Any chance

Apr 30, 2010
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Any chance Tubby would pull a Tony Dungy and get out of the game? He looks tired. He has moved the program forward from its previous standing with Monson but there has been a giant step backwards. He must have enough $$$ where he could gracefully retire and do youth development/mentoring or some other philanthropic activity.

Great guy, but I think it might be time to hand the program over.

There's always a chance, I mean none of us really has any clue as to where his head is at in regards to life and continuing to coach at the University of Minnesota or anywhere else for that matter. Hopefully the fires are still burning as brightly as ever and my hope is he'd like to stay, because I would hate to see him go out on such a sour note as this season has become.

I think there's a chance but only a slight one. As someone else posted, it would be damaging to the program. It would reinforce some people's perceptions that you can't win here without cheating. It would set us back. I'm pretty sure Tubby wants badly to get this thing going back in the right direction. But, like others have suggested, he'd do well to do some thinking and soul searching once the dust settles on this season.

Any chance Tubby would pull a Tony Dungy and get out of the game? He looks tired. He has moved the program forward from its previous standing with Monson but there has been a giant step backwards. He must have enough $$$ where he could gracefully retire and do youth development/mentoring or some other philanthropic activity.

Great guy, but I think it might be time to hand the program over.

Wouldn't Tubby have to win something lately (like a Big Ten Title) to "pull a Tony Dungy?" Also, I don't think I've ever seen/read about Dungy yelling, cursing out, denying responsibility for a loss nor tossing his players under the bus like Tubby has done.

More likely, Tubby would pull a Bobby Knight--Tubby is not a classy, respectable, mentor coach like Dungy, Tubby just plays one on TV and at the booster events.

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