Any Penn State FB players (or recruits) interested in MN?

Jul 13, 2012
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I see their top two in state FB recruits, Adam Breneman
and Christian Hackenberg are de-committing. Thoughts?

Minnesota and Penn St. don't compete for the same type of recruit, nor in the same geographic area.

So, despite plenty of wishful thinking, the answer is no.

Pretty sure Kevin Whaley had a Penn State offer. Maybe they'll have a spot open for him now.

I'd say their only shot is that someone wants to transfer in. it'd be a nice way for kill to balance the classes some more of "his type" of guys in the upper classes. he'd just have to find a way to get rid of some of the dead weight we already have which would be difficult.

I'd say their only shot is that someone wants to transfer in. it'd be a nice way for kill to balance the classes some more of "his type" of guys in the upper classes. he'd just have to find a way to get rid of some of the dead weight we already have which would be difficult.

I don't think PSU transfers will count against a school's scholarship limit...could have heard wrong though.

They don't count, so 25 players could transfer to one school and it's OK. I'm sure BB has His free agent vulcher squad circling Happy Valley as We type.

They don't count, so 25 players could transfer to one school and it's OK. I'm sure BB has His free agent vulcher squad circling Happy Valley as We type.

Haha. No kidding. He will take every QB on their roster LOL.

Minnesota and Penn St. don't compete for the same type of recruit, nor in the same geographic area.

So, despite plenty of wishful thinking, the answer is no.

Right, because Minnesota has never recruited the state of New Jersey, an area PSU draws a lot of players from. That is a rather broad blanket statement DP. If I recall, Mason went into New Jersey looking for players (Amir Pinnix comes to mind right away). I am sure PSU recruits Ohio too and we know Mason had a handful of players each year from Ohio.

I do agree that no current PSU players are likely to end up here however.

If the Gophs weren't in their top 5 prior to committing...very unlikely

Right, because Minnesota has never recruited the state of New Jersey, an area PSU draws a lot of players from. That is a rather broad blanket statement DP. If I recall, Mason went into New Jersey looking for players (Amir Pinnix comes to mind right away). I am sure PSU recruits Ohio too and we know Mason had a handful of players each year from Ohio.

I do agree that no current PSU players are likely to end up here however.

I said "don't". Not "didn't." How many NJ/OH players have we signed under Kill? How many under Brewster, for that matter? Possibly a handful under Brewster, since he cast his recruiting net far and wide, but not many.

EDIT: We have signed one OH player under Kill - Antonio Johnson. We signed two OH/NJ players total under Brewster - Willie Tatum and Sean Ferguson. None had any interest whatsoever from Penn St., let alone an offer.

Joe Schad ‏@schadjoe NCAA PSU Transfer Update: The NCAA is considering waiving scholarship limits for programs to which... these football student-athletes transfer, provided they reduce proportionately in the next year."

This sounds reasonable

Most PSU recruits are from PA, VA, NJ, MD, and CT. If these kids want to stay close to home, they are going to end-up at Pitt, Rutgers, WV, VTech, MD, and UVA. If you look at most of their classes, MN has very few offers to their commits (and these were pre-Kill offers). No relationships on this current Gopher staff with the PSU roster. They do get some kids from MI and OH, but not so much. Plus, I bet many of these kids may not want to be in the B1G, and have to compete against PSU under these circumstances.

Most PSU recruits are from PA, VA, NJ, MD, and CT. If these kids want to stay close to home, they are going to end-up at Pitt, Rutgers, WV, VTech, MD, and UVA. If you look at most of their classes, MN has very few offers to their commits (and these were pre-Kill offers). No relationships on this current Gopher staff with the PSU roster. They do get some kids from MI and OH, but not so much. Plus, I bet many of these kids may not want to be in the B1G, and have to compete against PSU under these circumstances.

If most were pre-Coach Kill, then it might be good to include those Coach Kill and staff made efforts for when he was at NIU. Even still, other then ones that have already decided to leave or unsigned commits, I doubt Coach Kill spends a lot of time scouring PS players. He needs more that will be available for the full ride, not a year or two.

It appears we have signed 2 Ohio players under Kill. (Antonio Johnson & John McKelvey).

I agree with you for the most part, I just think it is a tad bit of hyperbole to say "Minnesota and Penn St. don't compete for the same type of recruit, nor in the same geographic area."

There are always going to be outliers in recruiting. Sure a school like Minnnesota is going to focus on the Upper Midwest, but they are going to have to recruit in some of the same places as PSU some of the time. I am with out on "caliber of player."

How many will transfer this week? Imagine being the incoming freshman class and practice starts in 10 days with no chance at a bowl for 4 years. Happy days in Happy Valley.

How many will transfer this week? Imagine being the incoming freshman class and practice starts in 10 days with no chance at a bowl for 4 years. Happy days in Happy Valley.

Their incoming class could be decimated.

Tweet: "@schadjoe: Schools are supposed to let PSU know which of their players they're going after. And players supposed to give PSU heads up too"

Go Gophers!!

I hope that refers only to players who are committed to leaving...I would assume so.

I fear, especially with the waived scholarship limit, that the result of the PSU kids' transferring will be the rich getting richer. Could be some veritable college all-star teams put together as a result of this.

I fear, especially with the waived scholarship limit, that the result of the PSU kids' transferring will be the rich getting richer. Could be some veritable college all-star teams put together as a result of this.

It's not really waived since they come out of next years Scholarships...basically if someone loads up, they could potentially mortgage their future. Discretion is the rule of the day here for Colleges looking to capitalize on PS's problems.

Bad year for the Gophers and Badgers to have only a dozen or so spots available.

Joe Schad ‏@schadjoe NCAA PSU Transfer Update: The NCAA is considering waiving scholarship limits for programs to which... these football student-athletes transfer, provided they reduce proportionately in the next year."

This sounds reasonable

reasonable only if said program is currently under probation, scholarship reduction penalties. THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL that a school like USC or tO$U (both on probation and currently under sanctions) should be allowed to benefit in any way from these transfer rules put on penn state. that would be complete BULL$HIT in my opinion.

Tweet: "@schadjoe: Schools are supposed to let PSU know which of their players they're going after. And players supposed to give PSU heads up too"

Go Gophers!!

yeah......that will happen. doubt it.

It's not really waived since they come out of next years Scholarships...basically if someone loads up, they could potentially mortgage their future. Discretion is the rule of the day here for Colleges looking to capitalize on PS's problems.

Thanks for the clarification, but if a kid is a freshman, red-shirt freshman, or sophomore, it's almost like getting a JC transfer. I agree that my initial reaction was a bit overstated, as no one will really want to load up. My guess is the most one program would try to garner would be two or three. Of course, if you have 20+ scholarships available for next season, why not opt for someone who is more experienced?

Should be interesting at the very least.

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