday halftime/etc
Ticket Price/person $40 Being conservative here...
Mile per Gallon 6 Buses get horrible gas mileage. 6 MPG good estimate
Miles 550 Total to Madison and back
Gallons 641.67 Total gallons used
Gas $/gallon $3.5 $/gallon
Hotel Cost $14280
Food Cost $10050
Water Cost $320
Bus Cost $7700
Ticket Cost $13400
Cleaning Cost $16000
Insurance $10000
Gas $2,246
Total $73,996
Check the math (was done in excel) but you can easily see how expensive a road trip CAN get. Now, I'd also read some outrageous estimates on this board one time that a band trip would cost upwards of $100-150k. I'd also point out that if the band told me "hey we'll pay your way to an away stadium and give you lodging and a ticket in, but you need to pay for food and water" I would have ABSOLUTELY done it. Really. That's $10k right there.
For the record I'm 100% for having a donation box in the concourse as well as asking for an optional donation at ticket purchase to send the band. Also ask for a donation towards band scholarships.