Anybody ever seen a player like Westbrook?


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
....who openly pouts out on the court?

I've never seen anything like it. On numerous occasions tonight (at least 3) I saw him jumping around as if to say "I'm open" and when he didn't get the pass, he sulked and pouted the rest of the possession. One time, after not getting a pass, he stood in the corner and never moved. You can tell by his body language how things are going, and when things are good, he's happy. It's like he's bi-polar.

It seems like at least once a game, a teammate has to talk him down from blowing up. Numerous times tonight he was barking at teammates who were trying to calm him down. Devoe was laughing at him one time as he appeared to be yelling at everyone. I don't know how Tubby puts up with it.

He's tough. He's talented. He's a gamer. I don't think we'll miss him next year.

....who openly pouts out on the court?

I've never seen anything like it. On numerous occasions tonight (at least 3) I saw him jumping around as if to say "I'm open" and when he didn't get the pass, he sulked and pouted the rest of the possession. One time, after not getting a pass, he stood in the corner and never moved. You can tell by his body language how things are going, and when things are good, he's happy. It's like he's bi-polar.

It seems like at least once a game, a teammate has to talk him down from blowing up. Numerous times tonight he was barking at teammates who were trying to calm him down. Devoe was laughing at him one time as he appeared to be yelling at everyone. I don't know how Tubby puts up with it.

He's tough. He's talented. He's a gamer. I don't think we'll miss him next year.

He's tough - disagree
He's talented - disagree
The other - agree

LW has got to be the most frustrating bb player I've seen. Seriously, I know there is talent there, but he works so hard to hide it. You just can't make a great play, then three bad ones and pretend you're helping the team. Ahhhhhhhh! I can't find the downside to him leaving and that says a lot, none of it very good.

The talent is there...the desire to work to help make his teammates better is NOT there. He will not be missed and I can't think of another past Gopher I was glad to be gone as much as this guy...I think he still thinks TEAM has an I in it. As in "I am the TEAM"

Seriously? We have chance to secure a spot in the dance and all you want to do is rip on the team's leading scorer? Get a life.

gimme a break. Have you watched evan turner..or any nba player? Everyone needs to get over this westbrook hating... Obviously not a fan favorite, but a valuable member of the team. LIKE IT OR NOT

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