Anyone else concerned?

Go Gophers Rah

Section 238 Row 21
Nov 13, 2008
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Anyone who has paid any attention to my posts over the past several years knows that I always strive to be supportive of the team and optimistic about our future.

The one time I had a majorly bad attitude toward the athletic administrators was when Brewster was hired. I agreed that it was time to try something other than Mason, but I was not at all happy to find out that we hired a tight ends coach with no HC experience (well 1 year as a high school HC) nor any coordinator experience. it took me about a week, but I got over it and got behind Brewster.

Today, however, I am more concerned than I have ever been as a Gopher fan. If someone better than Dunbar is waiting in the wings, great! And I guess I shouldn't have been shocked to read of Roof's resignation (but I was) given that he is a native southerner and an outstanding DC - I can't blame him for going.

But the timing of both of these happening at the same time reeks to me of freefall. I have a lot of concerns that I have thus far kept to myself. But I will go ahead and air them now:
recruiting more academically at-risk players than we had in the past;
having an 11-loss season;
getting beat down by Iowa in our worst-ever conference loss;
3 conference wins in what may be the weakest Big Ten in decades;
Only 1 victory over a winning 1-A team (FAU???) in two years.

I hope I am wrong and that we are not out of control as a program. I don't think that Brewster's contract should be extended at this time. If it is, then there should be a performance clause stating that the buyout would be reduced if we don't have at least x wins in a season. I am certain that this will be my longest 8 months as a Gopher fan to wait and see what the team can do on the field in 2009.

Maybe tomorrow I will feel better about this, but tonight I am very very concerned about the future of this program.

They might not have technically been "winning" teams, but NIU went to a bowl, and Bowling Green was 6-6. Certainly much better than our nonconference schedules under Mason.

What exactly are you concerned about? I am as big of a Gopher fan as anybody, but if we are being honest with ourselves, this team has been completely irrelevant on a national scale for well over 40 years. Are you concerned that we will fall from greatness? At least there is some optimism around the program, more so than any time in the last 10 years, at least.

I feel your pain, but I'm not too concerned. Now if the new hires suck, then I'll join you, but we must wait until then. Dunbar was expected, and Roof leaving sucks, but it's not like he's jumping a sinking ship here, he's leaving to double his salary and I don't blame him. If he wanted to jump a sinking ship, Duke was it.

I have to say that I'm not...

I'm not concerned (well, not MAJORLY anyway) for a few basic reasons, first and foremost because the Gophers have more talent now than they've had in decades, plain and simple.

College FB weighs HEAVILY on recruiting and the Gophers are bringing in some major talent for the first time in eons.

I don't like the lack of continuity, particularly if the new regimes on either side of the ball make significant changes, but with the talent there, at least they've got a fighting chance.

Bottom line, the Gophers have in the neighborhood of 19 of 22 returning starters and there's more ingredients in the cupboard than they've ever had before. I'm sure they'll be fine. Depends on the level of your expectations I guess... I'm trying to keep mine in check.

The timing of things just makes it seem dire to some. I think most thought Dunbar's days were numbered and Roof did an amazing job and got a major pay raise for it. The fact that these departures were so close makes it seem more troubling, that's all

Maybe I'm over-reacting. I hope so. Only time will tell.

I don't think that Wisconsin or Iowa are superior universities to Minnesota nor do I think Madison or IC are superior cities to Minneapolis. So, I can't see a single reason why we can't have as good or better of a football team.

I hope something comes out of this coaching shakeup that will allow us to compete on that level.


These coaches are like gypsies...Obviously Dunbar was fired and Roof had no intention in staying. When people here get serious, we will hire the guys who want to stay and prove something.

I am as big of a Gopher fan as anybody, but if we are being honest with ourselves, this team has been completely irrelevant on a national scale for well over 40 years.

Bowl game wins over Arkansas, Oregon and Alabama. The 2003 team was absolutely relevant on a national scale. They underachived, but they recieved Top 15 attention all year long and finnished the season ranked.

Maybe I'm over-reacting. I hope so. Only time will tell.

