AP: Gophers coach Kill stresses program stability

Weber actually learned under 5 OCs, not 4.

It's clear this Kill guy gets it lol. Seriously though, very impressive, very structured, just loving how he's approaching all of this.

Weber actually learned under 5 OCs, not 4.

Which is absolutely ridiculous and shouldn't happen to any starting QB ever.

Yeah, but really, who's counting? I feel for Weber, he was really cheated.

Coaching at Division II and the lower tier of Division I, now known as the FCS, has given Kill a well-rounded experience. He's worked in housing and dining on campuses and been an athletics director. He's had a hand in marketing, proudly pointing visitors to the tailgating section on the Pittsburg State website that depicts a packed parking lot stemming from his time as a coordinator there.

Wouldn't mind having JK let Joel know importance of the highlighted skill - regardless of the financial implications towards athletic departments bottom line in the short term.

This has been way over sold. Peyton Manning and Tom Brady wouldn't have missed a beat in the same situation as Weber. Good quarterbacking is all about recognizing defenses, calling the right play, and finding the open receiver for pass plays. Like most QB's Weber was not good at it. He didn't think fast enough, move around in the pocket quickly enough, and throw passes to the correct receiver accurately enough. That never changed no matter who the OC was and what offensive system the Gophers were running. The best QB's can play any way you want them to play.

I agree that sometimes Weber's throws had me scratching my head. Either the bounce passes or the easy picks. However, I think Weber could have been a very good QB with consistent coaching and not having radical changes in his offense every season.

This has been way over sold. Peyton Manning and Tom Brady wouldn't have missed a beat in the same situation as Weber. Quarterbacking is about recognizing defenses, calling the right play, and finding the open receiver. Like most people Weber was not good at it. He didn't think fast enough, move around in the pocket quickly enough, and throw passes to the correct receive accurately enough. That never changed no matter who the OC was and what offensive system the Gophers were running. The best QB's can play any way you want them to play.

I agree but we have to at least factor in that with the multiple changes in system that it made it less likely for Weber to read the defense, change the play, and have the WR see the same thing and react properly. It is one thing for two players to read the same thing, it is another for them to both react accordingly. That is where Weber was hurt by continually changing schemes. He had poor reads/throws like every other QB, we just don't know how often he made the proper read and a good throw only to have the receiver make an improper read/ run an improper route. It only takes a couple of those occurrences a game to have a big impact on completion percentage.

I also think Manning had statistical dip this year considering one piece of the puzzle was almost totally new to him (receiving corps.).

This has been way over sold. Peyton Manning and Tom Brady wouldn't have missed a beat in the same situation as Weber. Good quarterbacking is all about recognizing defenses, calling the right play, and finding the open receiver for pass plays. Like most QB's Weber was not good at it. He didn't think fast enough, move around in the pocket quickly enough, and throw passes to the correct receiver accurately enough. That never changed no matter who the OC was and what offensive system the Gophers were running. The best QB's can play any way you want them to play.

Are you kidding? Maybe it's been oversold, and maybe Weber isn't any good, but you can't seriously think reading a defense, calling a play, then finding the right receiver (in the right place at the right time) on that play, isn't HEAVILY reliant on an thorough understanding of the offense you're running, the timing of routes, etc. Having to relearn that stuff every season seems to me like it would have a major impact on a quarterback's performance, regardless of caliber.

Peyton Manning...wouldn't have missed a beat in the same situation as Weber.

How could you possibly even know this? Manning's rookie season was 1998, the same year Tom Moore took over as O-Coordinator in Indy, and they have been joined at the hip since then.

How could you possibly even know this? Manning's rookie season was 1998, the same year Tom Moore took over as O-Coordinator in Indy, and they have been joined at the hip since then.

Agree ... and even if Manning didn't miss a beat as indicated in the previous post, all that proves is that he is a Hall of Fame QB and Adam Weber is not. The vast, vast majority of QB's are going to experience similar issues as Adam Weber. And I think one can say that without implying that Weber was ever destined to be the next Joe Montana.

