Anyone hear of any rumors of night home games besides the Syracuse game?

The Prime Time Big Ten schedule has allready been announced. There won't be anymore home night games. All the rest of our home games will be 11 or 2:30

The Prime Time Big Ten schedule has allready been announced. There won't be anymore home night games. All the rest of our home games will be 11 or 2:30

Thanks for the bad news! Hopefully 2:30 for the rest.

Isn't there still a chance if ESPN wants to show one of our games? I know it's a small chance and would require us to be more competitive than expected, but there's a chance. The problem is other than Syracuse we don't have the best home schedule until Michigan and Michigan St come to town, but by then it's too late in the season for a night game. Northwestern is homecoming so no chance there which leaves us with Purdue. Say what you will about Purdue, but it's not sexy enough for a night game to the powers that be unless by some miracle we're both undefeated or only have 1 or 2 loses between us.

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