I don't think that Wisconsin or Iowa are superior universities to Minnesota nor do I think Madison or IC are superior cities to Minneapolis. So, I can't see a single reason why we can't have as good or better of a football team.

I hope something comes out of this coaching shakeup that will allow us to compete on that level.

It pains me to say this, but look at the attendance differences between the Gophs, Sconsin, and Iowa? Anytime we play Iowa its basically a home game for them, even if it's at the metrodome. the following here for Gopher football is not near what it is at these other places. It makes me sick just thinkin about it. Unfortunately, the majority of Gopher football fans only come out when we are winning. Minnesota loves a winner. Maybe if the Vikes take a dive or leave the Gophs can capitalize

Here is what the media said coming in to 2007

If it makes you feel better about where we are and where we are coming from I would like to interject. I recently found a copy of the 2007 Athlon Sports College Preview and I found it an interesting preview.

First, let me just say that they seemed to speak in a derogatory manner toward the Gophers and the Mason era in general.

"Recruiting took a major slide under Mason in recent years, leaving the Gophers thin in talent at certain positions. And it's hard to know how Brewster, a rookie head coach, will handle themselves once games start."

"The Gophers showed signs this spring that their maligned defense could be better but the team will have a new quarterback and a new offense."

"Depth is a major concern [at wide receiver] now that the Gophers will operate the spread.

"Brewster expects his team to win in his first season. But the players have to grasp and execute the new systems and also avoid injuries, which could be disastrous for a team that has razor thin depth at certain positions."

Defensive Backs: "The secondary needed major changes after finishing 117th in pass defense in 2006."

The magazine went on to predict that the Gophers would win 4 games in 2007. Then we lost 3 starters from our defense including 2 from a secondary that was already 117th in the country the prior year.

It hurts to lose a defensive coordinator and have to replace an offensive coordinator in the same day but when you look at it from the perspective of where we were actually at in 2007 when Brewster came in the program is in much better shape. I don't think most people realize how bad we actually were in 2006 or 2007. The Gophers had a senior QB that played very well and actually led the entire country in turnover margin and the Gophers turned that in to a 6-7 record. That could possibly be the worst record in the history of the NCAA for a team that led the country in turnover margin. Even Mason's great run offense wasn't as good in 2006 and in many of the wins we needed Cupito to throw the ball all over the field.

Bowl game wins over Arkansas, Oregon and Alabama. The 2003 team was absolutely relevant on a national scale. They underachived, but they recieved Top 15 attention all year long and finnished the season ranked.

Yeah, and T-4 in the Big Ten. Excuse me if I'm not impressed.:rolleyes: Do you really think the national media were saying, "Watch out for those #17/20 Gophers, they're really going to make some hay next year!!"

Maybe I'm the only one, but I consider Big Ten titles (0-for-41 since 1967) and National Championships (0-for-48 since 1960) to constitute relevance. I think we can get back to that level under Brewster, something I never even considered under Mason.

Bowl game wins over Arkansas, Oregon and Alabama. The 2003 team was absolutely relevant on a national scale. They underachived, but they recieved Top 15 attention all year long and finnished the season ranked.

Those were not great teams the years we beat them. Bama had like 6 wins i think.

It pains me to say this, but look at the attendance differences between the Gophs, Sconsin, and Iowa? Anytime we play Iowa its basically a home game for them, even if it's at the metrodome. the following here for Gopher football is not near what it is at these other places. It makes me sick just thinkin about it. Unfortunately, the majority of Gopher football fans only come out when we are winning. Minnesota loves a winner. Maybe if the Vikes take a dive or leave the Gophs can capitalize

Seriously dude, open your eyes and take a look at things. This actually concerns you? First, you need to look at the environments. I've never been to a game in Madison or Iowa City, but I have been to a game at the MetroDump and can guarantee you it's better than that. Who wants to sit inside on a beautiful Saturday afternoon in early October when it's 65 and sunny? Second, we now have TCF Bank Stadium, which in case you haven't heard, is SOLD OUT for next season. Obviously there will still be some Iowa fans in attendance, but my guess is they will be few and far between. Finally, what else do people in Madison/Iowa City have to do? There is no professional teams in that town, so if you're a sports fan, you only have one option. What do we have in MN? Twins Playoffs, Timberwolves (beginning of season), the heart of the Vikings season, and the Wild (beginning of season). There are many more options of people to spread their money/attendance around at here in MN.

