APR Scores


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone know when the annual APR's are released? We lost three scholarship two years ago and finally got above the 925 minimum baseline with a 934 last year. Still, we rank near the bottom in the BT.

Aren't transfers a part of the criteria?

We all know that Coach Kill demands that his players focus on the books. Said that, I would expect that this will be a non-issue in a couple of years. Based on the scores, Mason gave lip service to academics and had lots of transfers. I think we had scores under 925 for a couple of years then didn't the Gary Russell debacle put us in the penalty and loss of scholarships? Brewster tried to beef things up but there were quiet a few transfers during his tenure.

Lets hope we maintain >925 until Coach Kill's standards of good academics kick in. I think his NIU squads ranked in the top 10 APR nationwide.

badger joel macturi has made a mockery of this apr stuff...

Be my guest Bayfield.

I believe that all APR scores except mens hoops and football have been excellent. And the last round of scores show hoops at 960 and football 935. I blame the poor scores on Mason and Monson first and foremost. They are fully responsible. The Russell deal was the main reason for the loss of two scholarships and I believe that was on Mason.

As AD, he needs to assure that all coaches keep their players in line academically. Funny that M&M are no longer around. Plus scores in those two sports have improved.

This round of scores could be interesting as I think the 09/10 academic year joins the previous three years. If I am correct, Combs, Dandridge, Rengel, Maresh, Nance, Smith, Whaley, Brock and maybe others transferred out. I can't remember if Brock was academically ineligible but I think he was.

If someone well versed in APR can comment on the process I would appreciate it.

This is a thread meant to discuss APR not another one of your hijacks to derail Maturi.

After some of the fiascos involving the academic standings of some...

If that is what you want Bayfield...

And, by the way Bayfield...some of those apr scores...

Ok Bayfield...


Bayfield has asked a very good question. He did it appropriately and honestly. Then you come along and try to highjack it with your own personal agenda. I believe this is the kind of behavior that got you banned here, at the Strib, and elsewhere. You might want to think about whether you should continue down this path.

This message is hidden because imthewalrus is on your ignore list. x2

This thread hasn't been hijacked when I read it :)

Bayfield has asked a very good question. He did it appropriately and honestly. Then you come along and try to highjack it with your own personal agenda. I believe this is the kind of behavior that got you banned here, at the Strib, and elsewhere. You might want to think about whether you should continue down this path.


This message is hidden because imthewalrus is on your ignore list. x2

This thread hasn't been hijacked when I read it :)

Wren edited his three original rants after insisting again that Maturi is to blame for everything after my initial post about APR scores and I called him out on the highjacking.

Could it be that GH staff told him to pull in his horns or its adios??

Oh Bayfield, now don't start thumping your chest and acting...

like you called me out on anything. I am the walrus...I am the wren and I will be neither called out 'nor will I ever kow-tow. I say what I think and I think what I say. However, since I read your little sentence asking me not to share my thoughts on why and how the apr stuff had been impacting Gopher Football, I could see that you are not open to anything that you don't subscribe to regarding this subject. So, since you and I go back quite a ways, once I read that little sentence, I decided that I would delete my opinion on the matter in honor of you. It is always fun to spar a bit...but...you have been a very decent sort of person to spar with. I honor the history...the tradition...and I value the opportunity to have a little lively discussion from time to time.

If you think you "called me out..." you are sadly mistaken. I just decided that I would honor your request. I think you are really a pretty darn good, long-time Golden Gopher Football Fan and I respect that a lot!

I guess you want only a certain point of view to be represented today, and I can certainly live with that.

But, I don't think GopherHole is quite so apt to merely "vote people off the island" as they once were. There was a time when some would "gang-up" on someone else and those people would turn out to be far more disruptive than any contrasting point of view. That kind of control and "company line" kind of thing tends to diminish a great web site like this one. I am a GREAT citizen on this board. I bring some passion. Yes, I do say what I think. I am not seeking approval from anyone. But, I am pretty considerate and do contribute here. Both financially and with content, free expression and a longer-term perspective history than some. We are all different...but...we do NOT all want to be the same...do we?