Agree ... and even if Manning didn't miss a beat as indicated in the previous post, all that proves is that he is a Hall of Fame QB and Adam Weber is not. The vast, vast majority of QB's are going to experience similar issues as Adam Weber. And I think one can say that without implying that Weber was ever destined to be the next Joe Montana.

I am sure Go4Broke could spend the next hour or two naming QB's who don't have to blame their coaches or system for not being able to find open receivers, throwing into double and triple coverage, and passing too high or too far behind their open receivers. Pro scouts know all about what Weber had to deal with during his college career and there is only one reason he wasn't invited to the combine. Weber doesn't have pro QB skills. His arm is average at best, his accuracy is below average, he doesn't move around in the pocket very well, and he just doesn't make good decisions when he drops back to pass. If Weber didn't have Eric Decker as his primary receiver during his first three years we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

I am sure Go4Broke could spend the next hour or two naming QB's who don't blame their coach or system for not being able to find open receivers, throwing into double and triple coverage, and passing too high or behind receivers who are open. Pro scouts know all about what Weber had to deal with during his college career and there is only one reason he wasn't invited to the combine. He doesn't have pro skills. His arm is average at best, his accuracy is well below average, and he just doesn't make good decisions when he drops back to pass.

I don't necessarily disagree. I don't think he has pro skills either and you are correct in some of the flaws you note. Just sayin' that he certainly wasn't helped by the turnover x4 and I don't think Manning and Brady is a good comparison. Also, and I could be wrong on this, I don't remember Adam doing a lot of complaining about it ... when asked he's probably said it has been frustrating ... but I think its the rest of us on the internet who are doing the complaining and analyzing.

I am sure Go4Broke could spend the next hour or two naming QB's who don't have to blame their coaches or system for not being able to find open receivers, throwing into double and triple coverage, and passing too high or too far behind their open receivers. Pro scouts know all about what Weber had to deal with during his college career and there is only one reason he wasn't invited to the combine. Weber doesn't have pro QB skills. His arm is average at best, his accuracy is below average, he doesn't move around in the pocket very well, and he just doesn't make good decisions when he drops back to pass. If Weber didn't have Eric Decker as his primary receiver during his first three years we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

Most QB's are only as good as the teammates that surround them....lose a great receiver like Eric Decker and the QB will not be as good...below average O-line and the QB will suffer...average running game and the QB will suffer, poor defense and the QB will be affected...constant lack of coaching continuity and the team will suffer including the QB...Given the circumstances, I think we need to cut Adam some slack. No, he was not good enough to raise the team above all these problems...not many QB's could.

Hey broken go 4: Weber is the best darn qb we have had here in the past four years...

at least! Not only that, he ranks very high in the top all-time Big Ten QB statistics lists.

I only wish he was coming back for another year in 2011...I'd feel a lot better about the Gopher's chances on offense. We'll have to take a long, hard look at the qb's for the Gophers in 2011 to see how they will do won't we broken one. Will you be so critical and take as many cheap shots at them, who ever ends up winning the job as you have been of Weber even now after his career with the Gophers has ended???????

Personally, I wish all the qb's great luck.

Manning has basically played in the same system through out college and in the pros.

Your cheap shots at Weber are not called for.

Man, you really sound tired pope. In fact, your post has so little energy, I'd have to conclude that you must be too pooped to pope. If you are going to call yourself a pope, you had best pick up your slack.

So, just when WILL the Gophers have a qb who is any where near as good as Weber was????? Be careful if your are going to try to keep throwing your tired old stuff out there person who wants to be pope of dinkeytown.

And, another thing: Decker was darn lucky to have had Weber throwing him all those passes that he caught....darn lucky, indeed.

Oh yes, you poor, tired old pope: There is NO ONE who could write the history of last four years over. Decker and Weber were at the U of M at the same time. EVERYTHING happened the way it happened. Weber was able to stay on the field and played through his injuries. In that way, he surpassed Decker. NO player during his four years was tougher or more durable than Weber. And he had very poor offensive lines, running games and, as has been stated: he was subjected to the horribly failed brewball experiment that badger joel maturi forced upon us all.

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