Are we going to see a strong statement...


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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...from our athletic director about what MINNESOTA WANTS?

It looks like Iowa isn't afraid to make their point public...

I hope I am wrong but it seems like Maturi is coming across like "awe shucks, whatever you guys think" when it comes to divisional break downs and potential lost rivalry.

...from our athletic director about what MINNESOTA WANTS?

It looks like Iowa isn't afraid to make their point public...

I hope I am wrong but it seems like Maturi is coming across like "awe shucks, whatever you guys think" when it comes to divisional break downs and potential lost rivalry.

He's said that he has no strong opinions on the issue. This is going to affect us for a long time. His job is to look out for the interests of the University of Minnesota. You get the best results by fighting for what you want, if you must compromise, it puts you in a better position if you have a position to compromize from.

You know what I think is going on? The Big Ten is deadlocked, there's not enough support for any position to get anything approved. People are leaking things to the press to get the public to accept it, in the hopes that the holdouts will cave.

"Barta tells The Associated Press that he's told the Big Ten that Iowa wants to play the Badgers, Cornhuskers and Gophers on a regular basis, if not every year."

Not the strongest of statements, but at least he's letting it be known.

And a truly moronic statement from Delany:

"Delany told that a potential benefit of putting rivals like Michigan and Ohio State in different divisions is that the teams can play for a Rose Bowl berth in the new Big Ten championship game, which begins in 2011.

"If you split teams, whether it's Purdue and Indiana or Illinois and Northwestern or Michigan-Ohio State or Nebraska and Penn State, if you split them, they can both go [to the championship game]," Delany said. "If you don't split them, only one can go.""

Maturi should threaten to leave the Big Ten for the Big 12 if we don't get our way.

There has been a consistent pattern from Joel Maturi over his years here, he does not take strong positions. He wants the money and position, he does not want to make tough choices decisively. He equivocates under pressure (Monson, Mason, realignment).

"Barta tells The Associated Press that he's told the Big Ten that Iowa wants to play the Badgers, Cornhuskers and Gophers on a regular basis, if not every year."

Not the strongest of statements, but at least he's letting it be known.

They way I read this is, divisions are complicated but the 'protected games' are making this much more difficult. If you dump the protected games, each team would play every team(from opposite division) once every two years.-better than playing some teams every 3-5 years. Even if we were to play Iowa or Wisconsin every other year it would still be a rivalry-maybe even bigger.

This would also make a more balanced and fair schedule. If you want to win games, would you rather play OSU every year or Indiana.

What do you expect? Iowa has Bloodpunch Barta. We have Milquetoast Maturi.

Minnesota to the Big 12.....

.....hmmm......there's some

What do you want Maturi to do?

Sometimes when negotiating it's best not to lay all your cards out on the table. He knows what the fan base wants. He probably even has a study or two that shows what is best for Minnesota financially. Coming out and telling the media isn't going to get us into a division with Iowa, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.

I think he'll fight for what's best in those closed door meetings. Whether he has the clout to get it, that's a different question.

Can there be any doubt that Maturi is the commanding presence in these meetings?

Can there be any doubt that Maturi is the commanding presence in these meetings?

Ya, he should pound the table and yell, "Dammit, you had better do what Minnesota wants. After all, we've been to the Rose Bowl ... ah ... um ... er ... never mind."

Over 40 years of mediocre football ain't exactly a winning hand. Our great rivalries are pretty damn one-sided lately and nobody outside of us, Wisconsin, and Iowa really pays attention to them. National television sure as hell isn't falling all over itself to headline the Gophers. That's just the reality of it.

Maybe these guys will work together like 12 Mr. Rogers and be as kind as they can be to everyone, and we'll end up okay. Or maybe things will be determined in a pecking order primarily based on TV appeal. In that case, we're screwed and it wouldn't matter if we resurrected Bernie Bierman himself to represent Minnesota.

What do you want Maturi to do?

Sometimes when negotiating it's best not to lay all your cards out on the table. He knows what the fan base wants. He probably even has a study or two that shows what is best for Minnesota financially. Coming out and telling the media isn't going to get us into a division with Iowa, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.

I think he'll fight for what's best in those closed door meetings. Whether he has the clout to get it, that's a different question.

He wants the money. When this is over he will shed crocodile tears and take the checks to the bank. This is not about whether he can be bought or not, this is about what we get plus the money.

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