Are you willing to help fund a band trip?

Will you donate to help fund a band trip?

  • Will donate over $100

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • Will donate between $50 and $99

    Votes: 10 13.0%
  • Will donate between $25 and $49

    Votes: 15 19.5%
  • Will donate less than $25

    Votes: 14 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 35 45.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
In talking to Mr. Diem, there are no funds available to schedule an annual or sem-annual band trip. The cost of a trip to Wisconsin was around $45,000 according to Mr. Diem when they priced it out a few years ago. It seems that there may be interest on GH to help make this happen. Plus the band alumni may be looking for ways to help fund a trip.

If each non-student season ticket holder donated $1 with their renewal, that in itself would generate around $30,000.

Based on the results of this poll, I will submit the information to Mr. Diem for his consideration.

Can't we just buy some candy bars or wrapping paper? ;)

It's pathetic that the band hasn't traveled to an away game in years (decades?). Move control of the band from the uptight School of Music to the Athletic Department.

Couldn't they just tack on a $2 band fee on all season tickets? With the other fees, no one would even notice...

It's pathetic that the band hasn't traveled to an away game in years (decades?). Move control of the band from the uptight School of Music to the Athletic Department.

Agree. If we want to be a big time football program, little things like this have to happen.

I would do a match

$50.00 towards the away game tri $50.00 towards scholarships for the group. Would be nice to see if this could be an annual event. I only complain about visiting bands because our band does not travel. Only seems fair that the rest of the conference can send there groups and our University stays home every year, that we get to see our group travel.

Agree. If we want to be a big time football program, little things like this have to happen.
When NORTHWESTERN is beating us to the punch on the little things like this (they just moved NUMB over to the AD this past year or the year prior) you know the U is being slow.

Heck, I would drop a buck or two in the box in the concourse manned by a student dressed as a band member on gameday.

Listening to Coach Kill talk about making football relevant again, I would guess he would push for more support for the marching band and love to see the band in places like Kinnick or even NU.

In talking to Mr. Diem, there are no funds available to schedule an annual or sem-annual band trip. The cost of a trip to Wisconsin was around $45,000 according to Mr. Diem when they priced it out a few years ago. It seems that there may be interest on GH to help make this happen. Plus the band alumni may be looking for ways to help fund a trip.

If each non-student season ticket holder donated $1 with their renewal, that in itself would generate around $30,000.

Based on the results of this poll, I will submit the information to Mr. Diem for his consideration.

$45,000? Were they planning on getting a room for every single person? Even if you have to get 100 rooms at $100 a pop, that's only $10K. I know you need several buses and meals, but I don't understand how it's $45K. Drive there Friday, stay over night and then drive back the next day after the game.

How many people are there in the band? Most teams don't take their entire band on the road, right?

The fact that the Band does not attend an away game at least once a season, is asinine. I was in the Band in the early 80's and in my four years we went to Northwestern (the infamous "splash dance" show), Purdue, Michigan plus made a trip to England. How in the world can funds not be found for a trip at least every other year, especially given that Wisconsin, Michigan, MSU etc. travel frequently? It's inexcusable.

$45,000? Were they planning on getting a room for every single person? Even if you have to get 100 rooms at $100 a pop, that's only $10K. I know you need several buses and meals, but I don't understand how it's $45K. Drive there Friday, stay over night and then drive back the next day after the game.

How many people are there in the band? Most teams don't take their entire band on the road, right?

Most do, Ohio State brought most of their band last year. NDSU brought their full band. Its either that or like a 30 member pepband that fits up in the stands up in 201... Also don't forget that At least Wisconsin demands schools buy tickets for opposing team band members, so thats another $70 a pop x 300ish band members....

Most do, just wait until you see what Wisconsin brings on Saturday.

As it's been stated literally dozens of times on the board already, Wisconsin is not bringing their band this weekend.

As it's been stated literally dozens of times on the board already, Wisconsin is not bringing their band this weekend.

Just read that and was coming back in to edit my post but couldn't beat the hole's resident perfectionist ;)

$45,000? Were they planning on getting a room for every single person? Even if you have to get 100 rooms at $100 a pop, that's only $10K. I know you need several buses and meals, but I don't understand how it's $45K. Drive there Friday, stay over night and then drive back the next day after the game.

How many people are there in the band? Most teams don't take their entire band on the road, right?

