Any update on the Nelson visit?

Oct 18, 2009
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He and Lee were in town this weekend, any news how it went? Also, do you think this is a package deal? Lee is a 2* and we have several other CB commits so I dont know if he fits in....

probably a package deal but Lee does have some nice offers of his own

i wonder why that is? scout never updates their rankings or players offers. rivals seems to be more on top of things

Also it is very possible that a few of the CB commits will be moved to Safety as needed. Lee and Voreen possibly.

If Nelson and Lee present themselves as a package deal I say yes in a heart beat. Keep the Skyline pipeline open and running! Lee has very solid offers, that speaks louder to me than stars.

Lee's offer list is significantly better on Rivals than Scout. Not sure what is up with that.

Still, he is 6 foot 190 with 4.4 speed.......yeah, I'm going to say that he is probably just fine for an offer.

Those two sites frequently have different lists of offers and schools interested. I prefer Rivals because they actually update things with recruits on a reasonable timetable. Scout on the other hand will often go weeks or even months before updating anything. Thus, I follow Rivals a little more closely and rely on them more.

Wait a minute

When we brought in the "Skyline 4" in 2007, Stoudermire and McKnight were both the lower rated 2 star guys (Stoudermire was upgraded to a 5.5 three star at the very end) and have gotten more PT than Cooper and Reeves. I wouldn't view Adrian Lee as any sort of consolation prize, and I highly doubt that is what the Gophers staff is thinking in having him up with Nelson.

Does anyone have any news on how this visit went and if so what both of their plans are from here on out? Just curious...

I would like to know this as well. I was down at practice yesterday and asked a few questions but never really got any answers. Watching them practice was awesome btw--very crisp and intense practice. Brew was very cordial to everyone there and the supposed rift between him and Maturi is nonsense in my mind. They were chatting like old friends at the end of practice.

I would like to know this as well. I was down at practice yesterday and asked a few questions but never really got any answers. Watching them practice was awesome btw--very crisp and intense practice. Brew was very cordial to everyone there and the supposed rift between him and Maturi is nonsense in my mind. They were chatting like old friends at the end of practice.

I would assume that 'rift' between Brewster and Maturi is nothing more than hearsay or quotes taken out of context. There are people in the media who don't like Brewster or Maturi and they openly admit it. I'm sure Maturi and Brewster have had disagreements, but I doubt that they are at such odds that they can no longer work together.

I'm sure there is some legitimacy to Maturi and Brewster having heated exchanges, but how many people have not had such a thing happen with his/her boss? One obvious difference is that these two are very public figures. But, as what happens in every day life with most professionals, the two individuals work the difference out, move on, and continue to work towards productivity for the betterment of team/company/organization.

Not having any inside information whatsoever, I'm sure their relationship is really not much different than any other boss/employee, with its own series of ups and downs. Theirs are just of greater interest and subject to more amateur psychoanalysis than others.

I would like both of these guys a lot. If it is a package deal Brewster pulls the trigger on this in a heartbeat. Perhaps that is why Doral Willis was told to keep looking?

I agree that guys like Reusse and Souhan, who have openly insulted Brewster and admitted their dislike for him, tend to blow things out of proportion and stir up controversy. They will twist facts or drop vague rumors or embellish for the sake of supporting their opinions.

Maturi says he and Brewster get along fine. And that Brewster is his coach for his contract!!

tell me again why fat pat and souhan have jobs?
Probably because Gopher fans have the incessant need to talk about them 24/7. Outside of 2-3 people actualy affiliated with the program, I would bet good money they (along with KFAN) get more attention and discussion on this board than anyone else. If people are so conerned with getting rid of them, they should stop paying them so much mind. You'd think the whole point of Gophers football was to either discredit or reinforce those two with the amount of attention they get on here.

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