Are Iowa Fans Really This Nutso?

Kill Warrior

Jun 20, 2011
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So I am visiting with a relative over the holiday who is a HS football coach. He coachs a kid with several offers including MN. Kid tells him that his parents have received two calls from some guy claiming to be an Iowa fan, who has spent over 20 minutes on each call trashing everything about MN and the football program. Funny thing is, the kid doesn't even have an Iowa offer, but the guy tells them to be patient because it may come, but if not, not to waste his oportunity on the Gophers. Could this just be a buddy playing a joke or are people from this $%^& nuts?

If this is Pantherhawk, I am sorry but he needs real help. The multiple names on different forums, the fake facebook pages targeting recruits, and possibly calling recruits.

Why would someone call a high school kid to do this trashing, let alone twice?

There is some serious psychological problems going on here. I understand someone being passionate and then their is psychotic.

If the caller is a booster this is a major violation I think

Stalking and restraining orders come to mind. This ahole is disturbed and probably a bit dangerous. Why would a recruits or his parents even take a call like this.

hahhahahaha Pantherhawk recruits are not as dumb as you. Get real.

I'm not sure who is crazier, the caller, or the recipient who sits and listens for 20 minutes.

You would think someone on here would be savvy enough to give Pantherhawk a taste of his own medicine. Just sayin'...

So I'm on this other team's message board and they are talking about panthercock, apparently this one guy knew a girl that he stalked. Turns out one time he showed up on her doorstep and exposed himself, she said he was hung like a tic-tac. Maybe that is the root cause of all his frustration?

So I'm on this other team's message board and they are talking about panthercock, apparently this one guy knew a girl that he stalked. Turns out one time he showed up on her doorstep and exposed himself, she said he was hung like a tic-tac. Maybe that is the root cause of all his frustration?

That is too perfect if true. He reminds me of this guy Woody (seriously) who a friend of mine from H.S. met at SCSU. The guy was totally a wiener and was always harping on women. He imagined himself some sort of gentleman, but he was just a jacka$$ would get all mad when his advances were rebuffed. The last I heard of him he got a mail order bride from some Eastern bloc country, but married her there and couldn't get her into the US.

That is too perfect if true. He reminds me of this guy Woody (seriously) who a friend of mine from H.S. met at SCSU. The guy was totally a wiener and was always harping on women. He imagined himself some sort of gentleman, but he was just a jacka$$ would get all mad when his advances were rebuffed. The last I heard of him he got a mail order bride from some Eastern bloc country, but married her there and couldn't get her into the US.

I can just imagine the look on his face when the Customs official asked him "Anything to declare?"

If the caller is a booster this is a major violation I think

By NCAA definition, a booster is anyone who:

"1. Has ever been a member of any former University Athletic Department Fan Support Group,
2. Has ever made a financial contribution to the Department of Athletics or any former Athletic Fan Support Groups,
3. Is or has ever been a season ticket holder in any sport,
4. Has ever helped arrange employment for or employed a current or prospective student-athlete, or
5. Has ever been involved, in any way, in the promotion of the University's athletics program.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you become a representative of the University's athletics interest, you retain that identity indefinitely."
If this guy is calling, he's a booster. 90% are boosters. Is calling illegal? Someone else take that one.

I'm not sure who is crazier, the caller, or the recipient who sits and listens for 20 minutes.
I had this same thought when I first heard the story, as did my cousin. When he asked the kid why his parents didn't just hang up or cut him off, the answer was surprising at first before thinking about it. The kid said his mom like's the guys phone voice and his dad likes talking to him. Think about it--these are classic symtoms of a sociopath--smooth, disarming, engaging, manipulative right up to the minute they shove that ice pick into the base of your skull. Ted Bundy, anyone? Who else but someone completely lacking in conscience could just pick up the phone, call perfect strangers and delve into something personal without them slamming the phone down during the first 39 seconds? Again, I give you a complete sociopath?

Are gophmeister and i really the only ones that thinks the OP is pantherhawk playing one of his games?

My aunt

My aunt, Celine Dijon the singer, she could really cut the mustard. Anyway, she's from Iowa City.

I'd say he probably is, every post he's made fits PH.

I think people go overboard on here assuming every Iowa post/troll post is PH. My guess is OP is just a regular troll.

I wonder how long it will be before the Iowa trolls start going after Nebraska.

OP Titled: Are Iowa Fans Really This Nutso?


The opening post title is a simple "Yes" or "No" question. No over analyzation nor justification needed to answer the question.

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