Lets see.
Ticket: $60
Motel: $50
Three meals: $40
That's at least $150 a pop. Take that x 300 = $45,000. Throw in 6 or 7 buses to that cost. Even if the band size is reduced to 200 that's $30,000 plus transportation and parking.

Others can probably answer this: What is the reason why the Marching Band is NOT under the Athletic Department?

Are all the other Big Ten marching bands under their respective athletic departments?

Lets see.
Ticket: $60
Motel: $50
Three meals: $40
That's at least $150 a pop. Take that x 300 = $45,000. Throw in 6 or 7 buses to that cost. Even if the band size is reduced to 200 that's $30,000 plus transportation and parking.

Didn't realize they had to buy tickets. That's crazy. Do most schools make other bands buy tickets?

But for hotels, they're college kids. No reason you can't put three or four in each room at $100 per room.

Others can probably answer this: What is the reason why the Marching Band is NOT under the Athletic Department?

Are all the other Big Ten marching bands under their respective athletic departments?

wouldn't be surprised if they all were.

and you just know the UMMB is probably only housed under the music department instead of the athletic department simply so that a group of gray-haired administrative dopes in the school of music can keep some kind of overpaid, unneccesary, redundant "marching band oversight" job until retirement. there is probably $140K+ right there in salaries. would be more than enought to send the UMMB on multiple road trips each year.

there is absolutely no good reason, imo, why the UMMB can't be administered through the athletic department and can't travel. it is quite annoying actually as i know we have a great marching band who would represent us well on the road.

Didn't realize they had to buy tickets. That's crazy. Do most schools make other bands buy tickets?

But for hotels, they're college kids. No reason you can't put three or four in each room at $100 per room.

As the other guys said, 7 buses add up. You're paying for gas (goes up with distance traveled), bus drivers' time, and I can guarantee after having taken 2 road trips with the UMMB to Nashville that they fill the buses pretty good. We DID stay 4 to a hotel room, but remember most places, particularly on game weekends, will be charging $100 or more per room, per night.

Add in the other things they need to pay for on a trip:

- Food: Usually $7 a meal for each meal you're gone. Might be more now.
- Bottles of water for the game
- Dry cleaning of the uniforms after the trip (to save money on hotels and get home you leave after the game. Uniforms go directly in to a bag, sweat and all. The U needs to pay to have these cleaned)
- Much more....

I decided halfway through to list it out so y'all can see:

Members 320 320 band members + flags
Staff 15 Directors and people who support the band on gameday
Buses 7 57 people per bus requires 7 buses
Hotel Rooms 102 Staff get their own rooms, 4 college kids per room, pay for 7 bus drivers
Cost/Bus $1000 Rough estimate from the internet for day rental of bus crossing state line
Bus Gratuity 10.00% Typical amount to tip driver
Hotel Room Cost $140 Priced out some hotel rooms on game weekend in B1G country
Meal Cost $7.5 $7.50 per meal away from home per student/staff
Meals 4 Friday night, Sat Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Dry Cleaning per student $50 Dry Cleaning
Water/student $1 Buying water in bulk for gameday halftime/etc
Ticket Price/person $40 Being conservative here...
Mile per Gallon 6 Buses get horrible gas mileage. 6 MPG good estimate
Miles 550 Total to Madison and back
Gallons 641.67 Total gallons used
Gas $/gallon $3.5 $/gallon

Hotel Cost $14280
Food Cost $10050
Water Cost $320
Bus Cost $7700
Ticket Cost $13400
Cleaning Cost $16000
Insurance $10000
Gas $2,246

Total $73,996

Check the math (was done in excel) but you can easily see how expensive a road trip CAN get. Now, I'd also read some outrageous estimates on this board one time that a band trip would cost upwards of $100-150k. I'd also point out that if the band told me "hey we'll pay your way to an away stadium and give you lodging and a ticket in, but you need to pay for food and water" I would have ABSOLUTELY done it. Really. That's $10k right there.

For the record I'm 100% for having a donation box in the concourse as well as asking for an optional donation at ticket purchase to send the band. Also ask for a donation towards band scholarships.

Ugh message board editing. I even put in all the spaces and everything to format it. Wtf.