As far as the "Gopher Following"? I guarantee you there is a significant following, and I think you'll start to see that again next season. You can't blame people for not coming out and watching a game at the dome. I consider myself to be a big gopher fan, but I've only been to 1 game each of the last couple of years. Does that make me less of a fan than someone else who is at every game? I don't think so (although I'm sure the die-hards would say yes).

Quit worrying, the world is not ending...everything will be fine.

They underachived, but they recieved Top 15 attention all year long and finnished the season ranked.

That's saying something considering they were never ranked in the top 15 all season long...maybe when they were down 40-6 at Iowa?

Maybe it is time to step beyond 1978

It seems as though you are using the same late 60s to late 70s definition that the media types spew forth constantly. I would think that with the amount of money and exposure from most bowl games at top 20 finish at least cracks the ceiling of relevance.

To be honest - with the recent performances of Big Ten Champs and 2nd placers in the "Relevant Bowls" perhaps it is time to question whether or not that means what it used to?

Yeah, and T-4 in the Big Ten. Excuse me if I'm not impressed.:rolleyes: Do you really think the national media were saying, "Watch out for those #17/20 Gophers, they're really going to make some hay next year!!"

Maybe I'm the only one, but I consider Big Ten titles (0-for-41 since 1967) and National Championships (0-for-48 since 1960) to constitute relevance. I think we can get back to that level under Brewster, something I never even considered under Mason.

"As far as the "Gopher Following"? I guarantee you there is a significant following, and I think you'll start to see that again next season. You can't blame people for not coming out and watching a game at the dome. I consider myself to be a big gopher fan, but I've only been to 1 game each of the last couple of years. Does that make me less of a fan than someone else who is at every game? I don't think so (although I'm sure the die-hards would say yes"

right on! As a good example, some of the "best Twins fans" never go to the stadium, but they never miss a game on the radio or tv from their bed in the nursing home. The Twins celebrate these fans all the time!

That's me. I boycotted the damn dome for baseball over 20 years ago but follow the Twins. We will take a game or two when the new diamond opens. Same with Gopher hoops. I haven't been to the Barn for over a decade but follow the team on BTN. I suppose I could call myself an absent fan.

Not Gopher football however. The Vikings can have the dome. We will soon be able to enjoy football on campus like millions of other fans across the country.

Tulsa, Col State, and Toledo were all strong programs

They might not have technically been "winning" teams, but NIU went to a bowl, and Bowling Green was 6-6. Certainly much better than our nonconference schedules under Mason.

What exactly are you concerned about? I am as big of a Gopher fan as anybody, but if we are being honest with ourselves, this team has been completely irrelevant on a national scale for well over 40 years. Are you concerned that we will fall from greatness? At least there is some optimism around the program, more so than any time in the last 10 years, at least.

around the era when Mason either played or scheduled them. No one gave MN much credit for destroying those teams. The 2001 MN team that lost to Toledo was not very good.

I would think that with the amount of money and exposure from most bowl games at top 20 finish at least cracks the ceiling of relevance.

To be honest - with the recent performances of Big Ten Champs and 2nd placers in the "Relevant Bowls" perhaps it is time to question whether or not that means what it used to?

You can't be serious. To quote Herm Edwards, "You PLAY to WIN the GAME." Just because the Big Ten has been getting smoked in bowls (pun intended) the last few years, that means the Big Ten championship isn't worth striving for? Why don't you just tell the NFC teams to stop playing, because whoever wins is going to get smoked by the AFC champs anyway? What a ridiculous argument.