Obviously, I was right about the entire brewball fiasco from day one. I simply had the insight and the strength of character to stand my ground and to talk about what I could see going on based upon decades of being able to tell the difference between the hype of a gm/recruiter type vs the talk AND the walk of a REAL football coach.

So, no, Bayfield: I merely decided that if you did not want me to provide contrast, another point of view and some historical perspective to your post that I would most certainly be very happy to honor your request. I just deleted my comments and had a sneaking suspician that you would perhaps make some sort of comment so that I could reply and explain myself IN FULL... ; 0 )

At least you have been consistant over the years and I do respect what you have to say. So, it was in essence, a tribute to you Bayfield and a message that even though I don't always agree with your point of view, or what I consider to be some of your blind spots, I certainly did not wish to bother to post if you didn't want me to.

There will be other topics and other days and other opportunities... That I can assure you!

; 0 )

Lock the Doors!

Wow! The patients are now running the institution. Talk about delusion.

In an attempt to actually address Bayfield's questions with some facts, here is a link to last year's annual APR report: http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2009/428_2009_apr.pdf

Keep in mind that the reports are always a year behind so this year's report will not include anything that has happened during the current academic year. It will cover the the last 4 academic years ending in 2010 as well as give a number for the single year 2009-2010. You can get prior annual reports by changing the year that appears twice in the url. Ie. changing the 2009 that appears twice in the link above to 2008 will get you the prior year report.

Based on the dates on the reports, it appears we can expect something new in early June. Although the AD did publish some info from last year's report early in this article at GopherSports:


Not surprisingly the athletic department views their academic progress differently than Wren. I'll let 'Holers decide for themselves who they want to believe.:)

And yes, Bayfield, transfers are a part of the criteria as the total number of annual APR points possible to get is determined by multiplying the total number of scholarship players by 4. I have never seen anything to indicate transfer scholarships are excluded from this process. If someone gets a scholarship beginning in the Spring semester, I'm sure it is only multiplied by 2. Of course, I assume we all know that we lose APR points any time a scholarship player transfers out of the program.

I do not consider myself to be an expert on the APR system but I did research it quite a bit several years ago when it was new. However, since it seems to be tweaked on a regular basis I have made no significant attempt to keep up with everything. Hope this helps.


Thanks Calgoph for your input. The APR score compliation has always been a bit confusing. With the number of transfers I mentioned plus the academic issues with Brock, I was concerned that our score may slip a bit from the 934.

Mens hoops had a 960 which is a big improvement. But when does Nolen's ineligibility and recent transfers add in?

In an attempt to actually address Bayfield's questions with some facts, here is a link to last year's annual APR report: http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2009/428_2009_apr.pdf

Keep in mind that the reports are always a year behind so this year's report will not include anything that has happened during the current academic year. It will cover the the last 4 academic years ending in 2010 as well as give a number for the single year 2009-2010. You can get prior annual reports by changing the year that appears twice in the url. Ie. changing the 2009 that appears twice in the link above to 2008 will get you the prior year report.

Based on the dates on the reports, it appears we can expect something new in early June. Although the AD did publish some info from last year's report early in this article at GopherSports:


Not surprisingly the athletic department views their academic progress differently than Wren. I'll let 'Holers decide for themselves who they want to believe.:)

And yes, Bayfield, transfers are a part of the criteria as the total number of annual APR points possible to get is determined by multiplying the total number of scholarship players by 4. I have never seen anything to indicate transfer scholarships are excluded from this process. If someone gets a scholarship beginning in the Spring semester, I'm sure it is only multiplied by 2. Of course, I assume we all know that we lose APR points any time a scholarship player transfers out of the program.

I do not consider myself to be an expert on the APR system but I did research it quite a bit several years ago when it was new. However, since it seems to be tweaked on a regular basis I have made no significant attempt to keep up with everything. Hope this helps.


I will add that if a transfer remains eligible at his or her new school, it doesn't hurt as much. I am not sure of the mathematics but being ineligible at your school or at your transfer school and dropping out of school for any reason are the two big no-no's.

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