The AD at U of M used to actually have the Marching Band as part of budget

Somewhere after the mid 1990's the group and it's budget were transferred from the Athletic department at the U to the School of music, not by choice either, the AD did request the move from central administration. I was not part of the group but had a brother and friends in the band from 1991 to 1994. The Pride of Minnesota used to travel,(They were considerably smaller then) my brother indicated when they went to Ann Arbor, Michigan the Wolverines fan's pelted them with marshmellows that had coins in them at least the drumline as it was Homecoming. I doubt this will go anywhere because with the budget cut's at the U they are doing all they can just to hold onto staff members.
Just a mention from someone on the drumline staff, coach buses alone cost something like $30 to $35,000 dollars to rent for a group the size of the Gophers for 6-7 buses, I doubt they would stay in the motel, more than likely they would request campus temporary housing from the Opponents school and that still cost rent for one night stay, the rest of the time would be on the bus. Doubt they would budget for a lot of meals as they are pretty conservative with there spending. Bet the group would prefer fundraising for adding some new music to there library/catalog or some scholarships more than yearly travel money. I think the AD does have to pay the school of music for the use of the band at sporting events even the pep bands you see at hockey and basketball games. Would it be nice to see the Gophers travel yes, but it is kind of a luxury at this juncture.

No reason to require ticket donations for this, it's the norm at most football schools no reason an administrative change can't be made and bookkeeping can't be shifted away from other places to make it happen.
These are the type of things Kaler needs to change, it starts with throwing Maturi's worthless butt out, then coming up with obvious structural changes to better aid the growth and support of the athletics department.
No special arrangments need to be made.

No reason to require ticket donations for this, it's the norm at most football schools no reason an administrative change can't be made and bookkeeping can't be shifted away from other places to make it happen.
These are the type of things Kaler needs to change, it starts with throwing Maturi's worthless butt out, then coming up with obvious structural changes to better aid the growth and support of the athletics department.
No special arrangments need to be made.


I'm with Ole on this or, option #2, why can't the kids cough up the money themselves? Oh, these poor college students, they don't have any money. It's so sad, they can't go on a band road trip. Boo hoo, boo hoo. Criminy, for students who actually would have a tough time coming up with $100-200 for the trip, then have some car washes, or fundraisers or whatever.

But overall, if I was in charge, I'd just fire one of the 7 (seven!) Associate or Senior Associate Athletic Directors. With the money saved, you could easily afford for the band to go to all 4 B1G road FB games, and probably the non-conf game as well.

Oh, these poor college students, they don't have any money. It's so sad, they can't go on a band road trip. Boo hoo, boo hoo. Criminy, for students who actually would have a tough time coming up with $100-200 for the trip, then have some car washes, or fundraisers or whatever.

Well be the change you wish to see in the band tough guy. Tryouts are next August, so you'll have to learn an intrument if you haven't done that. Be prepared to invest 3 weeks 12 hours of day before school starts and then 20+ hours per week once school starts. The kids in the band give up jobs just to serve athletics dude! On top of that the few kids that get scholarships only pay for books and few other small things. This has to be the worst post your life. Meanwhile athletics rakes in millions off the backs of students and athletes...I think you should reconsider.

Didn't realize they had to buy tickets. That's crazy. Do most schools make other bands buy tickets?

But for hotels, they're college kids. No reason you can't put three or four in each room at $100 per room.

Kinnick and Camp Randall have very limited sideline space for a visiting band to sit or stand so getting seats is necessary. Not sure about NU or Lincoln.

Well be the change you wish to see in the band tough guy. Tryouts are next August, so you'll have to learn an intrument if you haven't done that. Be prepared to invest 3 weeks 12 hours of day before school starts and then 20+ hours per week once school starts. The kids in the band give up jobs just to serve athletics dude! On top of that the few kids that get scholarships only pay for books and few other small things.

No one forced anyone to be in the band. This "woe is me" nonsense is ridiculous.

That being said, trying to make band students themselves pay for away trips is even more ridiculous.

Maybe they should do fundraisers like selling Goldy shaped cookies and Gopher themed Christmas wreaths. I'd personally buy one of each.

I read somewhere they were invited, but turned us down in favor of playing at the Packers game. Maturi always invites them.

I read somewhere they were invited, but turned us down in favor of playing at the Packers game. Maturi always invites them.
Well, that's not what the UW Band website says:
UPDATE: Badgers @ Minnesota: Due to a last-minute change beyond our control, the UW Marching Band will not be traveling to Minneapolis for the Wisconsin/Minnesota game on Saturday, November 12. We apologize and thank you for your support.

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