You can, in no way, convince me that anything less than at least contending for Big Ten titles and BCS bowls can be considered a leap to relevance. This team hasn't even *sniffed* a Big Ten championship or a BCS appearance since the BCS inception, and this during a time when Northwestern and Illinois have both played in the Rose Bowl. That is a travesty that cannot be mollycoddled away by insinuating that playing in the Sun/Insight/Motor City/ Bowl constitutes any level of increased attention and/or relevance.

7 DCs in 10 years!

That has to bother you. But I don't blame Roof for going home to the South - in fact, expected it sooner or later. Dunbar's offense never really clicked and didn't suit the talent here. He is best retired, perhaps. I hope Brew gets this situation stabilized quickly and we can bring in some people who will stay awhile and provide continuity.

Despite the six losses (due largely to injuries), "Bama was one of the top two or three run defense teams in the nation, and we ran all over them.

Those were not great teams the years we beat them. Bama had like 6 wins i think.

So what? Alabama also had 6 wins going into their bowl game last year. This year's Alabama team bennefitted from a very weak schedule and got very lucky a few times. As soon as the 2008 Alabama team played decent opponents they got crushed.

IMO, anyone who can't enjoy wins over Alabama, Arkansas and Oregon should not keep trying to fool people into beliving that they are actaully fans.

IMO, anyone who can't enjoy wins over Alabama, Arkansas and Oregon should not keep trying to fool people into beliving that they are actaully fans.

Who said anything about not enjoying those wins? I enjoy every win the Gophers get. I also am insulted by the insinuation that being a realist somehow makes me less of a fan. But I, for one, am not going to delude myself into thinking that the football program, at this time, has any significance to anyone outside the U of M community.

Who said anything about not enjoying those wins? I enjoy every win the Gophers get. I also am insulted by the insinuation that being a realist somehow makes me less of a fan. But I, for one, am not going to delude myself into thinking that the football program, at this time, has any significance to anyone outside the U of M community.

Brew keeps bringing in talent and we notch a few more wins we will.

I'm actually more concerned about our coaching stability than anything else. I think our overall talent level is improving, as we figured it would under Brewster.

But losing coaches left and right every year is making me a little nuts. This is where I'm most concerned that we'll always be in neutral. I mean how many new systems are our guys going to have learn?? Even the most talented teams would likely have problems with this on a yearly basis and we're certainly not even close to being talented enough to keep switching schemes every year or so.

We need to get a stable coaching staff right now!! And hopefully, it will be somebody who can also help our guys excel on the field. But my overall point is that if we don't get some coaches that want to stick it out, I worry that we'll never get where we want to be. :mad:

That's saying something considering they were never ranked in the top 15 all season long...maybe when they were down 40-6 at Iowa?

What I said had absolutely nothing to do with rankings. The AP rankings are garbage. It's impossible to understand the game if you pay too much attention to "who's ranked what." The AP poll is basically just a list sorted by overall records.

The Gophers were #15 in's Power Rankings, #17 in the AP, #16 in the USA Today ... finnished at #17. But I said they got Top 15 attention all year.

In 2003, The Big Ten was very easily the toughest conference in the country. None of this back and forth debate like we have today. Ohio State, Michigan and Iowa all finnished in the Top 10. And everyone knows that no more than 5 Big Ten teams could be ranked by virtue of the fact that they had to play these teams. The Big Ten actually had several of the best 20 teams in the country.

The three losses were particularly disapointing, each for their own reasons. But the team was definitely relevant nationally. I lived nowhere near Minnesota at the time. The national profile of Gopher Football was equal to the Vikings that season. ESPN televised almost all of the games and talked about Minnesota often. They finnshed the season by beating Oregon, who many picked as a preseason #1.

The national profile of Gopher Football was equal to the Vikings that season.

No....just, no. I don't care what anyone else says, you are absolutely dead wrong on that point. At any given time, including 2003, there are at least 10 fans/media/etc. who care about the Vikings for every 1 that feel the same about the Gophers. This is and always will be a Vikings town, unless and until they move out of town, and the same goes for any media comparisons between the two, national or otherwise. You couldn't have really believed that when you wrote it. I refuse to believe that anyone could delude themselves so thoroughly.

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